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BTC Provider

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BTC Provider

To determine if OpenBit has been loaded, check window.OpenBitProvider, window.OpenBitProvider helps you make requests from Dapps to OpenBit. Simply provide the method name and any necessary parameters. For example, use getAddress to connect with OpenBit.

    const accounts = await window.OpenBitProvider.request("getAddresses");



Your application can use the getAddresses method to request a connection to the OpenBit wallet, prompting users to share their Bitcoin addresses.`

Parameters: None
       address: string, // The user’s connected wallet address

       publicKey: string, // A hex string representing the bytes of the public key of the account. You can use this to construct partially signed 
                            // Bitcoin transactions (PSBT).
       isTestnet: boolean, // The network type of the connected account: mainnet or testnet

       derivationPath: string,

       tweakedPublicKey: string,

       type: "p2tr" | "p2wpkh" | "unknow" // The address’s format,
                                                 //  if the address type returned is 'unknown,' it means the address type is not yet supported by 
                                                 // OpenBit.
Example Request
        const accounts = await window.OpenBitProvider.request("getAddresses");
Example Response
  result: {
           addresses: [
                              "address": "tb1qw5k...zewats8j3",
                              "type": "p2sh",
                              "isTestnet": true,
                              "derivationPath": "m/84'/1'/0'/0/0",
                              "publicKey": "022d8f380dc8b4b29fa...6bf08c12f400a5e5dda15",
                               "tweakedPublicKey": "2d8f380dc8b4b29fad8e471aa...26bf08c12f400a5e5dda15"
                               "address": "tb1psnaergv47c8a2xt4hr...3k4fqt7rff3",
                               "type": "p2tr",
                               "isTestnet": true,
                               "derivationPath": "m/86'/1'/0'/0/0",
                               "publicKey": "02dbd9f32c6631786803215b97...30c35a642c533ba",
                               "tweakedPublicKey": "dbd9f32c6631786803215b97a2b2b8622a12cdf339b861b2230c35a642c533ba"


You can request your user to sign a message with their OpenBit's Bitcoin addresses, by invoking the signMessage method.

    address: string, //a string representing the address to use to sign the message
    message: string //a string representing the message to be signed by the wallet
    signature: string, // a string representing the signed message. 
    address: string, // a string representing the address used for signing
    message: string //a string representing the message to be signed by the wallet
Example Request
   const result = await window.OpenBitProvider.request("signMessage", {
            message: "Hello world",
            address: "tb1qpm2duck....efgj39g6wvw6m48"
Example Response
    signature: "GylRLzywQkyg0j5L/xPtW...gDZNBMnvYwOkGUSmXMHUxrZ9xCmDT5uQ1fJQ=",
    address: "tb1qpm2duck....efgj39g6wvw6m48" ,
    message: "Hello world"


Request the signature and broadcast of a Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction (PSBT).

    psbt: string, //Hex of PSBT payload for signing
    allowedSighash ?: SignatureHash[], //Sighash types allowed for signing and finalizing inputs (defaults to type ALL)
    signAtIndex ?: number | number[], // Input index(es) that should be signed (defaults to sign all inputs)
    network : string, // Network for signing: mainnet, testnet,
    account: string, //A string representing the address to use to sign the message
    broadcast ?: boolean // Whether to broadcast upon signing (default false)
    psbt : string, //The hex encoded signed PSBT 
    txid ?: string // The transaction id as a hex-encoded string.
                   //  This is only returned if the transaction was broadcasted.
Example Request
  const result = await window.OpenBitProvider.request("signPsbt", {
              psbt: "7073627...12a34e000000",
              signAtIndex: [0],
              account: "tb1qpm2duck3g53gj7lm...fgj39g6wvw6m48",
              network: "testnet",
              broadcast: false
Example Response
    psbt: "70736274ff010071020000000...555d7cc9000000", 
    txid: "0201acfcffe78dcf2...3e6006f675284beb0" 


    account: string, // Address of account to send
    network: string, // Network for send: mainnet or testnet
    recipients: RecipientsParam[] // Array of amounts to transfer by recipient address

interface RecipientParams {
    address: string, // A string representing the recipient's address          
    amount: string //  string representing the amount of Bitcoin to send, denominated in satoshis (Bitcoin base unit)
   //The request will return a string that is the transaction ID as a hex-encoded string.
Example Request
const result = await window.OpenBitProvider.request("sendTransfer", {
          account:   "tb1qpm2duck3g....fgj39g6wvw6m48",
          recipients: [
              address: "tb1qw5k3jylesv....wyw0hzewats8j3,
              amount: "10000",
          network: "testnet",
Example Response