0.9.4 'Countach' maintenance release v1
0.9.4 'Countach' maintenance release v1
This maintenance release incorporates fixes that have been addressed since version 0.9.4.
Main Features added
This release re-introduces PHP 5.5 support after community requests. The new support envelope is from PHP 5.5 through to PHP 5.6.27
This release includes updates to address the following;
- When creating a Job order, OpenCATS would show incorrect contact details which are not for that company by default when creating a new job in a Company.
- Some pages would be inaccessible due to an ACL configuration issue.
- Some pages would be inaccessible due to LDAP configuration.
- The link to 'CATS Professional Version' has been removed (no longer exists)
- a bug which caused newly created tasks to have a time of 00:00hrs has been corrected (thanks @wjcheers )
Full details and links to the changed code are in the release below.
Upgrading from previous versions is supported in the following scenarios;
in all circumstances take full system backups before any upgrade
upgrade from 0.9.1a or later by the following steps.
- Check that you meet the new minimum requirements. Note that opencats 0.9.4-1 will not install unless you meet the minimum PHP requirement.
- take a full backup of the opencats SQL databases using mysqldump / built-in backup tool.
- take a full backup of your existing opencats directory using tar / built-in backup tool.
- install the new version of opencats in your existing opencats directory and follow the standard installation guidelines in the opencats documentation
- remember to choose 'upgrade the existing installation' during the installation wizard!
Minimum system requirements
PHP (Min/Max)
Please note the PHP minimum version has changed, and you MUST have the minimum supported version 5.5 or OpenCATS will not install. The maximum tested version is 5.6.27
MySQL (MariaDB etc) (Min/Max)
MariaDB tested version is 10.1.21
Full Change Log 0.9.4-2
Closed issues:
- Problem with clean installation of OpenCATS 0.9.4 version (php5.5) #264
- install wizard spelling mistake preform should be perform #285
- Job order page showing incorrect contact details? Possible Bug #289
- Undefined index: H in C:\xampp\htdocs\ats\lib\JobOrders.php on line 814 #295
- Warning: set_time_limit() has been disabled for security reasons #310
- URL to CATS Professional Account Login #316
Merged pull requests:
- php5.5 compatibility in ACL.php #266 (skrchnavy)
- Php 5.5 support #273 (skrchnavy)
- travis build fix in v0.9.4 #291 (skrchnavy)
- Fix #295 Undefined index crash #296 (skrchnavy)
- Fix two minor bugs #340 (wjcheers)
- Disable call of safe_time_limit in safe mode #311 (skrchnavy)
- amend 'cats professional login' #330 (RussH)
- change simple spelling mistake #331 (RussH)
- JobOrder fixed for proper contact #334 (skrchnavy)
- Fixed undefined index error in ACL.php #339 (skrchnavy)