Releases: opendatahub-io/data-science-pipelines-operator
This is a release comprising of multiple repos:
Version Table for components can be found here
What's Changed
- update mariadb/oauthproxy/envoy by @HumairAK in #775
- update upload-artifact in gh ci by @HumairAK in #778
- add runtime image by @HumairAK in #777
- fix: glog upgraded to 1.2.4 fixes CVE GO-2025-3372 by @dandawg in #780
- Dynamically Update SampleConfig JSON by @gmfrasca in #781
- update compatibility doc for 2.11 by @HumairAK in #783
- Revert "update compatibility doc for 2.11" by @HumairAK in #784
- Revert make-deploy overlay to use ODH:main image by @gmfrasca in #785
- Release v2.10.0 by @dsp-developers in #787
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.9.0...v2.10.0
This is a release comprising of multiple repos:
Version Table for components can be found here
What's Changed
- Update oauth-proxy version in compatiblity table for 2.8 by @jgarciao in #733
- Added retry for integration test by @hbelmiro in #737
- Use DSPA custom ca cert on MLMD and Persistence Agent clients by @hbelmiro in #736
- update apiversion for test dspas by @HumairAK in #738
- Rename to by @diegolovison in #734
- Improve documentation for tLSClientConfig by @diegolovison in #700
- update ouath/envoy img to match params in generator by @HumairAK in #741
- Bump DSPO test suite to KFP 2.10.0 by @diegolovison in #745
- Trimmed certificates before checking them by @hbelmiro in #742
- Removed comment from MLMD gRPC server config by @hbelmiro in #749
- Added logs and event collection on integration test failures by @hbelmiro in #747
- Upgrade argo images by @VaniHaripriya in #751
- How run the test suite locally by @diegolovison in #744
- chore: update dependencies by @HumairAK in #752
- Print if REGISTRY_ADDRESS is not defined by @diegolovison in #743
- Bump k8s version to 1.30 by @diegolovison in #756
- Adds the component_metadata.yaml to track KFP releases across DSP ones by @rimolive in #761
- How to debug using GoLand by @diegolovison in #759
- Document by @diegolovison in #763
- Add mprahl to the OWNERS file by @mprahl in #766
- Add ilab kfp pipeline to the DSPO repo by @VaniHaripriya in #764
- Revert "Add ilab kfp pipeline to the DSPO repo" by @gmfrasca in #767
- Address CVE-2024-45338 by @mprahl in #770
- update compatibility doc for 2.9 by @HumairAK in #773
- Release v2.9.0 by @dsp-developers in #774
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.8.0...v2.9.0
This is a release comprising of multiple repos:
Version Table for components can be found here
What's Changed
- Release v2.4.0 by @dsp-developers in #673
- [cherry-pick] increase default expiry for signed url by @HumairAK in #677
- Release v2.5.0 by @dsp-developers in #690
- Update stable to v2.5.0 by @HumairAK in #693
- Release v2.6.0 by @dsp-developers in #706
- Update stable to v2.5.0 by @HumairAK in #710
- Cherry Pick: 2e3409 by @HumairAK in #716
- Update stable to v2.7.0 by @HumairAK in #722
- Revert "Generate params for 2.7" by @HumairAK in #724
- fix: update oauth-proxy-image and MLMD Envoy images by @jgarciao in #725
- switch dspa resource not found err to debug by @HumairAK in #727
- prevent dspa status update on a terminating dspa by @HumairAK in #729
- Chore: Remove v1 fields and reconcile logic from dspo by @HumairAK in #712
- correct pa config path by @HumairAK in #730
- update compatibility doc for 2.8 by @HumairAK in #731
- Release v2.8.0 by @dsp-developers in #732
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.7.0...v2.8.0
This is a release comprising of multiple repos:
Version Table for components can be found here
What's Changed
- remove unncessary release test gh workflow by @HumairAK in #708
- downgrade upload-artifact by @HumairAK in #709
- Replace boto3 with numpy by @diegolovison in #713
- Add support for using route or service as target endpoints in the test suite by @diegolovison in #711
- Accomodate changes for KFP 2.2 upgrade by @rimolive in #684
- Added secrets::list permissions to pipeline runner by @diegolovison in #715
- chore: Fix typos and improve grammar of by @gmfrasca in #717
- Reuse WaitFor function to ensure DSPA is ready by @diegolovison in #714
- Upgrade Argo images to v3.4.17 by @rimolive in #718
- fix: add NetworkPolicy for DSP apiserver pod self traffic by @gregsheremeta in #719
- update compatibility doc for 2.7 by @HumairAK in #720
- Release v2.7.0 by @dsp-developers in #721
Full Changelog: v2.6.0...v2.7.0
This is a release comprising of multiple repos:
What's Changed
- add kuberoot-ca to sample by @HumairAK in #691
- chore: Improved logs for tests by @hbelmiro in #695
- Removed imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent by @hbelmiro in #697
- OWNERS updates by @anishasthana in #698
- Bumped actions/upload-artifact to v4 by @hbelmiro in #701
- Move content to and target environment for testing by @diegolovison in #702
- Allow DSPO test suite be running with RHOAI by @diegolovison in #703
- Updated mariadb to serve over tls by @VaniHaripriya in #696
- Support environment variables as parameter by @diegolovison in #704
- Added support for TLS to MLMD GRPC Server by @hbelmiro in #683
- update compatibility doc for 2.6 by @HumairAK in #705
- Release v2.6.0 by @dsp-developers in #706
Full Changelog: v2.5.0...v2.6.0
This is a release comprising of multiple repos:
Version Table for components can be found here
What's Changed
- Move embedded binary and bash calls from YAML to a single script by @diegolovison in #674
- increase default expiry for signed url by @HumairAK in #676
- Consolidate kustomize binaries in DSPO Makefile by @diegolovison in #679
- add ability to customize
ConfigMap data contents by @gregsheremeta in #681 - Clarify the "DSPA not found" log message that happens when a DSPA is deleted by @gregsheremeta in #682
- Expose API Server and Envoy endpoints and add a new Envoy condition by @rimolive in #669
- add newlines between certs by @HumairAK in #685
- Added MLMD GRPC Server Network Policy by @VaniHaripriya in #686
- make mlmd grpc NP more permissive by @HumairAK in #688
- fix default envoy route behavior by @HumairAK in #687
- update compatibility doc for 2.5 by @HumairAK in #689
- Release v2.5.0 by @dsp-developers in #690
Full Changelog: v2.4.0...v2.5.0
This is a release comprising of multiple repos:
Version Table for components can be found here
What's Changed
- Fixed flaky test IntegrationTestSuite#TestPipelineSuccessfulRun by @hbelmiro in #658
- Remove odh-manifests references, minor formatting by @anishasthana in #665
- Update release documentation by @anishasthana in #666
- Add ResourceRequirments to WorkflowController by @gmfrasca in #667
- Enabled sample pipeline in DSPA samples by @hbelmiro in #668
- increase integration db resources by @HumairAK in #671
- feat: add the ability to configure artifact download link expiry by @HumairAK in #670
- (feat): add tls to api server by @HumairAK in #656
- update compatibility doc for 2.4 by @HumairAK in #672
- Release v2.4.0 by @dsp-developers in #673
New Contributors
- @anishasthana made their first contribution in #665
Full Changelog: v2.3.0...v2.4.0
This is a release comprising of multiple repos:
Version Table for components can be found here
What's Changed
- chore: remove unneeded dep for release create wf by @HumairAK in #649
- Updated metadata envoy route name by @VaniHaripriya in #650
- RHOAIENG-7423 - Updated ubi8 image by @amadhusu in #652
- FIX - Update metadata envoy service name in mlpipelines-ui deployment file by @VaniHaripriya in #653
- Added option to enable/disable envoy route by @hbelmiro in #639
- Fixed typo by @hbelmiro in #655
- Fixed the DSPA status update on reconciliation by @hbelmiro in #651
- Added routes permissions to pipeline runner by @Ygnas in #654
- RHOAIENG-1687- Add DSPO CI tests against custom pip server behind a self-signed cert by @VaniHaripriya in #634
- disable gke metadata in kfp ui by @HumairAK in #657
- update pre-commit toolchain go ver by @HumairAK in #660
- Update go toolset version to 1.21 by @DharmitD in #659
- update compatibility doc for 2.3 by @HumairAK in #661
- Release v2.3.0 by @dsp-developers in #662
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.2.0...v2.3.0
This is a release comprising of multiple repos:
Version Table for components can be found here
What's Changed
- Parameterize CABundle mountpath in dspa by @VaniHaripriya in #607
- Add oauth2-proxy in mlmd envoy proxy pod by @rimolive in #623
- Updated handling of dspa tls config by @VaniHaripriya in #620
- Update go version to 1.20 and resolve CVEs by @DharmitD in #613
- Updated description in datasciencepipelinesapplications.opendatahub.io_datasciencepipelinesapplications.yaml by @hbelmiro in #625
- chore: add gcs folder to ci exec img. by @HumairAK in #627
- RHOAIENG-5243 - Added overlays for deploying dspo and argo separately by @amadhusu in #626
- Resolve xnet package CVE-2023-45288 by @DharmitD in #629
- chore: use digests for v1 ubi images by @HumairAK in #632
- RHOAIENG-1669 - Modified the Request Size for Manager by @amadhusu in #633
- Set ScheduledWorkflow OwnerReference by @hbelmiro in #624
- RHOAIENG-4720 -Add an integration test that runs iris pipeline to completion by @VaniHaripriya in #621
- Added CustomConfig to WorkflowController by @hbelmiro in #636
- Replaced Ginkgo and Gomega with Testify in functional tests by @hbelmiro in #628
- Update integration tests to use TLS enabled DB/storage by @DharmitD in #635
- Added new Network Policy to access Mariadb from DSPO by @VaniHaripriya in #638
- Refactor ConfigMap and Secret paths for TLS enabled DB/Storage by @DharmitD in #640
- chore: refactor params.env by @HumairAK in #641
- chore: fix params generator for v2 by @HumairAK in #642
- Update release automation by @HumairAK in #643
- chore: fix target release var in release wf by @HumairAK in #644
- chore: remove image check by @HumairAK in #645
- chore: deploy mariadb nwp with mariadb by @HumairAK in #647
- Release v2.2.0 by @dsp-developers in #648
Full Changelog: v2.1.1...v2.2.0