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OpenIM H5 💬💻

OpenIM DocsOpenIM Serveropenim-sdk-wasmopenim-sdk-core

OpenIM provides an open-source Instant Messaging (IM) SDK for developers, serving as an alternative solution to cloud services like Twilio and Sendbird. With OpenIM, developers can build secure and reliable IM applications similar to WeChat, Zoom, and Slack.

This warehouse is based on the open source version of OpenIM SDK development, provides a Vue based instant messaging application. You can use this application as a reference implementation of the OpenIM SDK. This project refers to @openim/wasm-client-sdk, the Web version of the SDK for building Web applications.

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License 📄

This repository adopts the GNU Affero General Public License v3 (AGPL-3.0) with additional terms. Commercial use is not permitted. For more details, please refer to here.

Development Environment

Before you start developing, please ensure that your system has the following software installed:

  • Node.js: Version ≥ 16.x (manual installation or via nvm)
  • npm: Version ≥ 6.x (installed with Node.js)
  • Git: For version control

You also need to have the latest version of the OpenIM Server deployed. After that, you can compile this project and connect it to your own server for testing.

Runtime Environment

This application supports the following browsers and operating system versions:

Browser/OS Version Status
Chrome 78 and above


  • Chrome: It is recommended to use the latest version for the best experience.

Quick Start

Follow these steps to set up your local development environment:

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone
    cd openim-h5-demo
  2. Install dependencies

    npm install
  3. Modify the configuration

    • In the config/dev.env.ts and config/pord.env.ts file:

      If you haven't changed the default server port, simply change BASE_HOST to your server IP. If you need to set up a domain and HTTPS access, please refer to nginx configuration, use the configuration at the bottom, and modify BASE_DOMAIN to your domain name.

      const BASE_HOST = 'your-server-ip'
      const CHAT_URL = `http://${BASE_HOST}:10008`
      const API_URL = `http://${BASE_HOST}:10002`
      const WS_URL = `ws://${BASE_HOST}:10001`
      // const BASE_DOMAIN = 'your-server-domain'
      // const CHAT_URL = `http://${BASE_DOMAIN}/chat`
      // const API_URL = `http://${BASE_DOMAIN}/api`
      // const WS_URL = `ws://${BASE_DOMAIN}/msg_gateway`
  4. Run npm run dev to start the development server. Access http://localhost:3003 to view the result.

  5. Start developing and testing! 🎉

Audio/Video Calls

The open-source version supports one-to-one audio and video calls. You need to first deploy and configure the server. For multi-party audio/video calls or video conferencing, please contact us at [email protected].

Build 🚀

Web Application

  1. Run the following command to build the Web application:
    npm run build
  2. The build artifacts will be located in the dist directory.



Feature Module Feature Status
Account Features Phone number registration \ Email registration \ Verification code login
View \ Edit personal information
Multi-language settings
Change password \ Forgot password
Friend Features Find \ Apply \ Search \ Add \ Delete friends
Accept \ Reject friend requests
Friend notes
Allow friend requests or not
Friend list \ Friend data real-time syncing
Blocklist Restrict messages
Real-time syncing of blocklist
Add \ Remove from blocklist
Group Features Create \ Dismiss groups
Apply to join \ Invite to join \ Leave group \ Remove members
Group name / Avatar changes / Group data updates (notifications, real-time sync)
Invite members to group
Transfer group ownership
Group owner or admin approve join requests
Search group members
Message Features Offline messages
Roaming messages
Multi-end messages
Message history
Message deletion
Clear messages
Copy messages
Typing indicator in single chat
Do Not Disturb for new messages
Clear chat history
New members can view group chat history
New message reminders
Text messages
Image messages
Video messages
Emoji messages
File messages
Voice messages
Contact card messages
Location messages
Custom messages
Conversation Pin conversation
Mark conversation as read
Mute conversation
REST API Authentication management
User management
Relationship chain management
Group management
Conversation management
Message management
Webhook Group callbacks
Message callbacks
Push callbacks
Relationship callbacks
User callbacks
Capacity & Performance 10,000 friends
100,000-member supergroup
Second-level syncing
Cluster deployment
Multi-device kick-out strategy
Online Status No mutual kick-out across all platforms
Each platform can only log in with one device
PC, Mobile, Pad, Web, Mini Program each can log in with one device
PC not mutually kicked, only one device total for other platforms
Audio/Video Call One-to-one audio and video calls
File Storage Supports private Minio deployment
Supports public cloud services COS, OSS, Kodo, S3
Push Real-time online message push
Offline message push, supports Getui, Firebase

For more advanced features, audio/video calls, or video conferences, please contact us at [email protected].

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  1. When publishing to the web, how to solve slow WASM loading?

    Answer: Use gzip compression on the WASM file to significantly reduce the size. You can also leverage a CDN to accelerate loading.