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Compute-Node Operator

Pre Req:

  • OCP 4 installed
  • operator-sdk 1.x

Clone it

git clone
cd compute-node-operator

Create the operator

This is optional, a prebuild operator from could be used, e.g. .

Build the image, using your custom registry you have write access to

WATCH_NAMESPACE="openstack,openshift-machine-api" make docker-build IMG=<image e.g>

Push image to your registry:

podman push --authfile ~/ltomasbo-auth.json

Pre Req to run the operator

Requirement are the ConfigMap and Secret for the OpenStack client to be able to connect to the OpenStack API. This is required for the pre/post scripts during scale down operation. In the end this should be created by a control-plane operator.

Create openstackclient ConfigMap file (e.g. openstackclient-cm.yaml)

apiVersion: v1
  OS_CLOUD: default
  clouds.yaml: |
          project_name: admin
          username: admin
          user_domain_name: Default
          project_domain_name: Default
        region_name: regionOne
kind: ConfigMap
  name: openstack-config
  namespace: openstack

Create openstackclient-admin Secret which for a user with admin privileges (e.g. openstackclient-admin-secret.yaml)

apiVersion: v1
  secure.yaml: Y2xvdWRzOgogIGRlZmF1bHQ6CiAgICBhdXRoOgogICAgICBwYXNzd29yZDogZm9vYmFyMTIzCg==
kind: Secret
  name: openstack-config-secret
  namespace: openstack

Create both, ConfigMap and Secret using:

oc apply -f openstackclient-cm.yaml -f openstackclient-admin-secret.yaml

Run the operator local for dev

WATCH_NAMESPACE="openstack,openshift-machine-api" make run

Install the operator to an OCP env

The operator is intended to be deployed via OLM Operator Lifecycle Manager

If necessary check logs with

POD=`oc get pods -l name=compute-node-operator --field-selector=status.phase=Running -o name | head -1 -`; echo $POD
oc logs $POD -f

Create a compute node CR

Create custom resource for a compute node which specifies the needed information (e.g.: config/samples/compute-node_v1alpha1_computenodeopenstack.yaml):

kind: ComputeNodeOpenStack
  name: example-computenodeopenstack
  namespace: openstack
  # Add fields here
  roleName: worker-osp
  clusterName: ostest
  baseWorkerMachineSetName: ostest-worker-0
  workers: 0
  dedicated: false
  selinuxDisabled: true
    novaComputeCPUDedicatedSet: "4-7"
    novaComputeCPUSharedSet: "0-3"
    sshdPort: 2022
    nic: "enp2s0"
    bridgeMappings: ""
    mechanismDrivers: ""
    servicePlugins: ""
      devName: "test"
# needed if openshift-sdn is not running
#  infraDaemonSets:
#  - name: multus
#    namespace: openshift-multus
#  - name: node-exporter
#    namespace: openshift-monitoring
#  - name: machine-config-daemon
#    namespace: openshift-machine-config-operator
    # image which provides the openstackclient and has the osc-placement plugin installed
    # enable automatic live migration of instances in ACTIVE state
    # all other instances in different state need to be cleaned up manually
    enabled: false
  openStackClientAdminSecret: openstackclient-admin
  openStackClientConfigMap: openstackclient
  serviceAccount: compute-node

Apply the CR:

oc apply -f config/samples/compute-node_v1alpha1_computenodeopenstack.yaml

oc get pods -n openstack
NAME                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
compute-node-operator-ffd64796-vshg6   1/1     Running   0          119s

Get the generated machineconfig and machinesets

oc get machineset -n openshift-machine-api
oc get machineconfigpool
oc get machineconfig

POST steps

Add compute workers

Edit the computenodeopenstack CR:

oc -n openstack edit example-computenodeopenstack
# Modify the number of workers and exit

oc get machineset -n openshift-machine-api
# check the desired amount has been updated

Remove compute workers

There are different ways to remove a compute worker node from the OpenStack environment:

Remove a random compute worker node

Edit the computenodeopenstack CR and lower the workers number, save and exit:

oc -n openstack edit example-computenodeopenstack

OCP will choose a compute worker node to be removed. Per the deletePolicy of the compute worker machineset is set to Newest, therefore the newest compute node is expected to be removed. Depending on the status of the instances and drain configuration, manual migration/cleanup of the instances is required.

The following command will show which compute worker node got disabled to be removed.

oc get nodes

Remove a specific compute worker node

Edit the computenodeopenstack CR, lower the workers number and add a nodesToDelete section in the spec with the details of the worker node which should be removed:

oc -n openstack edit example-computenodeopenstack

Modify the number of workers and add the nodesToDelete section to the spec:

- name: <name of the compute worker node, e.g. worker-3>
  # enable disable live migration for this node. If not specified the global setting from the
  # `drain:` section is used. If not specified there, the default is `false`
  drain: true/false

Save and exit.


First delete all instances running on the OCP, then delete the operator using OLM.