Releases: opensumi/core
Releases · opensumi/core
What's Changed
What's New Features
- feat: support mcp server management by @life2015 in #4387
- feat: clientId no longer required in base language model by @life2015 in #4411
- feat: optmize file search list UI by @life2015 in #4431
- feat: support custom model id by @hacke2 in #4424
- feat: support multiple async apply by @ensorrow in #4417
- feat: add more chat report point by @ensorrow in #4416
- feat: add stop functionality to chat input and update related components by @Aaaaash in #4440
- feat: provide default apply service by @hacke2 in #4446
- feat: support SSE MCP Server and improve form style by @erha19 in #4447
- refactor: use openai-compatible to support providerOptions by @ensorrow in #4402
- refactor: refactor applyService to support apply recover by @ensorrow in #4412
Style Changes
Other Changes
- chore(release): release v3.8.0 by @Ricbet in #4405
- fix: content same will not render NES by @Ricbet in #4409
- fix: comments being collapsed when toggle editor by @hacke2 in #4408
- chore: improve auto scroll behavior by @Aaaaash in #4419
- fix: code edits default previewer discard by @Ricbet in #4423
- fix: mcp reconnect fix by @life2015 in #4426
- fix: terminal cmd add command by @Aaaaash in #4418
- fix: system prompt not working by @Aaaaash in #4429
- fix: enhance MCP Tool "search file" to handle queries with spaces by @turengege in #4422
- fix: base apply service not find provider by @Ricbet in #4425
- chore: improve chat context by @Aaaaash in #4407
- fix: register editor side widget issue by @Aaaaash in #4432
- fix: chat reporter issues by @ensorrow in #4434
- fix: issues about multiple file apply by @ensorrow in #4435
- fix: os check and i18n text by @erha19 in #4438
- fix: history generate with toolCalls by @ensorrow in #4441
- fix: attach file snippets by @Aaaaash in #4442
New Contributors
- @turengege made their first contribution in #4422
Full Changelog: v3.8.0...v3.8.1
What's Changed
What's New Features
- feat: terminal adds drag-and-drop by @lulusir in #4300
- feat: improve terminal local link parser by @erha19 in #4302
- feat: show inline input after cmd+K is triggered by @erha19 in #4309
- feat: support search path on file dialog by @erha19 in #4306
- feat: support property ThemeColor id by @quxingkai in #4298
- feat: support typing code edits source by @Ricbet in #4316
- feat: support diff & git uri preview of notebook file by @ensorrow in #4323
- feat: line-change of code edits adds change parameter by @Ricbet in #4329
- feat: add word link provider by @Aaaaash in #4327
- feat: support polling watcher by @Aaaaash in #4299
- feat: enhance file search service to handle absolute paths and update… by @Aaaaash in #4334
- feat: add styles for dialog content and update file dialog logic by @erha19 in #4337
- feat: support inline input restore by @Ricbet in #4345
- feat: improve file delete confirmation message and styling by @erha19 in #4333
- feat: support code edits keybinding by @Ricbet in #4362
- feat: support fetching preference file after editor is saved by @erha19 in #4365
- feat: support file dialog renderCustomMsg by @xujingli in #4352
- feat: improve code edits source data by @Ricbet in #4368
- feat: inline chat handler api adds selection parameter by @Ricbet in #4366
- feat: make terminal draggable by @Marckon in #4340
- feat: support copy relative path from link files by @erha19 in #4367
- feat: improve line change code edits trigger rule by @Ricbet in #4373
- refactor: upgrade monaco to 0.54.0 and support vscode.languages.registerInlineEditProvider API by @erha19 in #4359
- feat: terminal search optimization by @Marckon in #4384
- feat: support MCP server and client by @life2015 in #4335
- feat: tabbar supports React.ReactNode for description by @wangxiaojuan in #4386
- feat: send data by chunk in websocket by @bytemain in #3988
- feat: support trigger source code edits by @Ricbet in #4389
- feat: upgrade monaco core to 0.54.0-patch.2 by @erha19 in #4391
- feat: support edit_file tool by @ensorrow in #4385
- feat: add search file & content tool by @ensorrow in #4396
- feat: support chat sessions management & recover from storage by @ensorrow in #4399
- feat: add terminal command execution tool with user approval by @Aaaaash in #4398
- feat: support maxInputTokens for agent by @ensorrow in #4397
- feat: support NES render in code edits by @Ricbet in #4403
- refactor: inline chat & input and support config by @Ricbet in #4339
- refactor: inline diff data layer & render layer by @Ricbet in #4353
Style Changes
- fix: video preview style and static server by @Aaaaash in #4324
- style: improve search panel popover content style by @erha19 in #4342
- style: improve inline input decoration by @Ricbet in #4343
- style: improve hover widget style by @erha19 in #4390
Other Changes
- fix(ai-native): use path.join for wasm file paths in WasmModuleManager by @nxps in #4304
- fix: remove all unexpected errors by @erha19 in #4307
- chore: revert incorrect prop name in Modal component by @erha19 in #4311
- fix: debug toolbar is disappeared or session paused after debug session started by @erha19 in #4312
- chore: outout channel append line type by @Aaaaash in #4303
- Revert "chore: enable local worker file in development mode" by @Ricbet in #4314
- fix: debug breakpoint paused and updated current session handling by @erha19 in #4315
- docs: add codefuse ide to getting started by @hacke2 in #4321
- chore: update default vscode engine version to 1.96.2 by @bk1012 in #4320
- fix: retore files by order by @Aaaaash in #4325
- fix: add method to check if doc is ignored by @erha19 in #4341
- fix: display debug hover view with correct size config by @erha19 in #4338
- fix: interactive input handle api adds selection parameter by @Ricbet in #4346
- fix: always dispose debug unexpected widget in the end by @erha19 in #4349
- fix: watcher dispose logic by @Aaaaash in #4355
- fix: adjust default sizes for top slot and menubar height by @erha19 in #4356
- fix: add default file name handling for save dialog by @erha19 in #4357
- fix: getDefaultPath add model param by @xujingli in #4372
- fix: normalize content type by converting file extension to lowercase by @Aaaaash in #4375
- chore: update to the latest diff package by @ensorrow in #4376
- fix: notebook diff monaco upgrade issue by @ensorrow in #4379
- chore(release): release v3.7.1 by @Ricbet in #4380
- fix: tabbar supports React.ReactNode for description by @wangxiaojuan in #4388
- chore: add missing InlineEdit export by @erha19 in #4393
- chore: improve llm context by @Aaaaash in #4394
- fix: add default context prompt provider by @Aaaaash in #4395
- fix: add delay for disposing inline edit adapter to prevent rejection by @erha19 in #4400
- fix: reduce font size in chat components and update MCP tools localiz… by @Aaaaash in #4401
New Contributors
- @lulusir made their first contribution in #4300
- @xujingli made their first contribution in #4352
- @Marckon made their first contribution in #4340
Full Changelog: v3.7.1...v3.8.0
What's Changed
What's New Features
- feat: support VSCode API TreeView.badge by @zhiyudangchu in #4185
- feat: partially supported the VSCode TerminalExitReason API by @life2015 in #4195
- feat: empty implement treeview support treeItem.checkboxstate by @zhiyudangchu in #4198
- feat: remove alipay cloudrun marketplace by @bk1012 in #4200
- feat: empty impl VSCode TestCoverage API by @bk1012 in #4206
- feat: empty impl VSCode TerminalShellIntegration API by @bk1012 in #4210
- feat: fix git branch input box flashing by @bk1012 in #4190
- feat: support VSCode API: DocumentDropEdit by @bk1012 in #4213
- feat: support TestRunProfile.onDidChangeDefault by @bk1012 in #4215
- feat: support treeview treeItem.checkboxstate by @zhiyudangchu in #4214
- feat: support VSCode API: TextEditorLineNumbersStyle.Interval by @bk1012 in #4216
- feat: support VSCode API: env.onDidChangeShell by @bk1012 in #4223
- feat: support VSCode API: AuthenticationGetSessionOptions.account by @hui2334387208 in #4224
- feat: empty impl VSCode DebugThread and DebugStackFrame debug by @quxingkai in #4225
- feat: support VSCode API: createTelemetryLogger.logUsage、createTeleme… by @hui2334387208 in #4226
- feat: update vscode engine version to 1.88.1 by @bk1012 in #4199
- feat: empty impl VSCode TestRunRequest.preserveFocus API by @hui2334387208 in #4232
- feat: support VSCode API: by @quxingkai in #4233
- feat: update default extension by @bk1012 in #4246
- feat: support VSCode API: TestMessage.stackTrace by @hui2334387208 in #4247
- feat: update vscode engine to 1.94.2 by @bk1012 in #4248
- chore: update comments、language、tests extension type by @hui2334387208 in #4257
- feat: support editor action arguments by @hacke2 in #4254
- feat: improve file drop to upload ux by @erha19 in #4260
- feat: support toggle column selection by @hacke2 in #4265
- feat: design menubar toolbar actions by @Ricbet in #4268
- feat: support activeEditorIsDirty contextKey by @Aaaaash in #4276
- feat: update rc dependencies version by @quxingkai in #4288
- feat: support VSCode API: and Workspace.saveAs by @hui2334387208 in #4277
- chore: update SnippetString.appendChoice param by @hui2334387208 in #4293
- feat: improve inlineChat and inlineEditInput UX by @erha19 in #4291
- feat: Define the exported IconPath type by @quxingkai in #4297
- chore: update WebviewPortMapping and proposed type by @hui2334387208 in #4295
- refactor: run file watcher in child process by @Aaaaash in #4202
- refactor: upgrade monaco 0.53.0-dev by @Ricbet in #4227
Style Changes
- style: improve editor context menu style by @erha19 in #4261
- style: improve inline diff partial edit by @Ricbet in #4255
- style: prettify output log by @Ricbet in #4263
Other Changes
- chore(release): release v3.6.1 by @Ricbet in #4207
- fix: rename log service dispose by @winjo in #4212
- fix: update light theme by @wangxiaojuan in #4229
- fix: desing menubar order default by @winjo in #4231
- chore(deps): bump nanoid from 3.3.4 to 3.3.8 by @dependabot in #4209
- chore(release): release v3.6.2 by @Ricbet in #4239
- chore(release): release v3.6.3 by @Ricbet in #4244
- fix: pseudoterminal issue by @Aaaaash in #4242
- chore(release): release v3.6.4 by @Ricbet in #4256
- fix: debug stop render by @Ricbet in #4264
- fix: adjust the scope of the diffEditor.hideUnchangedRegions.enabled configuration to the user level by @hacke2 in #4270
- fix: fire quick pick accept after selection event by @ensorrow in #4267
- fix: intelligent completion render unusual by @Ricbet in #4280
- fix: provide default watch host by @hacke2 in #4284
- chore: enable local worker file in development mode by @Ricbet in #4273
- fix: quickopen auto focus previous active element by @hacke2 in #4272
- fix: add context check for debug mode by @erha19 in #4275
- chore: remove codeedits line change limit by @Ricbet in #4294
- fix: ai layout right tabbar render by @Ricbet in #4290
- fix: tabbar dnd invalid by @Ricbet in #4296
New Contributors
- @zhiyudangchu made their first contribution in #4185
- @hui2334387208 made their first contribution in #4224
- @quxingkai made their first contribution in #4225
Full Changelog: v3.6.4...v3.7.0
What's Changed
What's New Features
- feat: add support for VSCode API: TextEditorOptions.indentSize by @bk1012 in #4146
- feat: support VSCode API: inputBox.valueSelection by @bk1012 in #4145
- feat: add code edits perferences by @Ricbet in #4155
- feat: empty implement testing 1.84 api by @Ricbet in #4167
- feat: add notebook by @zhanba in #3945
- feat: support VSCode API: SnippetTextEdit by @bk1012 in #4154
- feat: support VSCode API: TaskPresentationOptions by @bk1012 in #4137
- feat: support VSCode API: EnvironmentVariableMutator.option by @bk1012 in #4169
- feat: empty implement VSCode proposed API: registerMultiDocumentHighlightProvider by @bk1012 in #4172
- feat:support VSCode API: GlobalEnvironmentVariableCollectoin by @bk1012 in #4171
- feat: empty implement VSCode API: DebugSessionOptions by @bk1012 in #4184
- fix: when using language pack extensions, extensions that use i10n do not load correctly by @xkaede in #4181
- feat: add notebook variable inspector panel by @ensorrow in #4186
- chore(deps): bump codecov/codecov-action from 4 to 5 by @dependabot in #4175
Other Changes
- chore(release): release v3.5.0 by @Ricbet in #4144
- fix: code edits reporter code by @Ricbet in #4153
- fix: quick pick update options by @Ricbet in #4163
- fix: use modified uri handling for diff editor by @erha19 in #4150
- fix: correct width calculation in resize component by @erha19 in #4170
- fix: support ensure save file dialog by enter keyboard event by @erha19 in #4165
- chore: revert vscode engine version by @bk1012 in #4173
- fix: right panel container view by @Ricbet in #4178
- chore(deps-dev): bump webpack-bundle-analyzer from 4.10.1 to 4.10.2 by @dependabot in #4176
- chore(deps-dev): bump @types/react-mentions from 4.1.13 to 4.4.0 by @dependabot in #4090
- chore(deps): bump cross-spawn from 6.0.5 to 6.0.6 in /tools/electron by @dependabot in #4179
- fix: when context key cause different menu bars change at same time. only one menu bar refreshed by @xkaede in #4182
- fix: restored notebook have invalid keybinding by @zhanba in #4174
- fix: terminal open link on changed cwd by @zhanba in #4188
Full Changelog: v3.5.0...v3.6.0
What's Changed
What's New Features
- chore(deps): bump express from 4.18.3 to 4.21.0 by @dependabot in #4034
- feat(inline-diff): support hide accpet widget by @bytemain in #4066
- feat(iframe): support load webview by srcdoc by @bytemain in #4071
- feat: enhance data store by @bytemain in #4081
- chore(deps-dev): bump @commitlint/cli from 19.2.2 to 19.5.0 by @dependabot in #4057
- feat(ext): support
field by @bytemain in #4092 - feat: improve ghost text render by @Ricbet in #4102
- feat: implement line change code edits api by @Ricbet in #4106
- feat: add option to render removed widget immediately by @bytemain in #4113
- feat: support VSCode API: provideDocumentRangesFormattingEdits by @bk1012 in #4116
- feat: support AuthenticationForceNewSessionOptions by @bk1012 in #4115
- feat: add code edits api reporter by @Ricbet in #4118
- feat: support AutoClosingPair by @bk1012 in #4117
- feat: support WorkspaceEditMetadata by @bk1012 in #4120
- feat: add zsh integration support by @life2015 in #4130
- feat: support QuickPickItem.iconPath by @bk1012 in #4134
- feat: Implementing an Empty Function for registerDocumentDropEditProvider and registerDocumentPasteEditProvider by @bk1012 in #4136
- feat: support MessageOptions.detail by @bk1012 in #4135
Style Changes
- style: editor tab design style by @Ricbet in #4099
- style: beautify suggest style by @Ricbet in #4101
- style: improve notice toast style by @erha19 in #4142
- style: improve notification buttons style by @erha19 in #4141
- style: improve statusbar popover style by @erha19 in #4140
Other Changes
- chore(release): release v3.4.1 by @bytemain in #4056
- fix: build error in node16 by @zhanba in #4069
- chore: update xterm imports to use @xterm/xterm package (#4036) by @nxps in #4068
- fix(inline-diff): fix error in calculating lines of code change by @bytemain in #4074
- chore: add missing ajv dep for keymaps package by @MMhunter in #4072
- chore(release): release v3.4.3 by @Ricbet in #4082
- fix: incorrect actionType in data reporting by @wangxiaojuan in #4084
- chore(ext-service): remove unused method by @bytemain in #4086
- fix(inline-diff): fix cannot listen partial accept event by @bytemain in #4088
- chore: use tiktoken instead of js-tiktoken by @Aaaaash in #4094
- chore(release): release v3.4.4 by @Ricbet in #4097
- fix: improve inline diff widget render by @Ricbet in #4100
- fix: rewrite content minimum width by @Ricbet in #4103
- fix: diff editor model not exist error by @erha19 in #4109
- chore: improve code edits source trigger by @Ricbet in #4114
- chore: add extract code utils by @Ricbet in #4123
- fix: markdown html link render error by @Ricbet in #4119
- fix: diff computer null reference errors by @Ricbet in #4125
- chore(deps): bump http-proxy-middleware from 2.0.6 to 2.0.7 by @dependabot in #4124
- chore(release): release v3.4.5 by @Ricbet in #4132
- chore(deps): bump elliptic from 6.5.7 to 6.6.0 by @dependabot in #4133
- chore(deps): bump koa from 2.15.0 to 2.15.3 by @dependabot in #4128
- fix: open recent workspace in web by @weiwen111 in #4139
- fix: tiktoken dependencies build error by @Ricbet in #4143
New Contributors
- @nxps made their first contribution in #4068
- @weiwen111 made their first contribution in #4139
Full Changelog: v3.4.5...v3.5.0