Releases: opensumi/core
Releases · opensumi/core
Release v2.15.0
23 February 2022
🎉 New Features
🐛 Bug Fixes
修复 status-bar 中 Popover 下元素的布局问题 #457 by @EAGzzyCSL
修复 tabbar 插入视图后隐藏状态丢失问题 #442 by @EAGzzyCSL
📚 Documentation Changes
💄 Style Changes
🪚 Refactors
🚀 Performance Improvements
🏗️ Build System
🧹 Chores
修复关闭终端时打印日志不完整的问题 #488 by @HadesTang
Revert "fix open with editor open if scm node no command (#426)" (#495) #495 by @hacke2
remove useless self re-export #474 by @EAGzzyCSL
OpenSumi Release v2.14.0
24 January 2022
🎉 New Features
- only bottom slot will apply
settings #227 by @lengthmin - 隐藏 bottom slot tabbar 时双击 tab 不会再隐藏整个 slot #236 by @lengthmin
- set explorerResourceIsFolder to
when right click in explorer root #286 by @lengthmin - Add terminal context menu #332 by @Aaaaash
- emit task provider registered event #331 by @Aaaaash
- Add remote opener #288 by @Aaaaash
- fire task background begin and ended event #373 by @Aaaaash
🐛 Bug Fixes
- 修复 Toolbar 按钮的 min-width 属性名 #152 by @yantze
- 去掉多余的主题 fallback 逻辑 #188 by @Aaaaash
- 修正主题 fallback 逻辑 #214 by @Aaaaash
- storage use asAccess with uri #235 by @yantze
- es editor ures failing after closing diffEditors. #251 by @MMhunter
- remove redundancy node process clean #230 by @yantze
- 修复在没有 resolveCompletionItem 的情况下补全列表的 documentation 丢失的问题 #284 by @Ricbet
- QuickOpen hide do not dispose #325 by @hacke2
- configuration contributionPoint parse error #322 by @erha19
- set correct context menu on empty view block #318 by @erha19
- locating setting id while clicking edit in settings.json #372 by @erha19
- update replace all button correctly while updating replace the value on search view #369 by @erha19
- new files on fileTree #365 by @erha19
- diff editor focus problem #376 by @MMhunter
- tabsize 配置最小值限制为 1 #375 by @Ricbet
- wrap replace button with observer on search panel #387 by @erha19
- auto position setting id when invisible #386 by @erha19
📚 Documentation Changes
- update PullRequest template #153 by @erha19
- replace tnpm as npm #173 by @erha19
- use OpenSumi theme preview image #180 by @erha19
💄 Code Style Changes
- 优化文件树渲染性能 #149 by @Aaaaash
- 优化大纲面板 treeview 渲染性能 #176 by @Aaaaash
- add less variables import #259 by @erha19
- 优化 debug 模块代码 #234 by @Ricbet
- es some hooks warning #276 by @Aaaaash
- update code style (#285) #285 by @lengthmin
💄 Style Changes
- 优化编辑器 Tab 栏图标样式 #157 by @Aaaaash
- 优化 treenode 默认样式 #215 by @Aaaaash
- clean all less variables #238 by @erha19
- add debug module less variables import #262 by @hacke2
- align filetree and menu scrollbar width #368 by @erha19
- remove border from right tabbar button #366 by @erha19
- optimize sidebar border and size style #377 by @erha19
🪚 Refactors
- 格式化 scripts 目录中的的脚本 #185 by @yantze
- 弃用 ongiWasmPath 使用 ongiWasmUri #187 by @yantze
- replace urllib #305 by @yantze
🚀 Performance Improvements
🧹 Chores
- install dependencies first (#204) #204 by @Aaaaash
- update app name on windows version #231 by @yantze
- update version in
(#242) #242 by @lengthmin - remove useless view defined #240 by @erha19
- read host from environment variable #263 by @hacke2
- 更新插件下载脚本,新增默认主题 #161 by @Aaaaash
- 使用 fork 的
,避免国内下载失败 #192 by @Aaaaash - show extension download progress #179 by @erha19
- show correct tips while running changelog script (#202) #202 by @erha19