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Command Execution via Broadcast Intent

Michael Balzer edited this page Dec 25, 2022 · 1 revision

Interactive Command Execution

  • Action code: com.openvehicles.OVMS.action.COMMAND

The results of commands sent to the App using this intent are displayed to the user, either by resuming the App and switching to the notification page if the App is currently started/paused, or by opening a dedicated system overlay window if the App is not currently started.

This intent processes commands in user syntax (as in the notifications tab), so standard text commands can be given without further encoding. It supports queueing, i.e. multiple commands can be sent at once to be executed in series. It works regardless of the background service mode and is the foundation of the new command shortcut feature (add OVMS command shortcuts to the desktop or other Apps).

Intent extras expected/supported:

Type Name Example Remarks
String vehicleid MYCAR42 optional, can be omitted with apikey
String password the_secret optional, can be omitted with apikey
String apikey pU4ZnVwWGxsWHuyeG2VZFFNNz alternative authorization key, see App options menu
String title Start charge optional, used for the result display
String command charge start optional, no command means only change the car

Commands need to be in user input syntax:

  • MMI/USSD commands: prefix *, example: *100#
  • Modem commands: prefix @, example: @ATI
  • MP MSG commands: prefix #, example: #31
  • Text commands: everything else, example: stat

Background Command Execution

  • Action code: com.openvehicles.OVMS.SendCommand

Commands sent to the App using this intent will be executed in the background, without results being shown to the user. To be able to use this, you need to enable third party command support in the App's options menu.

Type Name Example Remarks
String sel_vehicleid MYCAR42 optional, can be omitted with apikey
String sel_server_password the_secret optional, can be omitted with apikey
String apikey pU4ZnVwWGxsWHuyeG2VZFFNNz alternative authorization key, see App options menu
String msg_command 7,stat MP command syntax, e.g. 7,stat / 20,1234
String command stat User command syntax, e.g. stat / #20,1234

Note: the call changes the active vehicle as necessary. If you want to execute a command without changing the vehicle, save the previous vehicle (see update broadcast) and issue a second command to switch back.

On msg_command: the SendCommand API was built around the V2 message protocol, so you need to send commands as MP commands. See for a list. MP command code 7 passes standard text (former SMS) commands to the shell, that's what the above example shows (for V2 command STAT?).

To send a V3 shell command, simply prefix it with 7,. Example: 7,charge stop. By supplying the vehicle credentials (id & password) you're automatically in "enabled" mode, so all commands can be used.

Command Execution Result Broadcast

  • Action code: com.openvehicles.OVMS.CommandResult

To enable command result broadcasts, you need to enable third party command support in the App's options menu.

Type Name Example
String sel_server
String sel_vehicleid MYCAR42
String sel_vehicle_label Twizy
String cmd_vehicleid MYCAR42
String cmd_code 7
String cmd_error 0
String cmd_data Charge Stopped CHG: 624 (~716) Wh Full: 33 min. …
String[] cmd_result [ "7", "0", "Charge Stopped CHG: 624 (~716) Wh Full: 33 min. …" ]

Testing Broadcasts using the Activity Manager (am)

Within an adb shell, you can issue commands with the activity manager (am) tool to perform various system actions.

  • Send interactive command request:
    • am start -a com.openvehicles.OVMS.action.COMMAND -e apikey … -e command "stat"
  • Send background command request:
    • am broadcast -a com.openvehicles.OVMS.SendCommand -e apikey … -e command "stat"