Infrahub JSON Schema is the home of various JSON Schema files related to Infrahub
A JSON Schema file is a standard specification that describes the structure and validation rules for various data (YAML, JSON). It provides a way to define what a valid document should look like, including the types of values, required fields, default values, and other constraints.
Currently we maintain JSON Schema files for:
- Infrahub Schema definition file Schema file for Infrahub, usually defined in Yaml
- Infrahub Menu Schema Schema for defining menu structures in Infrahub im Yaml.
- Infrahub repository configuration file (
In most IDE it's be possible to get inline format validation of a YAML file by providing the address of a JSON Schema file at the top of the file, using the syntax below
# yaml-language-server: $schema=
version: '1.0'
# yaml-language-server: $schema=
kind: Menu
Everything under the schemas/
directory is automatically published to
to simplify the integration with external tools that requires a public URL
Generate the new schemas, using the invoke tool from the main Infrahub repository.
invoke schema.generate-jsonschema
The command will create files under ./generated that needs to be copied to the corresponding location within this repository. The latest develop.json files can be copied as is and for released versions you would name them as [release-number].json and update the symlink to latest.json for the given schema.
- Copy the schema file to schemas/infrahub/schema/[version-number].json (i.e. 0.12.0.json)
- Navigate to the
and update the symbolic link
cd schemas/infrahub/schema
ln -f -s 0.12.0.json latest.json