elpaaso sandbox ui is an Angular and spring Oauth2 security based GUI to create a sandbox space leveraging sandbox-service.
Following the UAA login screen with user consent, then the following screen displays the created sandbox space details:
Credits to spring security angular sample.
To be able to build this project, you have to update your maven settings. You can use the one provided here
mvn clean install
mvn clean install -PrunITs
Please use manifest-reference.yml as template for your CF CLI manifest file.
$ mvn package
$ cf push sanbox-ui -p target/elpaaso-sandbox-ui-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -m manifest.yml
If required, trusted Self-Signed Root CA Certificate can be added using TRUSTED_CA_CERTIFICATE env property.
Here is snippet of manifest.yml :
- name: elpaaso-sandbox-ui
- An OAuth2 identity provider (accessToken and userAuthorization)
- A Sandbox service