Orbisserver is Web Java OSGI application for data loading, process execution and data sharing, based on the Wisdom framework, OGC services and OrbisGIS libraries. The application includes a base built on the Wisdom-Framework library, a basic server, its api allowing the creation of different services and services implementing OGC standards.OrbisServer is part of the OrbisGIS platform
OrbisGIS is a java GIS application dedicated to research in GIScience. OrbisGIS is developed by the GIS group of the DECIDE team of the Lab-STICC CNRS laboratory.
The GIS group of the DECIDE team is located at :
Laboratoire Lab-STICC – CNRS UMR 6285 Equipe DECIDE UNIVERSITÉ DE BRETAGNE-SUD Institut Universitaire de Technologie de Vannes 8, Rue Montaigne - BP 561 56017 Vannes Cedex
OrbisServer is distributed under LGPL 3 license.
Copyright (C) 2017 CNRS (Lab-STICC UMR CNRS 6285)
Clone the repository and go to the root directory orbisserver
and execute :
mvn clean install
Then go to the core
directory and execute :
mvn wisdom:run
The server takes a few time to start.
Once started, you can open your browser at http://localhost:8080
The core module is the entry point of the application which include the Wisdom-Framework.
As the application is based on the Wisdom-Framework, you can find a complete
documentation on the server configuration in the wisdom documentation.
The configuration file is located at orbisserver/core/src/main/configuration/application.conf
Use these properties to configure the ports :
http.port = 8080
The HTTP port
https.port = 9090
The HTTPS port
You can use the value 0
to use a random port.
Use these properties to configure the ports:
The H2 driver class
The database location
The baseserver-api module contains all the interfaces and abstract classes for the creation of a basic web server working on the core module. The created server will be able to manage all the services based on this api.
####Creation of a service
A service is created by implementing the two classes Service
and ServiceFactory
The Service
implementation is the core of the service, it contains the main mecanism.
The ServiceFactory
implementation is aimed to create an register the service. For the service registering,
the impementation should get the BaseServer
class this way :
@Requires private BaseServer baseServer;
and then, once the service started, register it in the start method, annotated @Validate
, this way :
public void start(){
So, the application will load the bundle, start the ServiceFactory
and register the Service
making it available.
Basic server based on the BaseServer API. It contains the main route, the administration system and the service managing. The server offer the different operations from the services in a website dived in three part : Data, Process and Share. The Data part is use to manage the available data in the user workspace. The Process part which contains the operations to process the data. The Share part contains the operations to open data like cartographic representation.
Service implementing the BaseServer API and distributing WPS processes as operation. The WPS service mechanism is provided by the OrbisWPS library which includes a WPS 2.0 server, a bundle of basic scripts which are distributed as operations and a groovy api used for the script writing.
More information about the OrbisWPS can be found here.