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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Data science enthusiast

Tangerang, Indonesia

Shehzad Khan Shehzadkhan01
Data Science | Power BI | Tableau | DSA
BluArt ArtinJamalian
Hi My name is Artin, a learner and a curious Kid that at age 10 installed a virus on his father laptop on purpose to see what happens.

Ari Adhi Hermawan aridiawan
data, business, and anything in between

Yogyakarta, ID

prasR scrubScr1b
Data Analyzer


thirafi Thirapi
Aku ingin begini, aku ingin begitu, ingin ini itu nggak ada yang jadi.

in front of computer

Nho Luong nholuongut
💁Vietnam DevOps Engineer Lead🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳 🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳Vietnam Timeless Charm 🥰Enjoy Every Moment 🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳😜Good Vibes Only

DevOps and Platform Services Lead From Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam

theopenhighway theopenhighway
Tech Enthusiast | Supply Chain & Logistics | Occasionally Does Embedded System & Software Engineering Projects
Alfian Ali Murtadlo AlfianAliM
Serving Humanity while enjoying a bowl of chicken noodle! 😆
Satria Juan Carli thesatr1a
Bachelor's degree in Mathematics | Data Enthusiast | Python | Mysql | Microsoft Exel | Visualization


IqraAhmed iqradatascientist
Data Scientist |Data Scientist | Understanding Real World Problems | Processing, Cleaning, and Analysing Data | Modelling & Algorithms| Data Visualization


Tashfia Akan tashfia-shoron
Passionate about Data Analytics, Economics, and Education.

California, USA

Putu Gede Pradana Adnyana pradanaadn
Junior AI/ML Software Engineer

ex Intern @ruang-guru Bali, Indonesia

Anggun Sulis Setyawan Sulbae

Diponegoro University Semarang City

Md. Nazir Ahmed nazir021
Currently I am appointed as a Lecturer of Department of CSE at IUBAT. 2 Years of Professional Experience on JavaScript & C# | React & Node | Angular & ASP.NET.

IUBAT - International University of Business Agriculture and Technology 4 Embankment Drive Road,Sector-10, Uttara Model Town, Dhaka-1230.

Nabilascode seobbil

Sebelas Maret University

Reza Mahendra RezaMahendra21
Software Engineering

Freelance Pagar Alam

Muhammad Hibatur Akmal MHAkmal
Data Enthusiast (Analyst, Scientist, Engineer). Information System.


Rahul Shingade Rahul-shingade
Programming 💻👽


Rilo Prianoko realrilo
just a curious student
Sowrabh Manjappa sowrabh-m
Data Engineer passionate about Big Data, ML, Cloud, and SQL. MSc in Applied Data Science. I am excited to collaborate on impactful data projects!

London, UK

Fajar Andhika fandh1
learn about tech
