A Git Based Task, Note, Todo Management Tool
So what is Hydrogen? What can you do with it?
Let me explain, I create Hydrogen for my personal projects and todos, tasks, notes for everyday. There are so many options for todo and note apps, But I just got tired and frustrated, I cant find exactly what I want to work wit. My needs are:
- A tree structure list to contain my tasks or todos.
- Tasks should have child tasks, child tasks can also have child tasks.
- Task shold be as easy as possible, I dont need so many options, because everything is personal
- An easy but powerful editor for task details (markdown, wysiwyg)
- Some strategy to work with my tasks , eg scrum model
- And I can see everything in a calendar view
- Of course, should look nice and beautiful
So, I start to work out my own solution - Hydrogen! And I hope it can help you too :-) !