This branch contains working code for BSON 5.0. Nothing here is final and everything may change. BSON 5.0 does not have a release schedule yet, but will be released alongside MongoKitten 4.0.
- Better extraction API
- Move ExtendedJSON to MongoKitten
- Do not use Foundation RegularExpression
- Chained subscripts
- Generally a more simple and logical API
- Better unit tests
A native, fast BSON library for Swift, written in Swift.
BSON is parsed and generated as specified for version 1.1 of the BSON specification.
The supported method for using this library is trough the Swift Package manager, like this:
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "MyApp",
dependencies: [.Package(url: "", majorVersion: 5)]
Create Documents naturally:
var userDocument: Document = [
"username": "Joannis",
"online": true,
"age": 20,
"pi_constant": 3.14,
"profile": [
"firstName": "Joannis",
"lastName": "Orlandos"
let favouriteNumbers: Document = [1, 3, 7, 14, 21, 24, 34]
userDocument["favouriteNumbers"] = favouriteNumbers
Access values in an array like you would in Swift Arrays and values in an object like a Dictionary.
let favouriteNumber = favouriteNumbers[0]
let usernameValue = userDocument["username"]
Extract types with simplicity:
let username = String(userDocument["username"]) // "Joannis"
let isOnline = Bool(userDocument["online"]) // true
let age = Int(userDocument["age"]) // 20
let pi = Double(userDocument["pi_constant"]) // 3.14
Chain subscripts easily to find results without a hassle as shown underneath using this JSON structure (assuming this is represented in BSON):
"users": [
"username": "Joannis",
"profile": {
"firstName": "Joannis",
"lastName": "Orlandos"
"username": "Obbut",
"profile": {
"firstName": "Robbert",
"lastName": "Brandsma"
let obbutLastName = String(object["users"][1]["profile"]["lastName"]) // "Brandsma"
Check the documentation for more information.
All non-deprecated BSON 1.1 types are supported.
- Double
- String
- Document
- Array
- ObjectId
- Bool
- DateTime
- 32-bit integer
- 64-bit integer
- Null value
- Binary
- Regular Expression
- Min Key
- Max Key
- Timestamp
- Javascript Code
- Javascript Code with Scope
- Decimal128