Pandora Box v1.0.35
New Features:
10003502: Pandora Guild System
10003501: visual Solo Arena fight simulation - Premium
10003503: back to arena without update for speed show (suitable for solo simulation)
10003509: button to return to Stage selection area after finishing the stage fight instead of going to menu (good for simulation)
Bug Fixed:
10003504: fix arena avatar view overlay main menu icons
10003505: fix stage simulation stuck at the end with now reward window
10003506: upgrade Lib9c to v 130
10003512: prevent fight 2 players while refresh in arena
10003507: premium member can show top 100 arena player instead of 20
10003508: increase the accuracy of simulation, (public button X 5 , and there is X 100 for premium members)
10003510: arena refresh list now 20 instead of 40 for basic players, and 5 instead of 15 for premium
10003511: raid cooldown now 45 instead of 150 for basic players, and 15 instead of 150 for premium