Polymer element able to open insde a modal any custom element, very useful if you have to open many modals; using xenon-modal you can do it in a programatic way, avoiding to have several paper-dialog in your html code.
First, include the tag in yout html
Then you can get the component instance
const modal = document.querySelector('xenon-modal');
Instances a given custom element and opens the modal, setting the properties passed as argument.
modal.showElement('my-element', {name: 'Foo', age: 'bar'});
Closes the opened modal.
Once showElement has been called, this method returns the custom element instance inside xenon-modal
Return the current state of the modal (true or false).
### getElementProperty(propertyName)
If a custom element is created inside xenon-modal, returns the value of a given property
- --close-icon-top
- --close-icon-right
- --content-bgcolor
- --content-padding