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Merge pull request #1 from osmosis-labs/automation #3

Merge pull request #1 from osmosis-labs/automation

Merge pull request #1 from osmosis-labs/automation #3

Workflow file for this run

branches: [ "main", "v*.*.*" ]
branches: [ "main", "v*.*.*" ]
# This job deploys to prod.
# This job will do the following and deploy to job on the production trigger.
# This builds the docker image
# This then scans the docker image if you pass [docker scan]
# This will then template the kubernetes manifest with the environment variables set in the pipeline.
# After templating the manifest it will deploy it into Kubernetes.
# The pipeline will wait for the deployment to start and report that its ready 1/1
# The rolling update strategy will ensure the pod passes its health check ensuring you didn't deploy bad code and there is no outage.
# The manifest deploys both the redis deployment and the sqs container as two separate deployments.
# Then it uses ZAProxy to do an OWASP Top 10 scan passive and active attack against the end point if you pass [zap scan]
if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/main'
docker_org: "osmolabs"
docker_repo: "sqs"
app_name: "sqs"
kubernetes_namespace: "sqs"
redis_docker_image: "bitnami/redis:latest"
redis_port: "6379"
redis_user: "default"
redis_name: "article"
# initial delay is how long the health check waits before checking its active for reds.
redis_initial_delay_seconds: "10"
# period is how often the health check runs for redis.
redis_period_seconds: "10"
# specifies the number of redis pods to run for redis.
replicas: "1"
# min ready seaconds is the minimum time before the pod can report ready.
min_ready_seconds: "30"
# max unavailable is the number of unavailble pods during a rolling update. You set this to 0 so it leaves current one running.
max_unavailable: "0"
# max surge is the number of pods the manifest can search to perform a rollin gupdate.
max_surge: "2"
image_pull_secret: "sqs"
container_port: "9092"
service_port: "80"
# the initial delay of the health check for the sqs pod.
initial_delay_seconds: "30"
# how often the health check goes off for the sqs deployment.
period_seconds: "10"
#this sets debug for the container which makes it wait to start.
debug: "false"
chain_id: "osmosis-1"
node_rpc: ""
node_grpc: ""
domain_name: ""
path: "/"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
# We use this to set the environment variables for the job that we cant set at the job level.
- name: "SET:ENV:VARS"
run: |
echo "docker_tag=${GITHUB_SHA::7}" >> ${GITHUB_ENV}
echo "redis_password=${{ secrets.PROD_SQS_REDIS_PASSWORD }}" >> ${GITHUB_ENV}
echo "${{ secrets.PROD_KUBECONFIG }}" > temp_config.yaml
echo "KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/temp_config.yaml" >> ${GITHUB_ENV}
# This step checks to see if the docker tag you are pushing exists.
# If the docker image doesn't exist it will build and push it.
uses: iDevOps-io/idevops-git-actions/docker_build_check_tag_and_push@main
docker_username: "${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }}"
docker_password: "${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }}"
docker_org: "${{ env.docker_org }}"
docker_image: "${{ env.docker_repo }}"
docker_tag: "${{ env.docker_tag }}"
docker_file_location: "./"
# This is the docker image scan it will use anchore grype scanning
# This will scan the docker image for vulnerbilities if [docker scan] is in the comment.
# It will print a report in the pipeline.
if: contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[docker scan]')
uses: iDevOps-io/idevops-git-actions/execute_docker_scan_grype@main
docker_image_name: "${{ env.docker_org }}/${{ env.docker_repo }}:${{ env.docker_tag }}"
# This steap creates the namespace if it doesn't exist and then re-creates the docker pull secret incase credentials have changed.
run: |
echo "Create namespace if it doesn't exist."
kubectl create namespace ${kubernetes_namespace} || echo "Namespace Exists"
echo "Delete the image pull secret, and re-create to ensure it gets updated"
kubectl delete secret ${image_pull_secret} -n ${kubernetes_namespace} --ignore-not-found=true
kubectl create secret docker-registry ${image_pull_secret} \
--docker-server="${docker_server_url}" \
--docker-username="${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }}" \
--docker-password="${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }}" \
--namespace ${kubernetes_namespace}
# This step template replaces variables in the file with -=VAR_NAME=- syntax with environment variables that match VAR_NAME
uses: iDevOps-io/idevops-git-actions/template_replace_file@main
input_file: "manifests/deployment.yaml.template"
output_file: "manifests/deployment.yaml"
# This will apply the redis manifest and the sqs manifest after templating them.
run: |
echo "Apply the manifest and deploy the application and redis updates to the cluster"
kubectl apply -f manifests/deployment.yaml -n ${kubernetes_namespace}
# This step waits for the new deployment to return 1/1 ready status meaning it succeded for both redis and sqs.
run: |
echo "Check the rollout status of redis. This will force pipeline to wait until its serving"
kubectl rollout status deployment/${app_name}-redis -n ${kubernetes_namespace}
echo "Check the rollout status of the deployment to prevent pipeline from continuing until new release is rolled out."
kubectl rollout status deployment/${app_name} -n ${kubernetes_namespace}
# This step triggers when [zap scan] is added to the commit message.
# This will trigger an OWASP top 10 Passinve and Active attack against the endpoint using ZAProxy.
- name: "ZAProxy Scan Active/Passive OWASP TOP 10 Security"
if: contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[zap scan]')
uses: iDevOps-io/idevops-git-actions/execute_zaproxy_owasp_security_can_on_endpoint@main
web_url: "https://${{ env.domain_name }}"
# This job deploys to dev.
# This job will do the following and deploy to job on the production trigger.
# This builds the docker image
# This then scans the docker image if you pass [docker scan]
# This will then template the kubernetes manifest with the environment variables set in the pipeline.
# After templating the manifest it will deploy it into Kubernetes.
# The pipeline will wait for the deployment to start and report that its ready 1/1
# The rolling update strategy will ensure the pod passes its health check ensuring you didn't deploy bad code and there is no outage.
# The manifest deploys both the redis deployment and the sqs container as two separate deployments.
# Then it uses ZAProxy to do an OWASP Top 10 scan passive and active attack against the end point if you pass [zap scan]
if: github.ref != 'refs/heads/main'
docker_org: "osmolabs"
docker_repo: "sqs-dev"
app_name: "sqs"
kubernetes_namespace: "sqs"
redis_docker_image: "bitnami/redis:latest"
redis_port: "6379"
redis_user: "default"
redis_name: "article"
redis_initial_delay_seconds: "10"
redis_period_seconds: "10"
replicas: "1"
min_ready_seconds: "30"
max_unavailable: "0"
max_surge: "2"
image_pull_secret: "sqs"
container_port: "9092"
service_port: "80"
initial_delay_seconds: "30"
period_seconds: "10"
debug: "true"
chain_id: "osmosis-1"
node_rpc: ""
node_grpc: ""
domain_name: ""
path: "/"
docker_server_url: ""
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
# We use this to set the environment variables for the job that we cant set at the job level.
run: |
echo "docker_tag=${GITHUB_SHA::7}" >> ${GITHUB_ENV}
echo "redis_password=${{ secrets.DEV_SQS_REDIS_PASSWORD }}" >> ${GITHUB_ENV}
echo "${{ secrets.DEV_KUBECONFIG }}" > temp_config.yaml
echo "KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/temp_config.yaml" >> ${GITHUB_ENV}
# This step checks to see if the docker tag you are pushing exists.
# If the docker image doesn't exist it will build and push it.
uses: iDevOps-io/idevops-git-actions/docker_build_check_tag_and_push@main
docker_username: "${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }}"
docker_password: "${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }}"
docker_org: "${{ env.docker_org }}"
docker_image: "${{ env.docker_repo }}"
docker_tag: "${{ env.docker_tag }}"
docker_file_location: "./"
# This is the docker image scan it will use anchore grype scanning
# This will scan the docker image for vulnerbilities if [docker scan] is in the comment.
# It will print a report in the pipeline.
if: contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[docker scan]')
uses: iDevOps-io/idevops-git-actions/execute_docker_scan_grype@main
docker_image_name: "${{ env.docker_org }}/${{ env.docker_repo }}:${{ env.docker_tag }}"
# This steap creates the namespace if it doesn't exist and then re-creates the docker pull secret incase credentials have changed.
run: |
echo "Create namespace if it doesn't exist."
kubectl create namespace ${kubernetes_namespace} || echo "Namespace Exists"
echo "Delete the image pull secret, and re-create to ensure it gets updated"
kubectl delete secret ${image_pull_secret} -n ${kubernetes_namespace} --ignore-not-found=true
kubectl create secret docker-registry ${image_pull_secret} \
--docker-server="${docker_server_url}" \
--docker-username="${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }}" \
--docker-password="${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }}" \
--namespace ${kubernetes_namespace}
# This step template replaces variables in the file with -=VAR_NAME=- syntax with environment variables that match VAR_NAME
uses: iDevOps-io/idevops-git-actions/template_replace_file@main
input_file: "manifests/deployment.yaml.template"
output_file: "manifests/deployment.yaml"
# This will apply the redis manifest and the sqs manifest after templating them.
run: |
echo "Apply the manifest and deploy the application and redis updates to the cluster"
kubectl apply -f manifests/deployment.yaml -n ${kubernetes_namespace}
# This step waits for the new deployment to return 1/1 ready status meaning it succeded for both redis and sqs.
run: |
echo "Check the rollout status of redis. This will force pipeline to wait until its serving"
kubectl rollout status deployment/${app_name}-redis -n ${kubernetes_namespace}
echo "Check the rollout status of the deployment to prevent pipeline from continuing until new release is rolled out."
kubectl rollout status deployment/${app_name} -n ${kubernetes_namespace}
# This step triggers when [zap scan] is added to the commit message.
# This will trigger an OWASP top 10 Passinve and Active attack against the endpoint using ZAProxy.
- name: "ZAProxy Scan Active/Passive OWASP TOP 10 Security"
if: contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[zap scan]')
uses: iDevOps-io/idevops-git-actions/execute_zaproxy_owasp_security_can_on_endpoint@main
web_url: "https://${{ env.domain_name }}"