dutree shows a summary of the directories/files which take up the most space.
Instead of showing only the root of the files with sizes, or the details of every file, it shows only the paths taking up the most space.
Example usage:
$ dutree /srv --apparent-size
Annotated output, where only paths of >5% of the total size are shown (which is about 4GB for this dataset):
12.1 G /srv/data/audiofiles/ ^-- audiofiles contains files/dirs with a total of 12.1G but it does NOT contain a single dir or file larger than 4G. 4.3 G /srv/data/callrecordings/unmatched/ 4.5 G /srv/data/fax/ 17.5 G /srv/data/playlists/ 34.4 G /srv/data/twinfield_invoices/1/ 7.8 G /srv/data/* ^-- data contains more files/directories than shown above but those that don't total above 4G are merged into this "leftover" node. that includes everything in /twinfield_invoices/ except for the /1/ subdirectory which has its individual listing above. 32 B /srv/* ^-- only /data/ is in /srv/, but the directory itself also takes up a tiny bit of space ----- 80.6 G TOTAL (86558511658)
NOTE: The directories do not count the size of themselves, only of
their contents. This explains any discrepancies with du -sb
Library usage:
>>> from dutree import Scanner >>> scanner = Scanner('/srv') >>> tree = scanner.scan(use_apparent_size=True) >>> tree.app_size() 86558511658 >>> len(tree.get_leaves()) 7 >>> leaf0 = tree.get_leaves()[0] >>> leaf0.name() '/srv/data/audiofiles/' >>> leaf0.app_size() / (1024.0 * 1024 * 1024) 12.092280263081193
Please run the python2 and python3 tests after developing:
python2 dutree/test_dutree.py python3 dutree/test_dutree.py
- v1.8
- Add experimental feature to do scanning from a file instead of the filesystem. See commit bbebcf98 for details. Original code by Seppe Lucas.
- v1.7
- Skip /proc and /sys filesystems by default.
- Use --xdev to stay on the same filesystem.
- Uses --count-blocks by default; use --apparent-size to negate.
- v1.6
- Fix so the tests work with Python 3 as well.
- Fix grave bugs with real size. The real size calculation was wrong sometimes, it could raise assertions or the leaf count could be off.
- v1.5
- Add apparent vs. real size.
. Usenode.app_size()
instead. Get the real used size usingnode.use_size()
. Group by real used size by passinguse_apparent_size=False
. - Don't die if we cannot enter directories.
- Add apparent vs. real size.