This repository contains automation code to Ignite (bootstrap) the baseline for the whole infrastructure. In order to provision and update the infrastructure in "GitOps" automated fashion I need to have several core pieces lied down upfront:
- Vault Should hold all core variables, secrets if any, CA's, etc.
- MinIO Should host the storage for Vault Raft backups and Terraform state.
- Jenkins Jenkins instance will be used to spin up the rest of the infrastructure for Prime project development.
Execution of this repository code is manual.
This repository is just one member of the whole "Prime Suite". The other members are:
- DevEnv - My personal developer envirionment and tools
- Ignite - this repo
- Infra - Prime cluster/s where the Prime apps will be deployed.
- Prime - The Source Code of the Prime
"The Prime" is just an temporary "nickname" of the whole project.
Install the requirements from the cd ./ansible
ansible-galaxy collection install -r collections.yml -f
Run the playbook
ansible-playbook playbooks/playbook-name.yml
Run the Molecule
molecule test
or to test only specific environment:
molecule converge -- --limit PXE
If testing whole environment it can take significant time, but it will definitely be faster than doing that manualy. :)
Destroy specific environment:
molecule destroy -- --limit PXE
Sure you can run
molecule converge
as well. It will do the full "provisioning" for testing purposes.
To provision the infrastructure use from the cd ./terraform
terraform -chdir=environments/development/000base apply
terraform -chdir=environments/development/000base destroy
to destroy the particular environment.
Be sure to follow the order of the environment prefixes. 000 prefix should be provisioned first and only then 010 prefix can be provisioned. To decommision the environment use same logic but in reverse order. Destroy 010 first and then 000.
You can run single Ansible playbook role with
ansible-playbook -i environments/development playbooks/workstation.yml --tags golang --ask-vault-pass