This Project covers the following:
- PlatformService API built in .NETCore using REST API Pattern
- CommandService API built in .NETCore using REST API Pattern
- SQLServer for the PlatformService - with PersistentVolumeClaim
- InMemory database using EntityFramework for the CommandService
- NODEPORT service in K8S for local access
- Ingress Nginx for proxe reverse (API Gateway)
- ClusterIP configuration for networking (port forwarding between the 2 sevices)
- Building Synchronous messaging between services (HTTP & gRPC)
- Building Asynchronous messaging between services using an Event Bus ()
- Deploying our services to Kubernetes cluster
The 2 API are not full of features because the main goal of this project is not building a complex API, but rather deploying a microservice architecture to kubernetes.
the API runs on different Ports & hostnames between Development environment, and Production.
Sadly API Is not deployed on a public hosting service for the lack of free or developers plans that provide Clusters for free.
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