Releases: oxagast/ansvif
ansvif 1.12
This is a bugfix release to ansvif. Many things were tweaked and fixed since the last version, but no real functionality has changed. Attached are binaries for Windows x64 and Ubuntu/Debian Linux x64. It should still work on 32bit versions and Android as well, but I haven't had a change to compile it for those archs.
Happy Halloween and Happy fuzzing!
Also please mail me at [email protected] with any bugs you may find with this code.
ansvif 1.11
This release has lots of code cleanup, bug fixes, and slight improvements in speed. Some code readability has been improved. This release is known to work on Android 7.1.1 (tested on a Motorola Droid Maxx 2), Ubuntu Linux x86_64, as well as Windows 10 x86_64. Precompiled binaries are included for each of these platforms, although I don't see a reason why the current code shouldn't work on x86, or arm64, etc.
Happy fuzzing, and happy new years!
Android release
Not much of the functionality has changed, but I am making an initial Android release. The code to the android base can be found at This is just the APK, as the source code is hosted in the other separate GitHub repository.
Note that the binary for arm64 x86 and x86_64 Androids have not been tested at all, I don't have a device. Feel free to try them though, they're compiled!
ansvif 1.10
This release comes with lots of bug fixes and a couple new features added to the GTK frontend.
Enjoy and happy fuzzing!
ansvif 1.9.1
This version is a bugfix release that includes lots of error handling and fixes most of the stray ' errors.
ansvif 1.9
This release includes lots of bugfixes, a bunch of new entries in the examples folder, and compiled binaries for Windows 10, Debian/Ubuntu, and Fedora/Redhat.
Enjoy and happy fuzzing!
ansvif 1.8.1
ansvif 1.8
This release includes some touchups to the main ansvif code, better crash detection under linux, as well as our primary new feature: the frontend to ansvif. You can compile it from source with ./configure --enable-gtk or install the compiled .deb, which now also includes the examples in /usr/share/ansvif.
The frontend can be used by running ansvif_gtk. Note that the GTK+-2.0 frontend is under development at this time.
Enjoy and happy fuzzing!
ansvif 1.7
This release marks easier compiling on most modern operating systems including Windows 7, Windows 10, Linux (Redhat and Debian based distros), and OpenBSD. It may compile/work on other operating systems but has not been tested. This is mostly a source code release with lots of code cleanup, and no new features.
Binaries are attached for Fedora 25, Ubuntu/Debian, and Windows 7 through 10. All are x86_64.