A repository dedicated to a ruby gem that allows classes to skip desired validations.
Currently, the rails only enables to skip all validations via:
item.save!(validate: false)
However, sometimes what you want is just to skip one or another validation, not all of them.
With this gem, you can easily skip the validations that you want.
Add validations-skipper
to your Gemfile.
gem 'validations-skipper'
- First it is required to include the
module on the class you want to enable this feature.
require 'validations_skipper'
class ClassExample
include ActiveModel::Validations # this is not necessary if this class is a descendent of an ActiveRecord::Base
include ValidationsSkipable
validate :validation_method
def validation_method
errors.add(:column, 'An error message')
- Then you just need to assign the desired methods you want to skip on the new
object = ClassExample.new
object.skip_validations = [:validation_method]
object.save! # Here you can see the object is saved and the validation method is skipped
*This repository is maintained and developed by Victor Cordeiro Costa. For inquiries, partnerships, or support, please contact him at Oxeanbits.