GNSS Multipath Analysis Software v.1.4.0
This release includes the following changes:
- Fix bug in allocation position, azimuth and elevation angles if SP3 file is used. If no multipath estimates was possible all elevation angle become nan. This is now fixed.
- If signals have only zeros, they will be skipped completely. (speed improvement)
- Create a logger-file that logs warnings and errors.
- Fix progress compute satellite coordinates, elevation and azimuth angles (when broad nav is used)
- GLONASS FCN numbers is now read from Rinex navigation file.
- Speed improvements
- Output of readRinexNav is gathered in a dictionary
- Refactoring
- Fix the wrong index of the epoch flag in readRinex module
- Create a Pickle class for compressing, saving and reading a pickle file.
- The result file is now a compressed pickle file (compression ratio up to 30, but depends on the data)
- Wrap the reading function for RINEX nav inside a new class called RinexNav
- Add an argument for data rate in the reading routine for RINEX NAV files (to improve speed)
- Add a progress bar in the reading routine for RINEX NAV (part of the RinexNav class)
- Major improvements regarding stability, robustness, and handling different variants of RINEX observation files.