This is for on-prem servers
Here are the prerequisites for setting up Velero with Minio S3 object storage:
- Kubernetes Cluster: You need a running Kubernetes cluster (version 1.7 or later) with
installed for interacting with the cluster. Ensure the DNS server is functional within the cluster. - Minio Server VM: A separate virtual machine dedicated to running the Minio server, which will act as your S3-compatible object storage.
1* Minio Client Binary: You'll need the Minio client binary installed on the Minio server VM. 2* Velero Server: Velero server needs to be installed on the master node of your Kubernetes cluster. 3* Velero CLI: The Velero command-line interface (CLI) needs to be installed on a machine with access to the Kubernetes cluster (can be the master node itself). 4* mc (Minio Client) command-line interface is a tool for interacting with your Minio S3 object storage bucket.
Step 1: Install Minio Client Binary (on VM dedicated for Minio Server)
wget -O minio.deb
sudo dpkg -i minio.deb
Step 2: Start the Minio S3 Object Storage (on Minio Server VM)
mkdir ~/minio
minio server ~/minio --console-address :9001
The output looks something like this
$minio server ~/minio --console-address :9001
Formatting 1st pool, 1 set(s), 1 drives per set.
WARNING: Host local has more than 0 drives of set. A host failure will result in data becoming unavailable.
MinIO Object Storage Server
Copyright: 2015-2024 MinIO, Inc.
License: GNU AGPLv3 -
Version: RELEASE.2024-05-28T17-19-04Z (go1.22.3 linux/amd64)
RootUser: minioadmin
RootPass: minioadmin
RootUser: minioadmin
RootPass: minioadmin
$ mc alias set 'myminio' '' 'minioadmin' 'minioadmin'
Status: 1 Online, 0 Offline.
- Detected default credentials 'minioadmin:minioadmin', we recommend that you change these values with 'MINIO_ROOT_USER' and 'MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD' environment variables
- The standard parity is set to 0. This can lead to data loss.
In Order to access the WebUI copy and paste the WebUI in the same server where you have hosted the minio s3 bucket. And the default password are given on the screen itself which
is minioadmin both as accesskey and secretkey. Create a Bucket in the minio s3 object Storage.
Step 3: Install Velero Client (on Kubernetes Master Node)
tar -zxvf velero-v1.13.2-linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo mv velero-v1.13.2-linux-amd64/velero /usr/local/bin/
Step 4: Install Velero Server (on Kubernetes Master Node)
Before we install the Velero Server we need to create a file called minioSecret where we will enter the access-key and the secret-key of the minio s3 bucket
vi minioSecret
aws_access_key_id = <YOUR_MINIO_ACCESS_KEY>
aws_secret_access_key = <YOUR_MINIO_SECRET_KEY> #in our case the both are minioadmin
save and quit the file, then on the same directory run the below command to install velero server on our kubernetes cluster.
velero install --use-node-agent
--provider aws \
--plugins velero/velero-plugin-for-aws:latest \
--bucket prashant123 \
--secret-file minioSecret \
--use-volume-snapshots=false \
--backup-location-config region=minio,s3ForcePathStyle=true,s3Url=http://<IP address of the minio server>:9000
Step 5: Configure Velero Backup Storage Location (on Master Node)
vi velero-minio-config.yaml
kind: BackupStorageLocation
name: default
namespace: velero
provider: aws
default: true
bucket: <Name of the bucket in minio S3 object Storage>
prefix: velero
region: minio
s3ForcePathStyle: "true"
s3Url: http://<IP address of the minio server>:9000
kind: VolumeSnapshotLocation
name: default
namespace: velero
provider: aws
region: minio
execute this command to see if there are any errors or working fine.
kubectl logs deployment/velero -n velero
To view the backup location execute this command
velero get backup-location
velero backup create <backup-name> --include-namespaces <namespace>
velero backup create <backup-name> --include-resources deployments
velero backup create <backup-name> --include-resources deployments --include-namespaces <namespace>
velero backup create <backup-name>
#Backup a namespace and include cluster-scoped resources.
velero backup create <backup-name> --include-namespaces <namespace> --include-cluster-resources=true
#Include resources matching the label selector.
velero backup create <backup-name> --selector <key>=<value>
#Include resources that are not matching the selector
velero backup create <backup-name> --selector "<key> notin (<value>)"
#Exclude kube-system from the cluster backup.
velero backup create <backup-name> --exclude-namespaces kube-system
#Exclude secrets from the backup.
velero backup create <backup-name> --exclude-resources secrets
#Exclude secrets and rolebindings.
velero backup create <backup-name> --exclude-resources secrets,rolebindings
Important Notes:
- Replace placeholders like
, and<endpoint>
with your actual Minio credentials, bucket name, and server endpoint details. - Ensure the Velero server and Minio server can communicate. Firewall rules or security groups might need adjustments to allow access.
- This is a basic setup guide. Refer to the Velero documentation for detailed configuration options and best practices:
By following these steps, you should have the prerequisites fulfilled and Velero configured to use your Minio S3 object storage for backing up your Kubernetes cluster resources.