Asynchook allows you run task in background by creating a hook which call your url with specified payload. For example, when you want to send mail, you can make it in background by creating a hook which call your url with mail data. Your specified url will be called with the payload you provided. For that you need to send redis event as description below.
dpkg -i asynchook_1.1.0_amd64.deb
systemctl enable asynchook
systemctl start asynchook
File: /etc/asynchook/config.yaml
# Redis configuration
# Asynchook uses redis for message queueing
addr: localhost:6379
db: 0
# Asynchook error log
# logFile: /var/log/asynchook.log
# Asynchook channels
# You can add multiple channels with different ratelimits
- name: default
ratelimit: 2/s # rate limit for this channel Ex. 2/s, 60/m, 300/h
HSET asynchook:1001 id 1001 url http://localhost:8080/mail payload '[YOUR JSON TEXT]' secret '[Your Secret]' run_after_time '[UNIX TIMESTAMP]' expire_time '[UNIX TIMESTAMP]'
ZADD asynchooks:default 1 1001
Here Id and URL are mandatory fields. But payload, secret and others are optional.