default build target is Linux
keep track of reserved GBDs in global cache
fixed MV2 specific error messages
semaphore operations check for interrupted system calls
compile options:
-DMV1_SHSEM=1 uses shared-memory semaphores
-DMV1_OSSEM=1 uses operating system semaphores -
faster key location when prefix compression is used
increased GBD hash size to faster locate blocks
fixed 3 argument calls of $ORDER() and $QUERY()
global KILL fixes, uses now READ locks
volume unmount fixes
fixed $LIST function parsing
$&E(number,"H") converts to hexadecimal
fixed ZZ command argument parsing
fixed KSUBSCRIPTS command on globals without subscripts
added object-oriented example in oopex.rsa
added %MATH, BENCHGLO routines
changed %STA to display average/DB/IO operations
MCL shell unwinds stack in case of M error