A) Name of the pet project:
I have selected "credit score modelling" as my pet project which is written in python coding language. For this modelling, banking.csv data has been used which can be found here - https://github.com/pallavimitra/Credit-Score-Modeling/blob/master/banking.csv The python code named "credit_score.py" for this modellimg can be found at https://github.com/pallavimitra/Credit-Score-Modeling/blob/master/credit_score.py
B) The tasks of the project which I have completed are listed below with the link to the solutions:
UML (at least 3 diagrams) UML diagrams are in the report named "Report.pdf" from page 5 to 7. https://github.com/pallavimitra/Credit-Score-Modeling/blob/master/PET_PROJECT_PALLAVIMITRA.pdf
Metrics (at least two. Sonarcube would be great) "Report.pdf" from page 8 to 10. https://github.com/pallavimitra/Credit-Score-Modeling/blob/master/PET_PROJECT_PALLAVIMITRA.pdf
Clean Code Development (at least 5 points) "Report.pdf" from page 11 to 13. https://github.com/pallavimitra/Credit-Score-Modeling/blob/master/PET_PROJECT_PALLAVIMITRA.pdf
Build Management with any Build System "Report.pdf" from page 14 to 18. https://github.com/pallavimitra/Credit-Score-Modeling/blob/master/PET_PROJECT_PALLAVIMITRA.pdf
Continous Delivery "Report.pdf" from page 19 to 20. https://github.com/pallavimitra/Credit-Score-Modeling/blob/master/PET_PROJECT_PALLAVIMITRA.pdf
DSL "Report.pdf" at page 21. https://github.com/pallavimitra/Credit-Score-Modeling/blob/master/PET_PROJECT_PALLAVIMITRA.pdf
Functional Programming "Report.pdf" from page 22 to 23. https://github.com/pallavimitra/Credit-Score-Modeling/blob/master/PET_PROJECT_PALLAVIMITRA.pdf
The whole task has been documented in "Report.pdf".