A helper script that can be used to cleanup previously transpiled typescript files. When typescript is setup to transpile files from a source to distribution folder, it won't automatically remove distribution files when their source file is deleted. ts-cleanup can take care of this task for you, both in single time build mode, or in watch mode.
$ npm install ts-cleanup --save
Usage: ts-cleanup options
A tool for cleaning up files built by typeScript
-s, --src <srcDir> sets the source folder with ts files (required if -d not defined)
-d, --dist <distDir> sets the distribution folder with js files (required if -s not defined)
-v, --verbose whether to show messages for files being deleted (disabled by default)
-w, --watch whether to watch for files being deleted (disabled by default)
-a, --all whether to remove all .js files
-rd, --remove-dirs whether to remove empty directories (default: true)
-V, --version output the current version
-h, --help output usage information
ts-cleanup -s src -d dist -v -rd
ts-cleanup also provides two simple functions for usage from within a node script:
cleanup(src: string, dist: string, options?: ICleanSrcOptions);
: the source folder with ts files (required if -d not defined)dist
: the distribution folder with js files (required if -s not defined)options
root?: string
: root directoryexclude?: string | string[]
: pattern to exclude file matchingremoveEmptyDirs?: boolean
: whether to remove empty directoriesverbose?: boolean
: whether to show messages for files being deleted
const {cleanup} = require("ts-cleanup");
cleanup('./src', "./dis", {
root: __dirname, // default process.cwd()
removeAllJsFiles: true, // default false
removeEmptyDirs: true, // default false
verbose: true // default false
const {watch} = require("ts-cleanup");
watch('./src', "./dis", {
root: __dirname, // default process.cwd()
verbose: true // default false
watch(src: string, dist: string, options?: IWatchOptions);
: the source folder with ts files (required if -d not defined)dist
: the distribution folder with js files (required if -s not defined)options
root?: string
: root directoryverbose?: boolean
: whether to show messages for files being deleted
Cleans previously transpiled typescript files in a source directory.
cleanSrc(options?: ICleanSrcOptions, callback?: (filename: string) => boolean);
root?: string
: root directoryexclude?: string | string[]
: pattern to exclude file matchingremoveAllJsFiles?: boolean
: whether to remove all .jsremoveEmptyDirs?: boolean
: whether to remove empty directoriesverbose?: boolean
: whether to show messages for files being deleted
: executes this callback for each file, and removes only files wich callback returns true.
const {cleanSrc} = require("ts-cleanup");
root: __dirname, // default process.cwd()
removeAllJsFiles: true, // default false
removeEmptyDirs: true, // default false
verbose: true // default false
}, (f)=> f.includes('.spec.ts'));
Cleans any files that matches glob pattern.
cleanMatch(pattern: string | string[], options?: ICleanSrcOptions, callback?: (filename: string) => boolean);
: Glob pattern to match filesoptions
root?: string
: root directoryexclude?: string | string[]
: pattern to exclude file matchingremoveEmptyDirs?: boolean
: whether to remove empty directoriesverbose?: boolean
: whether to show messages for files being deleted
: executes this callback for each file, and removes only files wich callback returns true.
const {cleanMatch} = require("ts-cleanup");
cleanMatch('src/**/*.spec.{js,js.map,d.ts}', {
root: __dirname, // default process.cwd()
removeEmptyDirs: true, // default false
verbose: true // default false
}, (f)=> !f.includes('.dont-remove'));
- node
>= 8.0