- Install dependencies with
forge install
- Run test with
forge test --isolate
See pancakeswap/infinity-core#35 on why --isolate
flag is used.
- Run
forge update
The scripts are located in /script
folder, deployed contract address can be found in script/config
// set script config: /script/config/{SCRIPT_CONFIG}.json
export SCRIPT_CONFIG=ethereum-sepolia
// set rpc url
export RPC_URL=https://
// private key need to be prefixed with 0x
export PRIVATE_KEY=0x
// optional. Only set if you want to verify contract on explorer
Refer to the script source code for the specific commands: there are two commands—one for deployment and one for verification. A separate verification command is necessary because the contract is deployed through the create3Factory.
Example. within script/02_DeployCLPositionManager.s.sol
forge script script/02_DeployCLPositionManager.s.sol:DeployCLPositionManagerScript -vvv \
--rpc-url $RPC_URL \
--broadcast \
forge verify-contract <address> CLPositionManager --watch \
--chain <chainId> --constructor-args $(cast abi-encode "constructor(address,address,address,uint256,address,address)" <vault> <clPoolManager> <permit2> <unsubscribeGasLimit> <clPositionDescriptor> <weth9>)