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Towards rendering without colours (#76)
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* towards rendering without colours

* need feedback on looks

* refactoring to a Types module

* progress

* refactored properly

* refactored properly

* refactor and simplify tags

* added variables

* fix colours for side by side view

* added edit distance calculation

* progress on visual. still some bugs

* revert changes to word diff

* tried something

* tried something else

* tried something else

* tried something else

* this removed unnecessary stuff

* fix some visual bug with accessible view

* updated tests

* updated tests

* updated tests

* revert cram test to follow main

* fix comments

* git add additional tests

* fixed code changes in hunk view

* fixed bug

* fixed tests
  • Loading branch information
yokurang authored Aug 20, 2024
1 parent a74873f commit 7309564
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Showing 9 changed files with 405 additions and 227 deletions.
272 changes: 208 additions & 64 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,11 +2,14 @@ open Nottui
module W = Nottui_widgets

(* Types *)

type line = Change of string | Common of string | Empty
type rendering_mode = Color | TextMarkers

(* Utility Functions *)

let added_marker (content : Ui.t) : Ui.t = Ui.hcat [ W.string "+"; content ]
let removed_marker (content : Ui.t) : Ui.t = Ui.hcat [ W.string "-"; content ]

let split_and_align_hunk hunks : line list * line list =
let rec process_hunk mine_acc their_acc = function
| [] -> (List.rev mine_acc, List.rev their_acc)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -37,25 +40,43 @@ let split_and_align_hunk hunks : line list * line list =
process_hunk [] [] hunks

(* Normal Mode *)
(* Styling Functions *)

let style_text (text : string) (attr : Notty.attr) (mode : rendering_mode) :
Ui.t =
match mode with Color -> W.string ~attr text | TextMarkers -> W.string text

let style_word (word : string)
(change_type : [ `Added | `Removed | `Unchanged ]) (mode : rendering_mode) :
Ui.t =
let styled_word =
match (mode, change_type) with
| Color, `Added -> W.string ~attr:Notty.A.(fg green) word
| Color, `Removed -> W.string ~attr:Notty.A.(fg red) word
| Color, `Unchanged -> W.string word
| TextMarkers, `Added -> added_marker (W.string word)
| TextMarkers, `Removed -> removed_marker (W.string word)
| TextMarkers, `Unchanged -> W.string word
Ui.hcat [ styled_word; W.string " " ]

(* Rendering Functions *)

let ui_hunk_summary (hunk : string Patch.hunk) : Nottui.ui =
let render_hunk_summary (hunk : string Patch.hunk) (mode : rendering_mode) :
Ui.t =
let mine_info =
if hunk.Patch.mine_len = 0 then "0,0"
else Printf.sprintf "%d,%d" (hunk.Patch.mine_start + 1) hunk.Patch.mine_len
Printf.sprintf "%d,%d" (hunk.Patch.mine_start + 1) hunk.Patch.mine_len
let their_info =
if hunk.Patch.their_len = 0 then "0,0"
Printf.sprintf "%d,%d" (hunk.Patch.their_start + 1) hunk.Patch.their_len
Printf.sprintf "%d,%d" (hunk.Patch.their_start + 1) hunk.Patch.their_len
let mine_summary =
W.string ~attr:Notty.A.(fg red) (Printf.sprintf "-%s" mine_info)
style_text (Printf.sprintf "-%s" mine_info) Notty.A.(fg red) mode
let their_summary =
W.string ~attr:Notty.A.(fg green) (Printf.sprintf "+%s" their_info)
style_text (Printf.sprintf "+%s" their_info) Notty.A.(fg green) mode
let at_symbols = W.string ~attr:Notty.A.(fg lightblue) "@@" in
let at_symbols = style_text "@@" Notty.A.(fg lightblue) mode in
Expand All @@ -67,91 +88,214 @@ let ui_hunk_summary (hunk : string Patch.hunk) : Nottui.ui =

let ui_unified_diff (hunk : string Patch.hunk) : Nottui.ui =
let hunk_summary = ui_hunk_summary hunk in
let hunk_content =
let blocks = Block.of_hunk hunk.Patch.lines in
let single_line_changes =
| Block.Changed { mine; their; _ } ->
List.length mine = 1 && List.length their = 1
| _ -> true)
if single_line_changes then
let word_diff_blocks = WordDiff.compute blocks in
let word_diff_lines = Block.to_hunk word_diff_blocks in
WordDiff.render_hunk_lines word_diff_lines
else WordDiff.render_hunk hunk
let render_line_number (mine_num : int) (their_num : int)
(diff_type : [ `Added | `Removed | `Unchanged ]) (mode : rendering_mode) :
Ui.t =
let attr =
match mode with
| TextMarkers -> None
| Color -> (
match diff_type with
| `Added -> Some Notty.A.(fg green)
| `Removed -> Some Notty.A.(fg red)
| `Unchanged -> None)
Ui.vcat [ hunk_summary; hunk_content ]
match diff_type with
| `Added -> W.string ?attr (Printf.sprintf " %2d + " (their_num + 1))
| `Removed -> W.string ?attr (Printf.sprintf "%2d - " (mine_num + 1))
| `Unchanged ->
W.string ?attr
(Printf.sprintf "%2d %2d " (mine_num + 1) (their_num + 1))

let current_hunks (z_patches : string Patch.t Zipper.t) : Nottui.ui =
let p = Zipper.get_focus z_patches in
let hunks = ui_unified_diff p.Patch.hunks in
Ui.vcat hunks
let render_word_diff (words : WordDiff.word list)
(diff_type : [ `Added | `Removed | `Unchanged ]) (mode : rendering_mode) :
Ui.t =
let render_word = function
| WordDiff.Changed word -> style_word word diff_type mode
| WordDiff.Unchanged word -> style_word word `Unchanged mode
Ui.hcat ( render_word words)

(** Side by side diff view implementation **)
let render_diff_line (mine_num : int) (their_num : int)
(diff_type : [ `Added | `Removed | `Unchanged ])
(content : WordDiff.word list) (mode : rendering_mode) : Ui.t =
let line_number = render_line_number mine_num their_num diff_type mode in
let content_ui = render_word_diff content diff_type mode in
Ui.hcat [ line_number; content_ui ]

let lines_with_numbers (lines : line list) (attr_change : Notty.attr)
(prefix : string) : Nottui.ui list =
let render_hunk_lines (hunk_lines : WordDiff.line_content Patch.line list)
(mode : rendering_mode) : Ui.t =
let rec process_lines mine_num their_num acc = function
| [] -> List.rev acc
| line :: rest ->
let new_mine, new_their, ui =
match line with
| `Common words ->
( mine_num + 1,
their_num + 1,
render_diff_line mine_num their_num `Unchanged words mode )
| `Mine words ->
( mine_num + 1,
render_diff_line mine_num their_num `Removed words mode )
| `Their words ->
( mine_num,
their_num + 1,
render_diff_line mine_num their_num `Added words mode )
process_lines new_mine new_their (ui :: acc) rest
Ui.vcat (process_lines 0 0 [] hunk_lines)

let render_hunk_without_word_diff (hunk : string Patch.hunk)
(mode : rendering_mode) : Ui.t =
let render_line mine_num their_num diff_type content =
let line_number = render_line_number mine_num their_num diff_type mode in
let content_ui =
style_text content
(match diff_type with
| `Added -> Notty.A.(fg green)
| `Removed -> Notty.A.(fg red)
| `Unchanged -> Notty.A.empty)
Ui.hcat [ line_number; content_ui ]
let rec process_lines mine_num their_num acc = function
| [] -> List.rev acc
| line :: rest ->
let new_mine, new_their, ui =
match line with
| `Common content ->
( mine_num + 1,
their_num + 1,
render_line mine_num their_num `Unchanged content )
| `Mine content ->
( mine_num + 1,
render_line mine_num their_num `Removed content )
| `Their content ->
( mine_num,
their_num + 1,
render_line mine_num their_num `Added content )
process_lines new_mine new_their (ui :: acc) rest
(process_lines hunk.Patch.mine_start hunk.Patch.their_start []

(* Helper functions for side-by-side view *)

let lines_with_numbers (lines : line list) (attr_change : Notty.attr option)
(change_type : [ `Add | `Remove | `Unchanged ]) (mode : rendering_mode) :
Ui.t list =
let rec process_lines line_num acc = function
| [] -> List.rev acc
| line :: rest ->
let content, attr, next_num =
let line_ui, next_num =
match line with
| Common s ->
let content = Printf.sprintf "%3d %s" line_num s in
(content, Notty.A.empty, line_num + 1)
(W.string content, line_num + 1)
| Change s ->
let content = Printf.sprintf "%3d %s %s" line_num prefix s in
(content, attr_change, line_num + 1)
| Empty ->
let content = Printf.sprintf " " in
(content, Notty.A.empty, line_num)
let marker =
match change_type with
| `Add -> "+"
| `Remove -> "-"
| `Unchanged -> " "
let line_number = Printf.sprintf "%3d" line_num in
let content = s in
( (match mode with
| Color ->
W.string ?attr:attr_change
(Printf.sprintf "%s %s %s" line_number marker content)
| TextMarkers ->
W.string (line_number ^ " ");
(match change_type with
| `Add -> added_marker (W.string (" " ^ content))
| `Remove -> removed_marker (W.string (" " ^ content))
| `Unchanged -> W.string (" " ^ content));
line_num + 1 )
| Empty -> (W.string " ", line_num)
let new_acc = W.string ~attr content :: acc in
process_lines next_num new_acc rest
process_lines next_num (line_ui :: acc) rest
process_lines 1 [] lines

let create_summary (start_line_num : int) (hunk_length : int)
(attr : Notty.attr) (change_type : [ `Add | `Remove ]) : Nottui.ui =
(attr : Notty.attr option) (change_type : [ `Add | `Remove ]) : Ui.t =
let sign = match change_type with `Add -> "+" | `Remove -> "-" in
if hunk_length > 0 then
W.string ~attr
(Printf.sprintf "@@ %s%d,%d @@" sign start_line_num hunk_length)
else W.string ~attr (Printf.sprintf "@@ %s0,0 @@" sign)
let summary =
Printf.sprintf "@@ %s%d,%d @@" sign start_line_num hunk_length
W.string ?attr summary

let ui_of_hunk_side_by_side (hunk : string Patch.hunk) : Nottui.ui =
let attr_mine = Notty.A.(fg red ++ st bold) in
let attr_their = Notty.A.(fg green ++ st bold) in
(* Main View Functions *)

let mine_lines, their_lines = split_and_align_hunk hunk.Patch.lines in
let ui_unified_diff (hunk : string Patch.hunk) (mode : rendering_mode) : Ui.t =
let hunk_summary = render_hunk_summary hunk mode in
let hunk_content =
let blocks = Block.of_hunk hunk.Patch.lines in
let single_line_changes =
| Block.Changed { mine; their; _ } ->
List.length mine = 1 && List.length their = 1
| _ -> true)
if single_line_changes then
let word_diff_blocks = WordDiff.compute blocks in
let word_diff_lines = Block.to_hunk word_diff_blocks in
render_hunk_lines word_diff_lines mode
else render_hunk_without_word_diff hunk mode
Ui.vcat [ hunk_summary; hunk_content ]

let current_hunks (z_patches : string Patch.t Zipper.t) (mode : rendering_mode)
: Ui.t =
let p = Zipper.get_focus z_patches in
let hunks = (fun hunk -> ui_unified_diff hunk mode) p.Patch.hunks in
Ui.vcat hunks

let content_mine = lines_with_numbers mine_lines attr_mine "-" in
let content_their = lines_with_numbers their_lines attr_their "+" in
let render_side_by_side (hunk : string Patch.hunk) (mode : rendering_mode) :
Ui.t =
let mine_lines, their_lines = split_and_align_hunk hunk.Patch.lines in
let render_lines lines change_type attr =
let attr_option =
match mode with Color -> Some attr | TextMarkers -> None
lines_with_numbers lines attr_option change_type mode
let content_mine = render_lines mine_lines `Remove Notty.A.(fg red) in
let content_their = render_lines their_lines `Add Notty.A.(fg green) in
let summary_mine =
(hunk.Patch.mine_start + 1)
hunk.Patch.mine_len attr_mine `Remove
(match mode with Color -> Some Notty.A.(fg red) | TextMarkers -> None)
let summary_their =
(hunk.Patch.their_start + 1)
hunk.Patch.their_len attr_their `Add
(match mode with Color -> Some Notty.A.(fg green) | TextMarkers -> None)
let space = 1 0 in
Ui.resize ~w:0 ~sw:2 (Ui.vcat (summary_mine :: content_mine));
space; 1 0;
Ui.resize ~w:0 ~sw:2 (Ui.vcat (summary_their :: content_their));

let current_hunks_side_by_side (z_patches : string Patch.t Zipper.t) : Nottui.ui
let current_hunks_side_by_side (z_patches : string Patch.t Zipper.t)
(mode : rendering_mode) : Ui.t =
let p = Zipper.get_focus z_patches in
let hunks_ui = ui_of_hunk_side_by_side p.Patch.hunks in
Ui.vcat hunks_ui
Ui.vcat ( (fun hunk -> render_side_by_side hunk mode) p.Patch.hunks)
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions lib/HunkView.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
val current_hunks : string Patch.t Zipper.t -> Nottui.ui
type rendering_mode = Color | TextMarkers

val current_hunks : string Patch.t Zipper.t -> rendering_mode -> Nottui.ui
(** [current_hunks zipper] returns the current hunks in a patch zipper for
normal view. *)

val current_hunks_side_by_side : string Patch.t Zipper.t -> Nottui.ui
val current_hunks_side_by_side :
string Patch.t Zipper.t -> rendering_mode -> Nottui.ui
(** [current_hunks_side_by_side zipper] returns the current hunks in a patch
zipper for side-by-side view. *)

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