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Merge pull request #81 from PropGit/demo
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PropGit authored Mar 9, 2017
2 parents 77450da + 59ffad5 commit eec3a9e
Showing 1 changed file with 3 additions and 194 deletions.
197 changes: 3 additions & 194 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,198 +2,7 @@ BlocklyPropClient

# Introduction
The BlocklyPropClient is a vital part of the system that must be installed and run locally on the user's computer to complete the connection to the target Propeller microcontroller product. It provides local connection features- downloading your programs into the Propeller-based product and creating a debugging serial connection between it and the BlocklyProp Editor in the web browser.

The BlocklyPropClient is a client for the system.
It provides local Propeller connection features- downloading your programs into the Propeller and creating a serial connection between the Propeller and the browser.

BlocklyPropClient is written using Python v2.7.

# Running

Installations are self-contained; no extra dependencies are required except for USB drivers for Parallax development boards.

## Running on Linux
You will first have to install some python dependencies before you can run BlocklyPropClient.

* ws4py
* pyserial
* cherrypy

These can all be installed using the auto-installer by running the following in the terminal: 'python'

Then execute: python

# Developers

To build and package BlocklyProp Client, configure your system and then perform the appropriate build and package steps below.

## System Configuration
These configurations steps need only be done once per system.

### Windows Configuration

* __IMPORTANT:__ Don't use _McAfee_ (or possibly any anti-virus) on build system - it prevents proper builds of BlocklyPropClient installer
* Install _Git_
* Install _Python v2.7.12_ 64-bit / 32-bit (as appropriate)
* [](
* Use standard destination
* Install _PyCharm v2016.2.3_ - Community Edition - this is convienent for package installation
* [](
* Check option to create desktop shortcut
* Uncheck .py association
* Run PyCharm (be patient, it takes a long time to start sometimes) and then...
* If prompted, select _I do not have a previous version..._
* Allow default options on _Initial Configuration_ dialog
* Select _Check out from Version Control > Git_
* Set _Git Repository URL:_ to __
* Click _Test_ button
* If test successfull, click the _Clone_ button
* Choose to open the project's directory
* Select _File > Settings..._
* Expand the _BlocklyPropClient_ item
* Select _Project Interpreter_
* In the right pane, select the _+_ button (_Install_)
* If the _+_ button is grayed out, try closing the _Settings_ window and reopening it again
* In the _Available Packages_ window
* Uncheck the _Install to user's site packages directory..._ item
* Search for and _Install Package_ for each of the items below
* Install _ws4py v0.3.5+_
* Install _CherryPy v8.1.0_ (Select _CherryPy_, check the _Specify version_ box, and select _8.1.0_)
* Install _pyserial v3.1.1_ (Select _pyserial_, check the _Specify version_ box, and select _v3.1.1_)
* Install _PyInstaller v3.1.1_ (Select _PyInstaller_, check the _Specify version_ box and select _v3.1.1_)
* Do not use v3.2 as it creates an msc..100 dependency
* Close the _Available Packages_ window
* Click the _Apply_ button (if available) on the _Settings_ window
* Click _OK_ on the _Settings_ window
* Wait for the installation steps (status bar of PyCharm) to finish
* Exit PyCharm
* Install _Innosetup 5.5.9 (non-Unicode)_
* [](
* Check _Install Inno Setup Preprocessor_ option
* Check _Create a desktop shortcut_ option
* If you chose to run Inno Setup, just close the _Open_ dialog for now

### Mac Configuration
* Open Terminal (Mac command-line)
* Install _Git_ if necessary
* Install _Homebrew_
* _$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"_
* Install _Python_ (_v2.7.13_ at the time of this writing; v2.7.12 and v2.7.13 are known to work for BlocklyPropClient)
* _$ brew install python_
* Install _VirtualEnv_ package
* _$ pip install virtualenv_
* Create _PythonProjects_ folder
* _$ cd ~/_
* _$ mkdir PythonProjects_
* _$ cd PythonProjects_
* Check out the needed branch from the _BlocklyPropClient_ repository
* _$ git clone
* _$ cd BlocklyPropClient_
* _$ git checkout {branch}_
* Create a _Virtual Python_ environment inside the repository's work folder
* _$ virtualenv VPython --distribute_
* Activate the _Virtual Python_ environment for BlocklyPropClient
* _$ source VPython/bin/activate_
* Install all required packages for BlocklyPropClient
* Install _ws4py v0.3.5+_
* _(VPython)$ pip install ws4py==0.3.5_
* Install _CherryPy v8.1.0_
* _(VPython)$ pip install CherryPy==8.1.0_
* _Install pyserial v3.1.1_
* _(VPython)$ pip install pyserial==3.1.1_
* Install _PyInstaller v3.1.1_ (Do not use v3.2 as it creates an msc..100 dependency)
* _(VPython)$ pip install PyInstaller==3.1.1_
* Deactivate the _Virtual Environment..._
* _(VPython)$ deactivate_
* The "(VPython)" prefix will now disappear from your command-line

## Building & Packaging
These steps need be performed frequently, as needed, after System Configuration (above).

### Windows Building & Packaging

* Build the BlocklyPropClient
* Open a command window
* Check out the needed branch from the _BlocklyPropClient_ repository
* This can be done either
* in _PyCharm's VCS > Git > Branches..._ menu, then select _origin/{branch} > Checkout as new local branch_ from _Remote Branches_ (or if _Local Branches_ section exists, you can select _{branch} -> origin/{branch}_ from _Local Branches_), then Exit PyCharm
* in Git command line:
* _$ cd C:\Users\{username}\PycharmProjects\BlocklyPropClient_
* _$ git checkout origin {branch}_
* Run the build script (.windows.spec) from within the repository directory:
* _$ c:\Python27\Scripts\pyinstaller
* This builds and stores the application files in the __./dist__ subfolder which will be used by InnoSetup.
* Package BlocklyPropClient
* Run InnoSetup
* _File > Open_ the .spec file: _C:\Users\{username}\PycharmProjects\BlocklyPropClient\package\blocklypropclient-installer.iss_
* Select _Build > Compile_
* Now the installer executable will be in the __./dist__ subfolder.

### Mac Building & Packaging

* Open a terminal (command-line)
* Navigate to the project
* _$ cd ~/PythonProjects/BlocklyPropClient_
* Check out the needed branch from the _BlocklyPropClient_ repository
* _$ git checkout {branch}_
* Activate the _Virtual Python_ environment for BlocklyPropClient
* _$ source VPython/bin/activate_
* Build BlocklyPropClient
* (VPython)$ PyInstaller BlocklyPropClient.macos.spec
* This builds and stores the application bundle in the ./dist subfolder as
* See BlocklyPropClient.macos.spec Details (below) for more information
* Sign and Package BlocklyPropClient (requires signing certificate in Mac's KeyChain)
* Navigate to the package folder
* cd package
* Run the mac_sign_and_package script giving the proper version number and deploy option
* To include the FTDI USB Drivers inside the installer:
* _$ ./ -a "BlocklyPropClient" -v 0.5.1 -r -f -d_
* To exclude the FTDI USB Drivers from the installer:
* _$ ./ -a "BlocklyPropClient" -v 0.5.1 -d_
* The installer package will be written to the ../dist subfolder as BlocklyPropClient-0.5.1-setup-MacOS.pkg
* Deactivate the Virtual Environment...
* _(VPython)$ deactivate_
* The "(VPython)" prefix will now disappear from your command-line

#### BlocklyPropClient.macos.spec Details

The BlocklyPropClient.macos.spec is the build specification file for Mac OS. This file contains Python executable source generated automatically by the pyi-makespec command and also later amended to include features not expressible via the pyi-makespec command-line.

To regenerate a specification file for Mac OS:
* Navigate to the project
* _$ cd ~/PythonProjects/BlocklyPropClient_
* Activate the _Virtual Python_ environment for BlocklyPropClient
* _$ source VPython/bin/activate_
* Generate a new BlocklyPropClient.spec file
* _(VPython)$ pyi-makespec --windowed --icon BlocklyPropClient.icns --osx-bundle-identifier com.ParallaxInc.BlocklyPropClient --noupx BlocklyPropClient.py_
* Update the BlocklyPropClient.spec file to include propeller-tools content
* Below the "exe" block, add the following three lines

#Propeller Tools
propeller_libs_and_tools = Tree('propeller-tools', prefix='propeller-tools', excludes=['*.pdf', 'windows', 'linux'])
propeller_libs_and_tools += [('about.txt', 'about.txt', 'About file')]

* Above the "coll" block, indicates it is modified
#Collection (edited to include Propeller Tools)

* Below the "coll" block's "a.datas," line, insert the following line

* At the end of the "app" block, change that last element to the following lines (where x.x.x is the version number):
info_plist={'CFBundleShortVersionString': 'x.x.x'})

* Save the file and rename to __BlocklyPropClient.macos.spec__
# Wiki
Visit the [BlocklyPropClient Wiki]( for more information.

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