Compressed CCNx uses TLV-aware compression to reduce the overhead of TL encoding. It also learns common TLV tuples (like keyid or public keys) and compresses them.
This is experimental code related to a compressed TLV encoding. Please see the
included presentation ccnxz-slides.pdf
(also available at
for details on the compression scheme.
xxd -r -g 1 -c 8 infile outfile
xxd -r -g 1 -c 8 examples/tiny_interest.txt tiny_interest.bin
./ tiny_interest.bin
xxd -g 1 -c 8 compressed
The script will run the (de)compressor on a file. The input file should be one packet in wire format. The output will be the (de)compressed wireformat.
./ccnxz [-d] input output
-d means to decompress input to output
Client A -- [Metis A --] ccnxz_relay A -- ccnxz_channel -- ccnxz_relay B [-- Metis B] -- Client B
- Clients A and B are CCNx applications of your choice. We include a simple traffic generator.
- Metis is the standard CCNx forwarder. It needs to run in UDP mode. If your client applications speak UDP directly, then Metis is not needed.
- ccnxz_relay is a UDP relay to (de)compress CCNx packets
- ccnxz_channel is a channel emulator to add bit error rate and delay. It is optional.
ccnxz_relay is configured with a local port and the UDP socket addresses of its two peers. Lets assume everything is going to run on localhost, and we'll skip Metis for now and assume client A and B speak UDP directly.
- Client A (or Metis A): port 10000
- ccnxz_relay A: port 10001
- ccnxz_channel: port 10002
- ccnxz_relay B: port 10003
- Client B (or Metis B): port 10004
You would then use these commands:
# make a 100 MB file.bin, you could substitute other files here
mkdir files
dd if=/dev/random of=files/file.bin bs=1000000 count=100
# Start a server, relay chain, channel emulator, and client
ccnxz_gen -p 10000 --server --prefix lci:/ccnxz --directory files
ccnxz_relay -p 10001 --peers
ccnxz_channel -p 10002 --peers --ber 10E-4 --delay 0.1
ccnxz_relay -p 10003 --peers
ccnxz_gen -p 10004 --client --name lci:/ccnxz/files/file.bins --peer
Then start up your two applications on port 10000 and 10004.