Extract and convert PocketBook ereader notes from device to markdown files in Obsidian
This package extracts and converts note files from a PocketBook ereader to .md files that can be stored in a Obsidian vault. You can define kewords that will be searched for in the notes and added as tags or backlinks in Obsidian. You can also define tags to assign to the color of a note highlight.
# Connect your ereader to your PC and set the mode to "PC link"
# Install the package and run the code below
from PocketBookNoteExtractor import MyCollection
# create a collection object that manages imports and exports of pocketbook files
mycollection = MyCollection(
# directory where collection will be stored
base_dir = r'E:\python\PocketbookNoteExtractor',
# name of PocketBook ereader, will export books and notes when device is connected
device_name = 'PB741',
# search through notes for these backlinks
tags_list = ['Cretaceous extinction', 'Snowball Earth'],
# define tags mapping to pocketbook highlight colors
highlight_semantic_mapping = {
'bm-color-magenta' : 'key_idea',
'bm-color-red' : 'key_idea',
'bm-color-yellow': 'standard',
'bm-color-green': 'look_into',
'bm-color-cian': 'summary',
'bm-color-blue': 'summary',
'bm-color-note': 'none',
# export collection to existing obsidian vault
vault_dir = r'E:\python\PocketbookNoteExtractor\test_md\bookNotes'