- -n number of parts of chromosome (default = 1000)
- -r required average distance of a part from the center (default = 5.1)
- -m prefix of the names of generated files
- -d delta (the larger, the less likely to make distance-incresing moves) (default = 3)
The script creates three files:
- chainA.pdb - chromosome-chain before condensation
- chainB.pdb - chromosome-chain after condensation
- chain - python-pickled chromosome-chain data after condensation
The script prints some self-explanatory information during the process. Arguments:
- -n number of steps for decondensation (default = 50000000)
The script creates multiple files:
- final_chain_i.pdb - decondensed i-th chromosome-chain
- positioned_chain_i.pdb - positioned condensed i-th chromosome-chain
- lamin_laminfin.pdb - lamin
- chain_i_step_k.pdb - i-th chromosome-chain after k steps of decondesation (after every 10 million steps)
- final_chains - python-pickled chromosomes-chain data after decondensation
The script prints the progress (current step [out of n steps]).