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Pulumi script for scorer
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nutrina committed Oct 4, 2022
1 parent 573d237 commit acc3405
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Showing 7 changed files with 3,343 additions and 0 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions infra/review/.gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions infra/review/
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
aws:region: us-east-1
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions infra/review/Pulumi.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
name: scorer
runtime: nodejs
description: Scorer as a service for Gitcoin Passport
243 changes: 243 additions & 0 deletions infra/review/index.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
import * as awsx from "@pulumi/awsx";

// The following vars are not allowed to be undefined, hence the `${...}` magic

let route53Zone = `${process.env["ROUTE_53_ZONE"]}`;
let domain = `scorer.${process.env["DOMAIN"]}`;
let dbUsername = `${process.env["DB_USER"]}`;
let dbPassword = pulumi.secret(`${process.env["DB_PASSWORD"]}`);
let dbName = `${process.env["DB_NAME"]}`;

export const dockerGtcPassportIamImage = `${process.env["DOCKER_GTC_PASSPORT_SCORER_IMAGE"]}`;

// Set up VPC

const vpc = new awsx.ec2.Vpc("scorer", {
subnets: [{ type: "public" }, { type: "private", mapPublicIpOnLaunch: true }],

export const vpcID =;
export const vpcPrivateSubnetIds = vpc.privateSubnetIds;
export const vpcPublicSubnetIds = vpc.publicSubnetIds;

export const vpcPublicSubnet1 = vpcPublicSubnetIds.then((subnets) => {
return subnets[0];

// Set up RDS instance
let dbSubnetGroup = new aws.rds.SubnetGroup(`scorer-db-subnet`, {
subnetIds: vpcPrivateSubnetIds,

const db_secgrp = new aws.ec2.SecurityGroup(`scorer-db-secgrp`, {
description: "Security Group for DB",
ingress: [
protocol: "tcp",
fromPort: 5432,
toPort: 5432,
cidrBlocks: [""],
egress: [
protocol: "-1",
fromPort: 0,
toPort: 0,
cidrBlocks: [""],

// TODO: enable delete protection for the DB
const postgresql = new aws.rds.Instance(`scorer-db`, {
allocatedStorage: 10,
engine: "postgres",
// engineVersion: "5.7",
instanceClass: "db.t3.micro",
name: dbName,
password: dbPassword,
username: dbUsername,
skipFinalSnapshot: true,
vpcSecurityGroupIds: [],

export const rdsEndpoint = postgresql.endpoint;
export const rdsArn = postgresql.arn;
export const rdsConnectionUrl = pulumi.interpolate`psql://${dbUsername}:${dbPassword}@${rdsEndpoint}/${dbName}`;
export const rdsId =;

// Set up ALB and ECS cluster

const cluster = new awsx.ecs.Cluster("scorer", { vpc });
// export const clusterInstance = cluster;
export const clusterId =;

// Generate an SSL certificate
const certificate = new aws.acm.Certificate("cert", {
domainName: domain,
tags: {
Environment: "review",
validationMethod: "DNS",

const certificateValidationDomain = new aws.route53.Record(
name: certificate.domainValidationOptions[0].resourceRecordName,
zoneId: route53Zone,
type: certificate.domainValidationOptions[0].resourceRecordType,
records: [certificate.domainValidationOptions[0].resourceRecordValue],
ttl: 600,

const certificateValidation = new aws.acm.CertificateValidation(
certificateArn: certificate.arn,
validationRecordFqdns: [certificateValidationDomain.fqdn],
{ customTimeouts: { create: "30s", update: "30s" } }

// Creates an ALB associated with our custom VPC.
const alb = new`scorer-service`, { vpc });

// Listen to HTTP traffic on port 80 and redirect to 443
const httpListener = alb.createListener("web-listener", {
port: 80,
protocol: "HTTP",
defaultAction: {
type: "redirect",
redirect: {
protocol: "HTTPS",
port: "443",
statusCode: "HTTP_301",

// Target group with the port of the Docker image
const target = alb.createTargetGroup("scorer-target", {
port: 80,
healthCheck: { path: "/health", unhealthyThreshold: 5 },

// Listen to traffic on port 443 & route it through the target group
const httpsListener = target.createListener("scorer-listener", {
port: 443,
certificateArn: certificateValidation.certificateArn,

// Create a DNS record for the load balancer
const www = new aws.route53.Record("scorer", {
zoneId: route53Zone,
name: domain,
type: "A",
aliases: [
name: httpsListener.endpoint.hostname,
zoneId: httpsListener.loadBalancer.loadBalancer.zoneId,
evaluateTargetHealth: true,

// TODO connect EFS with Fargate containers
// const ceramicStateStore = new aws.efs.FileSystem("ceramic-statestore");

const dpoppEcsRole = new aws.iam.Role("dpoppEcsRole", {
assumeRolePolicy: JSON.stringify({
Version: "2012-10-17",
Statement: [
Action: "sts:AssumeRole",
Effect: "Allow",
Sid: "",
Principal: {
Service: "",
inlinePolicies: [
name: "allow_iam_secrets_access",
policy: JSON.stringify({
Version: "2012-10-17",
Statement: [
Action: ["secretsmanager:GetSecretValue"],
Effect: "Allow",
managedPolicyArns: [
tags: {
dpopp: "",

const service = new awsx.ecs.FargateService("scorer", {
desiredCount: 1,
subnets: vpc.privateSubnetIds,
taskDefinitionArgs: {
executionRole: dpoppEcsRole,
containers: {
scorer: {
image: dockerGtcPassportIamImage,
memory: 1024,
portMappings: [httpsListener],
links: [],
secrets: [
name: "SECRET_KEY",
environment: [
name: "DEBUG",
value: "on",
value: rdsConnectionUrl,
value: JSON.stringify(domain),

// const ecsTarget = new aws.appautoscaling.Target("autoscaling_target", {
// maxCapacity: 1,
// minCapacity: 1,
// resourceId: pulumi.interpolate`service/${}/${}`,
// scalableDimension: "ecs:service:DesiredCount",
// serviceNamespace: "ecs",
// });

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