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About Path Network

Path is revolutionizing the uptime and performance monitoring industry by using distributed nodes powered by everyday users. With a monitoring network offering unprecedented global coverage, Path's powerful analytics give invaluable insight into website, application, and network uptime and performance.

More info on official site.

How does it work?

Any Android application using path-android-sdk can connect to Path API and perform monitoring jobs to earn Path tokens.

Including in your project

Path Android SDK is available in JCenter, so simply add it as a dependency

implementation 'network.path.mobilenode:library:${version}'

Please note: publishing of the library to Jcenter can still be pending. But it is already accessible via BinTray. If JCenter version is not available for you just add this BinTray repo to your main build.gradle file:

allprojects {  
    repositories {  
	    // ... your other repos are usually listed here, like google(), jcenter(), etc
	    // Our 
        maven { url '' }

where ${version} corresponds to latest published version in Download



  • Get reference to singleton instance of PathSystem in your onCreate() method of activity/service:
val pathSystem = PathSystem.create(context, BuildConfig.DEBUG)

Second argument specifies which servers to connect to. If it is true it will connect to test servers, otherwise connection will be established with prod server.

  • Add listener to it:
val listener = object : PathSystem.Listener {
    override fun onConnectionStatusChanged(status: ConnectionStatus) {
        // Process connection status change 
    override fun onNodeId(nodeId: String?) {
        // New node ID acquired
    override fun onNodeInfoReceived(nodeInfo: NodeInfo?) {
        // Process new node information (ASN, location, etc.)
    override fun onJobExecutionStatusChanged(isRunning: Boolean) {
        // Job processing status changed from paused to running or vice versa
    override fun onStatisticsChanged(statistics: List<JobTypeStatistics>) {
        // Statistics was updated after another job was completed

Please note: callbacks are not guaranteed to be called on UI thread.

  • Initialise connection to the API and start executing jobs by calling start() method on PathSystem object:
  • When you want to disconnect from the backend and stop any interaction with API call stop() method on PathSystem object:

Please note: it is a good idea to create a service class which will call PathSystem.start() in onCreate() method and call PathSystem.stop() in onDestroy() method. This way lifecycle of PathSystem will be bound to service which can run in the background irrespective of UI state of the app.

Jobs execution control

  • To pause/resume execution of jobs call toggleJobExecution method on PathSystem object:
val isRunning = pathSystem.toggleJobExecution()
  • You can also restrict job execution to Wi-Fi only networks by changing wifiSetting property of PathSystem object:
// Jobs are executed on both mobile and Wi-Fi networks
pathSystem.wifiSetting = WifiSetting.WIFI_AND_CELLULAR 
// Jobs are executed only on Wi-Fi networks
pathSystem.wifiSetting = WifiSetting.WIFI_ONLY 

Please note: both these settings affect only job execution. Connection to the API will still be kept alive and check-ins will happen on regular basis.

Useful properties

  • You can always get current values from PathSystem object which you usually receive through listener callbacks:
// Was PathSystem started? (This value is not avaialable through callbacks)
val isStarted = pathSystem.isStarted
// Current status of connection to the backend
val status = pathSystem.status
// Node ID: null if system has never connected before, non-null string value otherwise
val nodeId = pathSystem.nodeId 
// Latest node information. Can be null if system has not yet connected
val nodeInfo = pathSystem.nodeInfo 
// true if job execution is enabled, false if job execution is paused
val isRunning = pathSystem.isJobExecutionRunning
// Latest statistics about executed jobs. Statistics is sorted by number of jobs and average latency
val stats = pathSystem.statistics 

Payment settings

To receive payment for performed jobs wallet address must be provided. Use setWalletAddress method to set wallet address that will be used to make payments for performed jobs:

if (pathSystem.setWalletAddress("0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890")) {
	// Wallet address was successfully changed

setWalletAddress() will return true if address is valid and false otherwise. Validity check of address is performed according to this spec.

You can also use static PathSystem.isWalletAddressValid() method (which is used internally when you call setWalletAddress() method) in your code, for example, to disable a button if user tries to input invalid address:

editView.onTextChanged {
	val isValid = PathSystem.isWalletAddressValid(it)
	buttonDone.isEnabled = isValid
	editViewLayout.error = if (isValid) null else "Wallet address is invalid"

Helper property hasAddress can be used to detect if address was previously set (behind the scenes it just compares current address with default value which is 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000.

Example app

Check out example application from example folder for a working example of working with Path SDK.


Contact us on [email protected] if you have any questions/issues/suggestions.


Android SDK for Path Network






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