Read eBooks with Linux using a speech-synthesizer
©2019 J. Lemmens
eBook-speaker reads an eBook and uses a speech synthisizer for output.
eBook-speaker reads the EPUB format. If the given file is not an
EPUB it will be converted using several tools like calibre, lowriter,
pandoc, pdftotext, scanimage, pnmflip, unrtf or tesseract.
eBook-speaker can use any TTS (Text-To_speech) tool, as long as the TTS
can read the text from a file and writes the audio to a .wav file.
The file ~/.eBook-speaker.xml contains TTS tools to use.
Be sure the following extra packages exist on your system:
libncursesw5 libmagic1 libpulse0 libxml2 libsox2 libsox-fmt-mp3 libsox-fmt-pulse unar txt2man man2html-base html2text gettext espeak libreoffice-writer calibre pandoc poppler-utils ghostscript tesseract-ocr sane-utils netpbm unrtf wget
The following packages are needed to make the manual and the html document:
txt2man man2html
As a mortal user, give on the command line,:
$ ebook-speaker
A file-manager will appear from which an input-file can be selected. An input-file can also be given as argument to eBook-speaker:
$ ebook-speaker file.epub
This starts reading the eBook and printing the content on the screen. After giving an [ENTER], the eBook will be read using the espeak speech synthisizer. One can select another TTS using the 't’command.
A list of items on the eBook will appear. Press <ENTER> to start playing. When reading of an item has finished, eBook-speaker will play the next item and the cursor will automatically skip to that item, so that your braille-terminal will display the name of that item.
For keyboard navigation, plese press 'h' or '?'.
eBook-speaker is multilingual. The following languages are currently
bulgarian, dutch, english, finnish, french, german, portuguese,
Serbian, spanish.
Jos Lemmens
From his brother Kees on November 9, 2021 : I am very sorry to inform you that Jos quietly passed away this morning. He will be remembered as our own dear, clever, little "Stephen Hawking".
On behalf of users of eBook-speaker and Daisy-player, current mainteners would also thank him for his tremendous work. Jos, we miss you.