This package provides utilities to retrieve data from PSI sources.
Install via pip:
pip install psi-datahub
Install via Anaconda/Miniconda:
conda install -c paulscherrerinstitute -c conda-forge datahub
Depending on the usage not all dependencies may be needed, so they are not enforced in installation.
The only mandatory dependencies are:
- numpy
- h5py
The following can be needed accordingly to the data source:
- requests (required by daqbuf, retrieval, databuffer, retrieval and camserver sources)
- cbor2 (required by daqbuf source)
- pyepics (required by EPICS source)
- pyzmq (required by array10 and bsread sources)
- bsread (required for bsread, camserver, dispatcher and stdaq sources)
- redis (required by redis and stddaq sources)
And these are other optional helper dependencies:
- bitshuffle (saving compressed datasets)
- python-dateutil (support more formats for date/time parsing)
- pytz (time localization)
- pandas (delivering data as dataframes and formatting printing to stdout)
- matplotlib (data plotting)
Sources are services that provide data.
There are 2 kinds of sources:
- Streaming: can only retrieve data in the future.
- Retrieving: can only retrieve data from the past (must wait when requesting future data).
Despite the different natures of these two kinds, datahub has a common way for defining ranges.
These are the currently supported data sources:
- daqbuf - aka 'new retrieval' (default)
- epics
- databuffer
- retrieval
- dispatcher
- pipeline
- camera
- bsread
- array10
Consumers receive and process data streams from sources. These are the available data consumers:
- hdf5: save receive data in hdf5 file.
Argument: file name - txt: save received data in text files.
Argument: folder name - print: prints data to stdout.
- plot: plots data to Matplotlib graphs.
Optional plot arguments:- channels=None (plot subset of the available channels)
- colormap="viridis"
- color=None
- marker_size=None
- line_width=None
- max_count=None
- max_rate=None
- pshell: sends data to a PShell plot server.
Optional plot arguments:- channels=None
- address="localhost"
- port=7777
- timeout=3.0
- layout="vertical"
- context=None,
- style=None
- colormap="viridis"
- color=None
- marker_size=3
- line_width=None
- max_count=None
- max_rate=None
On the command line, datahub commands use the following pattern:
datahub --file <FILE_NAME> --start <START> --end <END> --<SOURCE_1> <option_1> <value_1> ... <option_n> <value_n> ... --<SOURCE_n> <option_1> <value_1> ... <option_m> <value_m>
- If no source is specified then daqbuf source is assumed:
datahub --print --hdf5 ~/.data.h5 --start "2024-02-14 08:50:00.000" --end "2024-02-14 08:50:10.000" --channels S10BC01-DBPM010:Q1,S10BC01-DBPM010:X1
- This example demonstrates how to:
- Change the default backend with the --backend option
- Print timestamps as strings with the --timestamp option
- Use predefined range strings to define the query interval using the --range option
datahub --print --backend sf-archiver --channels SLAAR-CSOC-DLL3-PYIOC:AMP_CH1 --range "Last 1min"
- A single run can retrieve data simultaneously from multiple sources:
datahub -p --epics s 0.0 e 2.0 c S10BC01-DBPM010:X1 --daqbuf s 0.0 e 2.0 c S10BC01-DBPM010:Q1 delay 30.0
The example above saves the next 2 seconds of data from an EPICS channel, and also from databuffer data read through daqbuf. Being daqbuf a retrieving source, and given the fact we want future data, a "delay" parameter is specified to provide the time needed for actual data to be available in daqbuf backend.
The argument documentation is available in the help message for the 'datahub' command:
Command line interface for DataHub
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-j, --json JSON Complete query defined as JSON
-f, --hdf5 [filename default_compression='gzip' auto_decompress=False path=None metadata_compression='gzip' ]
hdf5 options
-x, --txt [folder ] txt options
-p, --print print options
-m, --plot [channels=None colormap='viridis' color=None marker_size=None line_width=None max_count=None max_rate=None ]
plot options
-ps, --pshell [channels=None address='localhost' port=7777 timeout=3.0 layout='vertical' context=None style=None colormap='viridis' color=None marker_size=3 line_width=None max_count=None max_rate=None ]
pshell options
-s, --start START Relative or absolute start time or ID
-e, --end END Relative or absolute end time or ID
-r, --range RANGE Range definitions: ['Last 1min', 'Last 10min', 'Last 1h', 'Last 12h', 'Last 24h', 'Last 7d', 'Yesterday', 'Today', 'Last Week', 'This Week', 'Last Month', 'This Month']
-i, --id Force query by id
-t, --time Force query by time
-c, --channels CHANNELS
Channel list (comma-separated)
-n, --bins BINS Number of data bins
-l, --last Include last value before range
-fi, --filter FILTER Sets a filter for data
-di, --interval INTERVAL
Downsampling interval between samples in seconds
-dm, --modulo MODULO Downsampling modulo of the samples
-u, --url URL URL of default source
-b, --backend BACKEND
Backend of default source (use "null" for all backends)
-tt, --timestamp TIMESTAMP
Timestamp type: nano/int (default), sec/float or str
-cp, --compression COMPRESSION
Compression: gzip (default), szip, lzf, lz4 or none
-dc, --decompress Auto-decompress compressed images
-px, --prefix Add source ID to channel names
-pl, --parallel Parallelize query if possible
-pt, --path PATH Path to data in the file
-a, --align Merge sources aligning the message ids
-sr, --search Search channel names given a pattern (instead of fetching data)
-v, --verbose Displays complete search results, not just channels names
--epics [channels url=None path=None start=None end=None]
epics query arguments
--bsread [channels url='' mode='SUB' path=None start=None end=None]
bsread query arguments
--pipeline [channels url='http://sf-daqsync-01:8889' name=None config=None mode='SUB' path=None start=None end=None]
pipeline query arguments
--camera [channels url='http://sf-daqsync-01:8888' name=None mode='SUB' path=None start=None end=None]
camera query arguments
--databuffer [channels url='' backend='sf-databuffer' path=None delay=1.0 start=None end=None]
databuffer query arguments
--retrieval [channels url='' backend='sf-databuffer' path=None delay=1.0 start=None end=None]
retrieval query arguments
--dispatcher [channels path=None start=None end=None]
dispatcher query arguments
--daqbuf [channels url='' backend='sf-databuffer' path=None delay=1.0 cbor=True parallel=False start=None end=None]
daqbuf query arguments
--array10 [channels url=None mode='SUB' path=None reshape=False start=None end=None]
array10 query arguments
--redis [channels url='sf-daqsync-18:6379' backend='0' path=None start=None end=None]
redis query arguments
--stddaq [channels url='' name=None mode='SUB' path=None start=None end=None]
stddaq query arguments
Source specific help can be displayed as:
datahub --<SOURCE>
$ $ datahub --retrieval
Source Name:
[channels url='' backend='sf-databuffer' path=None delay=1.0 start=None end=None ...]
Default URL:
Default Backend:
Known Backends:
- If urls and backends are not specified in the command line arguments, sources utilize default ones.
Default URLs and backends can be redefined by environment variables:
export DAQBUF_DEFAULT_BACKEND=sf-databuffer
- The following arguments (or their abbreviations) can be used as source arguments,
overwriting the global arguments if present:
- channels
- start
- end
- id
- time
- url
- backend
- path
- interval
- modulo
- prefix
In this example a hdf5 file will be generated querying the next 10 pulses of S10BC01-DBPM010:Q1 from daqbuf, but also next 2 seconds of the EPICS channel S10BC01-DBPM010:X1:
datahub -f tst.h5 -s 0 -e 10 -i -c S10BC01-DBPM010:Q1 --daqbuf delay 10.0 --epics s 0 e 2 time True c S10BC01-DBPM010:X1
- Source specific arguments, unlike the global ones, don't start by '-' or '--'. Boolean argument values (such as for id or time) must be explicitly typed.
Data can be potted with the options --plot or --pshell.
This example will print and plot the values of an EPICS channel for 10 seconds:
datahub -p -s -0 -e 10 -c S10BC01-DBPM010:Q1 --epics --plot
A pshell plotting server can be started (in default per 7777) and used in datahub with:
pshell_op -test -plot -title=DataHub
datahub ... -ps [PLOT OPTIONS]
The query ranges, specified by arguments start and end, can be specified by time or ID, in absolute or relative values. By default time range is used, unless the id argument is set. For time ranges values can be :
- Numeric, interpreted as a relative time to now (0). Ex: -10 means 10 seconds ago.
- Big numeric (> 10 days as ms), interpreted as a timestamp (millis sin EPOCH).
- String, an absolute timestamp ISO 8601, UTC or local time ('T' can be ommited).
For ID ranges, the values can be:
- Absolute.
- Relative to now (if value < 100000000).
The --search argument is used for searching channel names and info instead of querying data.
- datahub --search --
$ datahub --daqbuf --search SARFE10-PSSS059:FIT
backend name seriesId type shape
sf-databuffer SARFE10-PSSS059:FIT-COM 1380690830 []
sf-databuffer SARFE10-PSSS059:FIT-FWHM 1380690826 []
sf-databuffer SARFE10-PSSS059:FIT-RES 1380690831 []
sf-databuffer SARFE10-PSSS059:FIT-RMS 1380690827 []
sf-databuffer SARFE10-PSSS059:FIT_ERR 1380701106 [4, 4]
swissfel-daqbuf-ca SARFE10-PSSS059:FIT-COM 7677120138367706877 f64 []
swissfel-daqbuf-ca SARFE10-PSSS059:FIT-COM 7677120138367706877 f64 []
swissfel-daqbuf-ca SARFE10-PSSS059:FIT-COM 7677120138367706877 f64 []
swissfel-daqbuf-ca SARFE10-PSSS059:FIT-FWHM 1535723503598383715 f64 []
swissfel-daqbuf-ca SARFE10-PSSS059:FIT-FWHM 1535723503598383715 f64 []
swissfel-daqbuf-ca SARFE10-PSSS059:FIT-FWHM 1535723503598383715 f64 []
swissfel-daqbuf-ca SARFE10-PSSS059:FIT-RES 8682027960712655293 f64 []
swissfel-daqbuf-ca SARFE10-PSSS059:FIT-RES 8682027960712655293 f64 []
swissfel-daqbuf-ca SARFE10-PSSS059:FIT-RES 8682027960712655293 f64 []
swissfel-daqbuf-ca SARFE10-PSSS059:FIT-RMS 8408394372370908679 f64 []
swissfel-daqbuf-ca SARFE10-PSSS059:FIT-RMS 8408394372370908679 f64 []
swissfel-daqbuf-ca SARFE10-PSSS059:FIT-RMS 8408394372370908679 f64 []
- When used as a library datahub can be used to retrieve data in different patterns.
- Sources are freely created and dynamically linked to consumers.
- The tests provide examples.
- In memory operations can be performed:
- Using the Table consumer, which allows retrieving data as a dictionary or a Pandas dataframe.
- Extending the Consumer class, and then receiving the data events asynchronously.
from datahub import *
query = {
"channels": ["S10BC01-DBPM010:Q1", "S10BC01-DBPM010:X1"],
"start": "2024-02-14 08:50:00.000",
"end": "2024-02-14 08:50:05.000"
with DataBuffer(backend="sf-databuffer") as source:
stdout = Stdout()
table = Table()
dataframe = table.as_dataframe()
from datahub import *
query = {
"channels": ["SLG-LCAM-C081:FPICTURE"],
"start": 20337230810,
"end": 20337231300
with Retrieval(url="", backend="sf-imagebuffer") as source:
stdout = Stdout()
table = Table()
Queries can be performed asynchronously, and therefore can be paralellized. This example retrieves and saves data from a BSREAD source and from EPICS, for 3 seconds:
from datahub import *
with Epics() as epics:
with Bsread(url= "tcp://localhost:9999", mode="PULL") as bsread
hdf5 = HDF5Writer("~/data.h5")
stdout = Stdout()
epics.req(["TESTIOC:TESTSINUS:SinCalc"], None, 3.0, background=True)
bsread.req(["UInt8Scalar", "Float32Scalar"], None, 3.0, background=True)