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Last GEMS has GCMC capabilities, which we will include here in next

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alexispaz committed Apr 29, 2022
1 parent 091d657 commit 142573d
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Showing 11 changed files with 2,849 additions and 1,157 deletions.
437 changes: 437 additions & 0 deletions Cells.F90

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239 changes: 239 additions & 0 deletions Elements.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
! Copyright (c) 2020 Sergio Alexis Paz
! This file is part of GEMS. GEMS is an Extensible Molecular Simulator.
! .
! GEMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
! (at your option) any later version.
! .
! GEMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
! GNU General Public License for more details.
! .
! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
! along with GEMS. If not, see <>.

module gems_elements
use gems_constants, only:dp

implicit none

public :: inq_z, add_z, set_z, elements_init

type, public :: element
character(:),allocatable :: sym !='A' ! Use always adjustl
real(dp) :: carga=0._dp
real(dp) :: mass=1._dp

! Radio de corte covalente, lo uso para definir el nro de enlaces covalentes.
! Los valores son toqueteados para que los algoritmos que los necesiten funcionen.
! En definitiva, van a funcionar si este numero distingue bien entre un enlace
! covalente y un atomo no enlazado vecino cercano. Por eso lo hago por especie.

real(dp) :: rad=1._dp

end type

#define _NODE element_v
#define _TYPE type(element)
#include ""

type(element_v),target,public :: elements


#define _NODE element_v
#define _TYPE type(element)
#include ""

subroutine elements_init
type(element),pointer :: e(:)

! There are 118 elements in the periodic table
! I use one more for the generic element A
call elements%init(119)

e(1 )%sym='H' ; e(1 )%mass=1.008
e(2 )%sym='He' ; e(2 )%mass=4.0032
e(3 )%sym='Li' ; e(3 )%mass=6.941
e(4 )%sym='Be' ; e(4 )%mass=9.012
e(5 )%sym='B' ; e(5 )%mass=10.81
e(6 )%sym='C' ; e(6 )%mass=12.01; e(6)%rad=1.74
e(7 )%sym='N' ; e(7 )%mass=14.01
e(8 )%sym='O' ; e(8 )%mass=16.00
e(9 )%sym='F' ; e(9 )%mass=19.00
e(10 )%sym='Ne' ; e(10 )%mass=20.183
e(11 )%sym='Na' ; e(11 )%mass=22.99
e(12 )%sym='Mg' ; e(12 )%mass=24.31
e(13 )%sym='Al' ; e(13 )%mass=26.98
e(14 )%sym='Si' ; e(14 )%mass=28.09
e(15 )%sym='P' ; e(15 )%mass=30.97
e(16 )%sym='S' ; e(16 )%mass=32.07
e(17 )%sym='Cl' ; e(17 )%mass=35.45
e(18 )%sym='Ar' ; e(18 )%mass=39.954
e(19 )%sym='K' ; e(19 )%mass=39.10
e(20 )%sym='Ca' ; e(20 )%mass=40.08
e(21 )%sym='Sc' ; e(21 )%mass=44.96
e(22 )%sym='Ti' ; e(22 )%mass=47.87
e(23 )%sym='V' ; e(23 )%mass=50.94
e(24 )%sym='Cr' ; e(24 )%mass=52.00
e(25 )%sym='Mn' ; e(25 )%mass=54.94
e(26 )%sym='Fe' ; e(26 )%mass=55.84
e(27 )%sym='Co' ; e(27 )%mass=58.93
e(28 )%sym='Ni' ; e(28 )%mass=58.69
e(29 )%sym='Cu' ; e(29 )%mass=63.55
e(30 )%sym='Zn' ; e(30 )%mass=65.39
e(31 )%sym='Ga' ; e(31 )%mass=69.72
e(32 )%sym='Ge' ; e(32 )%mass=72.61
e(33 )%sym='As' ; e(33 )%mass=74.92
e(34 )%sym='Se' ; e(34 )%mass=78.96
e(35 )%sym='Br' ; e(35 )%mass=79.90
e(36 )%sym='Kr' ; e(36 )%mass=83.805
e(37 )%sym='Rb' ; e(37 )%mass=85.47
e(38 )%sym='Sr' ; e(38 )%mass=87.62
e(39 )%sym='Y' ; e(39 )%mass=88.91
e(40 )%sym='Zr' ; e(40 )%mass=91.22
e(41 )%sym='Nb' ; e(41 )%mass=92.91
e(42 )%sym='Mo' ; e(42 )%mass=95.94
e(43 )%sym='Tc' ; e(43 )%mass=99.
e(44 )%sym='Ru' ; e(44 )%mass=101.07
e(45 )%sym='Rh' ; e(45 )%mass=102.91
e(46 )%sym='Pd' ; e(46 )%mass=106.42
e(47 )%sym='Ag' ; e(47 )%mass=107.87
e(48 )%sym='Cd' ; e(48 )%mass=112.41
e(49 )%sym='In' ; e(49 )%mass=114.82
e(50 )%sym='Sn' ; e(50 )%mass=118.71
e(51 )%sym='Sb' ; e(51 )%mass=121.76
e(52 )%sym='Te' ; e(52 )%mass=127.60
e(53 )%sym='I' ; e(53 )%mass=126.90
e(54 )%sym='Xe' ; e(54 )%mass=131.296
e(55 )%sym='Cs' ; e(55 )%mass=132.91
e(56 )%sym='Ba' ; e(56 )%mass=137.33
e(57 )%sym='La' ; e(57 )%mass=0.
e(58 )%sym='Ce' ; e(58 )%mass=0.
e(59 )%sym='Pr' ; e(59 )%mass=0.
e(60 )%sym='Nd' ; e(60 )%mass=0.
e(61 )%sym='Pm' ; e(61 )%mass=0.
e(62 )%sym='Sm' ; e(62 )%mass=0.
e(63 )%sym='Eu' ; e(63 )%mass=0.
e(64 )%sym='Gd' ; e(64 )%mass=0.
e(65 )%sym='Tb' ; e(65 )%mass=0.
e(66 )%sym='Dy' ; e(66 )%mass=0.
e(67 )%sym='Ho' ; e(67 )%mass=0.
e(68 )%sym='Er' ; e(68 )%mass=0.
e(69 )%sym='Tm' ; e(69 )%mass=0.
e(70 )%sym='Yb' ; e(70 )%mass=0.
e(71 )%sym='Lu' ; e(71 )%mass=0.
e(72 )%sym='Hf' ; e(72 )%mass=178.49
e(73 )%sym='Ta' ; e(73 )%mass=180.95
e(74 )%sym='W' ; e(74 )%mass=183.84
e(75 )%sym='Re' ; e(75 )%mass=186.21
e(76 )%sym='Os' ; e(76 )%mass=190.23
e(77 )%sym='Ir' ; e(77 )%mass=192.22
e(78 )%sym='Pt' ; e(78 )%mass=195.08
e(79 )%sym='Au' ; e(79 )%mass=196.97
e(80 )%sym='Hg' ; e(80 )%mass=200.59
e(81 )%sym='Tl' ; e(81 )%mass=204.38
e(82 )%sym='Pb' ; e(82 )%mass=207.2
e(83 )%sym='Bi' ; e(83 )%mass=208.98
e(84 )%sym='Po' ; e(84 )%mass=209.
e(85 )%sym='At' ; e(85 )%mass=210.
e(86 )%sym='Rn' ; e(86 )%mass=222.
e(87 )%sym='Fr' ; e(87 )%mass=223.
e(88 )%sym='Ra' ; e(88 )%mass=226.
e(89 )%sym='Ac' ; e(89 )%mass=0.
e(90 )%sym='Th' ; e(90 )%mass=0.
e(91 )%sym='Pa' ; e(91 )%mass=0.
e(92 )%sym='U' ; e(92 )%mass=0.
e(93 )%sym='Np' ; e(93 )%mass=0.
e(94 )%sym='Pu' ; e(94 )%mass=0.
e(95 )%sym='Am' ; e(95 )%mass=0.
e(96 )%sym='Cm' ; e(96 )%mass=0.
e(97 )%sym='Bk' ; e(97 )%mass=0.
e(98 )%sym='Cf' ; e(98 )%mass=0.
e(99 )%sym='Es' ; e(99 )%mass=0.
e(100)%sym='Fm' ; e(100)%mass=0.
e(101)%sym='Md' ; e(101)%mass=0.
e(102)%sym='No' ; e(102)%mass=0.
e(103)%sym='Lr' ; e(103)%mass=0.
e(104)%sym='Rf' ; e(104)%mass=263.
e(105)%sym='Db' ; e(105)%mass=262.
e(106)%sym='Sg' ; e(106)%mass=266.
e(107)%sym='Bh' ; e(107)%mass=264.
e(108)%sym='Hs' ; e(108)%mass=269.
e(109)%sym='Mt' ; e(109)%mass=268.
e(110)%sym='Ds' ; e(110)%mass=272.
e(111)%sym='Rg' ; e(111)%mass=272.
e(112)%sym='Cn' ; e(112)%mass=277.
e(113)%sym='Ut' ; e(113)%mass=284.
e(114)%sym='Uq' ; e(114)%mass=289.
e(115)%sym='Up' ; e(115)%mass=288.
e(116)%sym='Uh' ; e(116)%mass=292.
e(117)%sym='Us' ; e(117)%mass=291.
e(118)%sym='Uo' ; e(118)%mass=293.

! The generix element
e(119)%sym='A' ; e(119)%mass=1.

end subroutine

function inq_z(sym)
! Devuelve el id del elemento correspondiente al simbolo sym
use gems_strings, only:locase
use gems_errors, only: werr
integer :: inq_z
character(*), intent(in) :: sym
character(:),allocatable :: l1,l2

l1 = sym
call locase(l1)
do inq_z = 1, elements%size
l2 = elements%o(inq_z)%sym
call locase(l2)
if (l1==l2) return


end function inq_z

subroutine add_z(sym,mass,carga,rad)
use gems_errors, only:werr
integer :: i
character(*), intent(in) :: sym
real(dp),optional :: mass,carga,rad

! Check already exisitng elements and the string lenght
if (i/=0) return

! Add a new element
call elements%append()

if(present(mass)) elements%o(i)%mass=mass
if(present(mass)) elements%o(i)%carga=carga
if(present(rad)) elements%o(i)%rad=rad

end subroutine add_z

subroutine set_z(z,sym,mass,carga,rad)
integer,intent(in) :: z
character(*),optional, intent(in) :: sym
real(dp),optional,intent(in) :: mass,carga,rad

if(present(sym)) elements%o(z)%sym=adjustl(sym)
if(present(mass)) elements%o(z)%mass=mass
if(present(carga)) elements%o(z)%carga=carga
if(present(rad)) elements%o(z)%rad=rad

end subroutine set_z

end module gems_elements
86 changes: 52 additions & 34 deletions Errors.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,50 +34,68 @@ module gems_errors
! timer variables
real(dp) :: vclock,sclock
integer,public :: sclock_rate, sclock_max,sclock_t1,sclock_t2

! TODO Error handling. Build buffer using a linked list of characters like a FIFO pile. In
! this way, errors or messages that a subroutine attempt to write might be
! handle from outside this subrroutine, choosing to print it or drop it,
! depending if an error or warning has been found.

! Error message and error flag
character(:),allocatable :: errm
logical,public :: errf

! Silent switch makes errors or messages to be supressed. When silent is on,
! errors will not halt the execution of the program. This provide a simple way to handle
! errors. Only first message will be save in errm variable.
! TODO Buffer messages in FIFO pile.
logical :: silent=.false.

! True right after a wwan/wstd occurs, false if not.
! True right after a message is set, false if not.
! TODO: switch stats to warm and stdm
logical,public :: stats

! True after a wwan occurs. Manually set to .false. is required.
! True after a wstd/wwan occurs. Manually set to .false. is required.
! This is usefull for group a block of wwan calls.
logical,public :: wstats
! TODO: switch wstats and sstats to warm and stdm
logical,public :: wstats, sstats


subroutine werr(message,logic)
! Test logic, report error and halt the program
logical,intent(in) :: logic
character(*),intent(in) :: message

subroutine werr(message,logica)
logical,intent(in),optional :: logica
character(*),intent(in),optional :: message
if(.not.logic) return

if(present(logica)) then
if (.not.logica) return
errm='#-ERR-> '//message

if(silent) return

write(logunit,'(a)',advance='no') '#-ERR-> '
write(error_unit,'(a)',advance='no') '#-ERR-> '
if (present(message)) then
write(logunit,'(a)') trim(message)
write(error_unit,'(a)') trim(message)
write(unit=error_unit, fmt='(a)') errm
write(logunit,'(a)') errm

! integer, parameter :: ALLOCATION_ERR = 1, &
! FILE_OPEN_ERR = 2, &
stop 1

! Using compile macros 'at __FILE__ __LINE__'

endsubroutine werr

subroutine wstd(message,logica)
logical,intent(in),optional :: logica
subroutine wstd(message,logic)
logical,intent(in),optional :: logic
character(*),intent(in),optional :: message

if(present(logica)) then
if (.not.logica) return
if(present(logic)) then
if (.not.logic) return

if(silent) return

Expand All @@ -88,13 +106,13 @@ subroutine wstd(message,logica)

endsubroutine wstd

subroutine wwan(message,logica)
logical,intent(in),optional :: logica
subroutine wwan(message,logic)
logical,intent(in),optional :: logic
character(*),intent(in),optional :: message

if(present(logica)) then
if (.not.logica) return
if(present(logic)) then
if (.not.logic) return
Expand All @@ -109,15 +127,15 @@ subroutine wwan(message,logica)

endsubroutine wwan

subroutine wlog(flag,message,logica)
logical,intent(in),optional :: logica
subroutine wlog(flag,message,logic)
logical,intent(in),optional :: logic
character(*),intent(in),optional :: message
character(*) :: flag

if(silent) return

if(present(logica)) then
if (.not.logica) return
if(present(logic)) then
if (.not.logic) return

write(logunit,'(a)',advance='no') '# '//flag//' '
Expand Down

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