This package could be used for cleaning obscene language from user messages.
Simply install it using composer command:
composer require "pavelpage/censorship:dev-master"
You have to options for using this package:
Replace obscene words
$censor = new Censor();
$text = "some text";
$censor->clean($text);// will replace obscene words in your text
Check the text
$censor = new Censor();
$text = "some text";
You have a few abilities to add functionality if you think, that package doesn't solute your problems.
Here are some parameters which you can replace in the config file:
Parameter | Value |
default_obscene_patterns | default patterns which used to detect obscene words |
obscene_patterns | you can add your own patterns to find obscene words |
replace_pattern | place symbols which will replace obscene words |
obscene_words | simply write words which should be replaced |
except_words | also, you can exclude some words from checking |
$censor = new Censor(['param_name' => []);// just send your custom configuration parameters to __construct method of controller
You can visit this site demo and check how it is working.
Now package works only with russian language, feel free to add english patterns or use some patterns from the examples directory(english.php).