Payara Platform Community 6.2023.1
== Supported APIs and Applications
- Jakarta EE 10
- Jakarta EE 10 Applications
- MicroProfile 5.0
- FISH-1413 Allow using environment variables in the create-connector-connection-pool command
== Security Fix
- FISH-6644 Upgrade OpenSSL to v 1.1.1q or higher in Payara Server Docker Images
== Component Upgrades
- FISH-6720 Upgrade Jersey to 3.1.0-M8
- FISH-6721 Upgrade DBSchema to 6.7
- FISH-6722 Upgrade Schema2Beans to 6.7
- FISH-6820 Update Woodstox to 6.4.0
- FISH-6848 Upgrade Maven Install Plugin to 3.1.0
- FISH-6849 Upgrade Felix ConfigAdmin to 1.9.26
- FISH-6850 Upgrade Apache BCEL to 6.7.0
- FISH-6854 Upgrade Jackson to 2.14.1