pronounce as wrap(ræp
- Glue - Platform-specific code to implement sockets
- Socket - Way for sending and receiving data between the two platforms
- Channel - An interface that allows information to be exchanged in units of messages using sockets.
- Guest - An interface that can send requests to hosts using channels.
- Host - An interface that allows you to process and respond to requests received from guests.
Whenever the channel sends a message, it writes the message size as a 4-byte little-endian integer to the socket, and then writes a message payload as that size.
The message payload is defined in the ./src/wrp.proto file.
participant H as WrpHost
participant G as WrpGuest
H->>G: HostInitialize
Note over H, G: Send available methods
G->>+H: GuestReqStart
H-->>G: HostResStart
par request
G-->>H: GuestReqPayload
G-->>H: GuestReqFinish
par response
H-->>G: HostResPayload
H-->>-G: HostResFinish
// Glue implementation provides socket object.
type Socket = Reader & Writer;
interface Reader {
read(p: Uint8Array): Promise<number | null>;
interface Writer {
write(p: Uint8Array): Promise<number>;
// Channel provides a per-message communication method.
interface WrpChannel {
listen(): AsyncGenerator<WrpMessage>;
send(message: WrpMessage): Promise<void>;
type Metadata = Record<string, string>;
interface LazyMetadata {
[key: string]:
| undefined
| string
| Promise<string | undefined>
| (() => string | undefined)
| (() => Promise<string | undefined>);
// Guest provides a way to send requests to the host.
interface WrpGuest {
availableMethods: Set<string>;
methodName: string,
req: AsyncGenerator<Uint8Array>,
metadata?: LazyMetadata,
): {
res: AsyncGenerator<Uint8Array>;
header: Promise<Metadata>;
trailer: Promise<Metadata>;
// Host provides a way to handle and respond to requests from guests.
interface WrpHost {
listen(): AsyncGenerator<WrpRequest>;
interface WrpRequest {
methodName: string;
metadata: Metadata;
req: AsyncGenerator<Uint8Array>;
sendHeader(value: Metadata): void;
sendPayload(value: Uint8Array): void;
sendTrailer(value: Metadata): void;