Features & Improvements
Respect certificates in env vars REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE
when verifying SSL certificates. (#3076 )
Allow pypi.verify_ssl to be configured via PDM_PYPI_VERIFY_SSL environmental variable. (#3081 )
Clean logs older than 7 days. (#3091 )
Polish the UI looking of locking packages to display the progress. (#3100 )
Bug Fixes
Fixed pdm venv activate
to remove quotes such that iex (pdm venv activate)
works correctly (#2895 )
Don't crash if the version can't be resolved from the self project. (#3077 )
Don't fail
if there is an invalid pyproject.toml
file under the current directory. (#3085 )
Make it able to expand env vars in the the dotenv file. Expose PDM_PROJECT_ROOT
to the dotenv file for expansion. (#3087 )
Fix a bug that Python markers from the existing locked packages are considered when locking with --append
option. (#3089 )
Backfill urls from configured indexed when exporting to requirements.txt. (#3094 )
Consider the auto-selected Python range when installing from requirements.txt. (#3095 )
Fix a bug that env vars do not override project config correctly. (#3099 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.