Simple survey application with images. Easy share and vote that or this. It has Android and Windows Phone mobile application.
When I was 17, I developed this project and i enjoyed when i developed it :)
First of all, you need to clone the project to your local machine and look Requirements
- Android Studio or Android Enviromment (for Android)
- Visual Studio and Windows & Windows Phone 8.1 SDK
- PHP 5.6
A step by step series of building that project
Create MySQL Database
Execute SQL Script on MySQL Database (Database Schema/omubumuapp.sql)
Change database connection strings (File: OmuBuMuAPI/OmuBuMuAPI/Core/Config.php and OmuBuMuAPI/OmuBuMuAPI/SifremiUnuttum/config.php)
Change password reset link APIHelper.php
Change API endpoint for Windows & Windows Phone 8.1 DataClient.cs
Change API endpoint for Android
Run Android, Windows 8.1 or Windows Phone 8.1 App and enjoy
It has someone security bugs. For example image upload process has a security bug. If you like this project, you can fix and create pull request :)
- If you want to contribute to codes, create pull request
- If you find any bugs or error, create an issue
This project is licensed under the MIT License