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Replaced CredentialStore Agent with a GenServer
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- Replaced Agent with GenServer
- We can now change the user data in all sessions and not only the current session.
  We can also change the data from outside a controller.
- Fixed some wrong @specs regarding credentials
- Added a 'credentials' type to enhance readability.

There are lot's of changes, but the commit makes sense as a whole
(except maybe for the tye definitions and fixing the @specs)

Now, in more detail:

*Replaced Agent with a GenServer*
The API remains backward compatible, except for the fact that all
references to Agent are now references to a Server.

A GenServer is a better choice because it abstracts the state further
and allows for more complex queries of the session data.

In this case, a GenServer was necessary to have a fast way of getting
all sessions belonging to a certain user without iterating over all

Having a GenServer allows us to keep an (opaque) index, hidden from the
end user (as it should be, given it's an implementation detail).
This extra decoupling between querying the state and the way the state
is in fact stores looks like a good thing.

This GenServer is implemented using ExActor.
ExActor gives an even nicer API on top of the raw GenServer,
and reduces boilerplate by a lot.

It does introduce an extra dependency, but it's compile-time only,
as all macros are expanded at compile-time into a normal GenServer.
The mapping between an ExActor and a GenServer is straightforward,
so I think it doesn't loose much in clarity.
In fact, I think redability is enhanced by not using a raw GenServer.

*Changing the user's data in all sessions*

It requires keeping an additional index in the Credential store,
but it's worth it because it makes it very easy to change the user's
data. Previously, the user had to log out and login so that changes
would be reflected in all sessions.
  • Loading branch information
tmbb committed Jul 31, 2017
1 parent 47eb31c commit 0a760e7
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Showing 17 changed files with 214 additions and 73 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -688,20 +688,20 @@ IpAddress authentication is a good solution for server to server rest APIs.

creds = Coherence.Authentication.Basic.encode_credentials("Admin", "SecretPass")
Coherence.CredentialStore.Agent.put_credentials(creds, %{role: :admin})
Coherence.CredentialStore.Server.put_credentials(creds, %{role: :admin})

### Add Token Credentials Example

token = Coherence.Authentication.Token.generate_token
Coherence.CredentialStore.Agent.put_credentials(token, %{role: :admin})
Coherence.CredentialStore.Server.put_credentials(token, %{role: :admin})

### Add IP Credentials Example

Coherence.CredentialStore.Agent.put_credentials({}, %{role: :admin})
Coherence.CredentialStore.Server.put_credentials({}, %{role: :admin})

IpAddress authentication does not require this step. Its optional. If the user_data
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25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions lib/coherence.ex
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Expand Up @@ -232,6 +232,31 @@ Run `$ mix help coherence.install` or `$ mix help coherence.install` for more in
def current_user(conn), do: conn.assigns[Config.assigns_key]

@doc """
Updates the user login data in the current sessions.
Other sessions belonging to the same user won't be updated.
Requires access to the `conn`, which means it can't be called outside of the context of a conn.
To update all session belonging to the user see `t:update_user_login/1`.
def update_user_login(conn, user) do
[conn, user, [id_key: Config.schema_key]])

@doc """
Updates the user login data in the all sessions belonging to the user.
All sessions belonging to the same user will be updated.
Doesn't need access to the `conn`, which means it can be called anywhere.
To update only the current session see `t:update_user_login/2`
def update_user_logins(user) do
# Handle a user's DBStore

@doc """
Get the currently logged in user name.
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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions lib/coherence/plugs/authorization/basic.ex
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Expand Up @@ -25,11 +25,12 @@ defmodule Coherence.Authentication.Basic do
import Coherence.Authentication.Utils

alias Coherence.Messages
alias Coherence.CredentialStore.Types, as: T

@doc """
Returns the encoded form for the given `user` and `password` combination.
@spec encode_credentials(atom | String.t, String.t | nil) :: String.t
@spec encode_credentials(atom | String.t, String.t | nil) :: T.credentials
def encode_credentials(user, password), do: Base.encode64("#{user}:#{password}")

@spec create_login(String.t, String.t, t, Keyword.t) :: t
Expand All @@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ defmodule Coherence.Authentication.Basic do
realm: Keyword.get(opts, :realm, Messages.backend().restricted_area()),
error: Keyword.get(opts, :error, Messages.backend().http_authentication_required()),
store: Keyword.get(opts, :store, Coherence.CredentialStore.Agent),
store: Keyword.get(opts, :store, Coherence.CredentialStore.Server),
assigns_key: Keyword.get(opts, :assigns_key, :current_user),
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44 changes: 0 additions & 44 deletions lib/coherence/plugs/authorization/credential_store/agent.ex

This file was deleted.

149 changes: 149 additions & 0 deletions lib/coherence/plugs/authorization/credential_store/server.ex
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@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
defmodule Coherence.CredentialStore.Server do
# ExActor will help us simplify the definition of our GenServer
use ExActor.GenServer, export: Coherence.CredentialStore.Server

alias Coherence.CredentialStore.Types, as: T

@behaviour Coherence.CredentialStore

# Server State
# ------------
# The state of the server is a record containing a store and an index.
require Record
# The state is not part of the server's API, so its type and constructor will be private.
# We want to have the flexibility of changing this later for efficiency reasons.
Record.defrecordp :state, [store: %{}, index: %{}]
# The store is a map mapping credentials to user_data
@typep store :: %{T.credentials => T.user_data}
# The index is a map mapping the user's id to that user's active sessions.
@typep index :: %{T.user_id => MapSet.t(T.credentials)}
# The index makes it much easier to find out which session credentials belong to a certain user.
# Without this index, to get or update all sessions belonging to a user, one has to iterate over all the items in the map
# This is linear on the number of active sessions (>= the number of users because there can be >= 1 session per user)
# With the index, accessing all the sessions belonging to a user costs a map lookup
# and iterating over all sessions it is linear on the number of sessions belonging to that user.
# This is a clear improvement if there are many concurrent users.
# The costs of this index are increased memory consumption (we need to keep what's basically a duplicated state) and slower update operations.
# For applications with many concurrent sessions, the benefits probably outweight the costs.
# For applications without many concurrent sessions these costs aren't great anyway.

# Public API for our server
# -------------------------

defstart start_link, do:
# initially, both the store and the index are empty
initial_state(state(store: %{}, index: %{}))

@spec update_user_logins(T.user_data) :: [T.credentials]
defcall update_user_logins(%{id: user_id} = user_data), state: state(store: store, index: index) do
# Maybe support updating ths user's ID.
# Currently it's not obvious what's the best API for this.
# -----------------------------------------
# Get credentials for all sessions belonging to user
# This operations is read-only for the index.
sessions_credentials = Map.get(index, user_id, [])
# Build the changes to apply to the store.
# This is linear on the number of sessions belonging to the user.
# It is much better than the naive approach without the index,
# which is linear on the total number of active sessions.
delta = for credentials <- sessions_credentials, into: %{}, do: {credentials, user_data}
# Update the store with the new user_data model
# The index data is not touched, so the index is returned unchanged.
state(store: Map.merge(store, delta), index: index),
# Return the updated credentials for all sessions belonging to the user
defcall update_user_logins(_), do:
# If the user_data doesn't contain an ID, there are no sessions belonging to the user
# There is no need to update anything and we just return an empty list

@spec update_user_logins(T.credentials) :: T.user_data
defcall get_user_data(credentials), state: state(store: store) do
Map.get(store, credentials) |> reply

@spec put_credentials(T.credentials, T.user_data) :: T.user_data
defcall put_credentials(credentials, user_data), state: state(store: store, index: index) do
# The data has been changed; We must update both the index and the store
# Update the index only if it makes sense
possibly_updated_index = maybe_add_credentials_to_index(index, user_data, credentials)
# Always update the store
updated_store = add_credentials_to_store(store, user_data, credentials)
# Update the state and reply
state(store: updated_store, index: possibly_updated_index),
# Return the updated store

@spec delete_credentials(T.credentials) :: store
defcall delete_credentials(credentials), state: state(store: store, index: index) do
user_data = Map.get(store, credentials)
# The data has been changed; We must update both the index and the store
# Update the index only if it makes sense
possibly_updated_index = maybe_delete_credentials_from_index(index, user_data, credentials)
# Always update the store
updated_store = delete_credentials_from_store(store, credentials)
state(store: updated_store, index: possibly_updated_index),

defcast stop, do: stop_server(:normal)

# Helper functions:
# -----------------
@spec maybe_add_credentials_to_index(index, T.user_data, T.credentials) :: index
defp maybe_add_credentials_to_index(index, %{id: user_id}, credentials), do:
# If there isn't an entry for user_id in the index, create it.
# If there is already an entry for user_id, append the new credentials.
# If the user has no credentials, create a new entry in the MapSet
# with the new credentials
MapSet.put(, credentials),
# If the user already has some credentials, put the new credential
&(MapSet.put(&1, credentials)))
defp maybe_add_credentials_to_index(index, nil, _), do: index
defp maybe_add_credentials_to_index(index, _, _), do: index

@spec maybe_delete_credentials_from_index(index, T.user_data, T.credentials) :: index
defp maybe_delete_credentials_from_index(index, %{id: user_id}, credentials) do
# We must handle 3 cases:
case index do
%{^user_id => sessions_credentials} ->
case MapSet.size(sessions_credentials) do
# 1. The user has a single session
# -----------------------------------
# If there is only a single session belonging to that user,
# the user is no longer active after deleting the session.
# We can delete it from the index.
1 -> Map.delete(index, user_id)
# 2. The user has more than one session
# -------------------------------------
# We must delete the credentials from the set of session credentials
_ -> %{index | user_id => MapSet.delete(sessions_credentials, credentials)}
# 3. The user has no sessions (return the index unchanged)
_ -> index
defp maybe_delete_credentials_from_index(index, nil, _), do: index
defp maybe_delete_credentials_from_index(index, _, _), do: index

@spec add_credentials_to_store(store, T.user_data, T.credentials) :: store
defp add_credentials_to_store(store, user_data, credentials), do:
Map.put(store, credentials, user_data)

@spec delete_credentials_from_store(store, T.credentials) :: store
defp delete_credentials_from_store(store, credentials), do:
Map.delete(store, credentials)
23 changes: 13 additions & 10 deletions lib/coherence/plugs/authorization/credential_store/session.ex
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ defmodule Coherence.CredentialStore.Session do
@moduledoc """
Stores current credential information.
Uses an Agent to save logged in credentials.
Uses an Server to save logged in credentials.
Note: If you restart the phoenix server, this information
is lost, requiring the user to log in again.
Expand All @@ -21,17 +21,19 @@ defmodule Coherence.CredentialStore.Session do

require Logger
alias Coherence.DbStore
alias Coherence.CredentialStore.Agent
alias Coherence.CredentialStore.Server
alias Coherence.CredentialStore.Types, as: T

@spec start_link() :: {:ok, pid} | {:error, atom}
def start_link do

@doc """
Gets the user data for the given credentials
@spec get_user_data({HashDict.t, nil | struct, integer | nil}) :: any

@spec get_user_data({T.credentials, nil | struct, integer | nil}) :: any
def get_user_data({credentials, nil, _}) do
get_data credentials
Expand All @@ -41,22 +43,23 @@ defmodule Coherence.CredentialStore.Session do
case DbStore.get_user_data(db_model.__struct__, credentials, id_key) do
nil -> nil
user_data ->
Agent.put_credentials(credentials, user_data)
Server.put_credentials(credentials, user_data)
other ->

defp get_data(credentials), do: Agent.get_user_data(credentials)
@spec get_data(T.credentials) :: any
defp get_data(credentials), do: Server.get_user_data(credentials)

@doc """
Puts the `user_data` for the given `credentials`.
@spec put_credentials({HashDict.t, any, atom}) :: any
@spec put_credentials({T.credentials, any, atom}) :: any
def put_credentials({credentials, user_data, id_key}) do
Agent.put_credentials(credentials, user_data)
Server.put_credentials(credentials, user_data)
DbStore.put_credentials(user_data, credentials, id_key)

Expand All @@ -65,13 +68,13 @@ defmodule Coherence.CredentialStore.Session do
Returns the current value of `credentials`, if `credentials` exists.
@spec delete_credentials(HashDict.t) :: any
@spec delete_credentials(T.credentials) :: any
def delete_credentials(credentials) do
case get_data credentials do
nil -> nil
user_data ->
DbStore.delete_credentials user_data, credentials
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions lib/coherence/plugs/authorization/credential_store/types.ex
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@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
defmodule Coherence.CredentialStore.Types do
@type credentials :: String.t
@type user_data :: Ecto.Schema.t | Map.t
@type user_id :: any
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions lib/coherence/plugs/authorization/ip_address.ex
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Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ defmodule Coherence.Authentication.IpAddress do
If you would like access to the current user you must set each authorized IP address like:
Coherence.CredentialStore.Agent.put_credentials({}, %{role: :admin})
Coherence.CredentialStore.Server.put_credentials({}, %{role: :admin})
or use a custom store like:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,15 +65,15 @@ defmodule Coherence.Authentication.IpAddress do
Add the credentials for a `token`. `user_data` can be any term but must not be `nil`.
@spec add_credentials(String.t, t, module) :: t
def add_credentials(ip, user_data, store \\ Coherence.CredentialStore.Agent) do
def add_credentials(ip, user_data, store \\ Coherence.CredentialStore.Server) do
store.put_credentials(ip, user_data)

@doc """
Remove the credentials for a `token`.
@spec remove_credentials(String.t, module) :: t
def remove_credentials(ip, store \\ Coherence.CredentialStore.Agent) do
def remove_credentials(ip, store \\ Coherence.CredentialStore.Server) do

Expand All @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ defmodule Coherence.Authentication.IpAddress do
allow: Keyword.get(opts, :allow, []),
deny: Keyword.get(opts, :deny, []),
error: Keyword.get(opts, :error, Messages.backend().unauthorized_ip_address()),
store: Keyword.get(opts, :store, Coherence.CredentialStore.Agent),
store: Keyword.get(opts, :store, Coherence.CredentialStore.Server),
assign_key: Keyword.get(opts, :assign_key, :current_user),
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