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Time Ordered Distributable Database
A format for useful peer-to-peer databases.
perama (@perama-v)
Standards Track
<date created on, in ISO 8601 (yyyy-mm-dd) format>
<EIP number(s)>

Note: This is formulated in the style of an EIP as a thought exercise for now. It is not clear that the concept is suited for an EIP. If that changes, I'll update this comment.


A format for a database comprising time-ordered dependent chunks that facilitate distribution on content-addressable storage media. The format makes explicit the ability to add new data without breaking identifiers for existing data. Data is also broken into pieces that encourage users to host subsets of the whole.


Databases in the Ethereum ecosystem are often intended to be public goods. Yet it is a challenge to distribute a database that changes over time and it is often more helpful to end users if a single actor maintains a reliable, complete and up to date database. These services are often provided generously with free and scrapeable APIs and public repositories.

Two changes can make these databases more amenable to peer to peer distribution:

  1. Break the data into time-ordered chunks with content identifiers (CIDs) that remain constant with the addition of new data.
  2. Divide the data into desirable subsets to encourage users to host retrievable portions of the whole.


The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 and RFC 8174.

General Structure

The database is defined by a schema with tunable parameters.

The database consists of individually-accessible units called Chapters. Data within a Chapter share similar properties. Chapters are released as part of discrete Volumes that come out at some cadence. After a Volume is released, the data does not change.

Chapters consist of data that is easily recognisable as desirable for a particular user. When a new Volume is released, a user can ignore irrelevant Chapters. This provides a mechanism to shard the database across users. From a user's perpsective this is analgous to "subscribing" to a Chapter that is important to them.

When a new Volume is released, two users may obtain different Chapters.

A compliant database:

  • MUST define a time-based definition for Volumes (how often new data comes out)
  • MUST define a user-focused definition for Chapters (what the difference between chapters is)

A Chapter is the distributable unit of the database. It is defined by a unique Volume-Chapter pair. A Chapter contains data as key-value pairs where keys all match the Chapter definition and can be used by a user to obtain values.

Fundamental to this idea is that a user starts with a query. They inspect the chapters they have obtained and obtain values that match the query. The combined result of the values from each chapter is the complete result of that query

Volume definition

A Volume is a collection of data that is constructed and published at a cadence using a Volume definition. A specific Volume is described by a specific VolumeId and consists of many individual discrete Chapters.

A Volume definition MUST provide a clear protocol for deciding when a threshold for publication is reached. The nature of the threshold will vary between databases.

A unique VolumeId MUST be specified for each Volume. For example, using bytes to represent a block range particular to that Volume. This is different to the the interface identifier string.

It is RECOMMENDED that the definition be defined similarly to the way new data is collected. Where there is a sequential nature to the data collection, this may be a good mechanism for determining a threshold. Where data is stored unordered, it is RECOMMENDED that an articifial ordering used.

For example:

  • Data is exclusively derived from new sequential mainnet blocks.
    • Threshold every nth new addresses appearance detected during transaction tracing.
    • Example database: UnchainedIndex
  • Data is exclusively derived from new sequential mainnet blocks.
    • Threshold every nth block of new data.
    • Example database: address-appearance-index
  • Data consists of user submitted string->hash mappings that are given an incrementing index
    • Threshold every nth submitted mapping.
    • Example database: 4byte directory
  • Data consists of contract metadata stored in a key-value database by address.
    • Define any ordering system for existing records (date added, lexicographically, ...)
    • Threshold every nth new addition.
    • Example database: Sourcify repository

The threshold MAY be subject to inter-observer disagreement. Two publishers may produce two different volumes and users may use either or both databases. Where agreement is required due to the nature of the data, social coordination may be required to decide a "canonical" volume to continue building upon.

Chapter definition

A Chapter is a collection of data Records that are constructed using a Chapter definition and is published as a part of a Volume. A specific chapter is described by a unique VolumeId and ChapterId pair.

The following details apply to a databases that define Chapters.

A Chapter definition MUST be identifiable by knowledge that the end user posesses. They represent subsets of the data that they can obtain that is relevant to their needs.

A unique ChapterId MUST be specified for each Chapter. For example, using bytes to represent a the hex characters common to all addresses particular to that Chapter. This is different to the the interface identifier string.

It is RECOMMENDED that Chapter definitions are such that they divide the index into shards that are small enough for a user to host, but large enough such that the number of users required to host the complete database is achievable.

Some examples:

  • User has an address 0x1234...abcd
    • Chapters represent sections of the address namespace. Data in each chapter is for address that all start with the same 2 hex characters.
    • User obtains chapter_0x12
    • Example database: address-appearance-index
  • User has a method signature 0xabcd1234
    • Chapters represent sections of the signature namespace. Data in each chapter is for signature that all start with the same hex character.
    • User obtains chapter_0xa
    • Example database: 4byte directory
  • User has a contract metadata identifier Qm1234...wxyz
    • Chapters represent sections of the metadata CID namespace. Data in each chapter is for CIDs that all start with the same base-58 character.
    • User obtains chapter_Qm1
    • Example database: Sourcify repostory

A Chapter definition MAY be broad enough to include all possible Records. This mean that a Volume only has one Chapter. This may be appropriate where a database is small enough to not warrant dividing into smaller pieces, or where a database has an alternative method for users to determine if a Chapter is desired (such as bloom filters).


A Chapter consists of a collection of key-value pairs called Records.

A Record MUST consist of RecordKey-RecordValue pairs.

The format of a Record MUST be specified. For example a record for a specific database may consist of a key that is a string and a value that is a container of items conforming to some encoding.


A Record consists of a RecordKey-RecordValue pair.

A RecordKey MUST represent a user query. For example: an Ethereum address may be a RecordKey if the user will use addresses to look up data.

A key MUST conform to the defintion of a Chapter. For example: chapter_0x12 consists of RecordKey that all start with 0x12....

A RecordKey MUST NOT appear in a Chapter more than once.


A Record consists of a RecordKey-RecordValue pair. Multiple RecordValues are aggregated to form the response to a user query.

A RecordValue MAY be a collection of data. For example: The RecordKey 0x1234...acbd may map to an array of transaction ids.

A value in a Chapter MUST conform to the definition of the Volume that the Chapter belongs to. For example: If a Volume is defined by a block range, then a RecordValue must consist of transactions within that range.


When a new Volume is released, a manifest SHOULD be published. It consists of a complete record of the CID of every Chapter. By obtaining a manifest from a publisher, a user can quickly ascertain the CID of the data that is valuable to them.

The Manifest MUST be JSON formatted document.

The Manifest MUST have a "version" field, whose value is RECOMMENDED to represent the semantic version of the data structure.

The Manifest MUST have a "schemas" field, whose value is a string that is RECOMMENDED to either represent the CID of the schema and/or protocols that define the data and its preparation and use. The value MAY instead be a string representing the schema itself. It is NOT RECOMMENDED that the value be a URL that may change.

The Manifest MUST list all chapters.

The Manifest MAY, for each unique distributable database element, included additional unique content identifiers. For example, in addition to an IPFS CID, a swarm hash and SSZ root hash may be included for each element.

It is RECOMMENDED that when a new manifest is published, the CID of the manifest is broadcast to relevant parties. For example, the CID of the manifest could be announced to connected peers in a peer to peer network, or stored in smart contract that implements ERC-generic-attributable-manifest-broadcaster.

Interface Identifiers

It is RECOMMENDED that the database schema specification (referred to in the "schemas" field of the Manifest) define an identifier schema for the database, Volumes and Chapters. These identifiers allow data to be referred to via application programming interfaces (APIs).

If defined, they SHOULD be defined in a section called: "Interface identifier string schemas", using the following terms:

  • database interface id
  • volume interface id
  • chapter interface id

The purpose of these identifiers is to enable interfaces to refer to the database and its components For example, a RESTful API might define an endpoint for a database that indexes the appearances of address inside transactions as follows:

Example definition:

Example call:

An identifier SHOULD be a string specified by regular expression of following general form:


That is, schemas should describe regular expressions that are limited to any combination of: letters, numbers, "_" and "-".

Example database identifier for a database that manages mappings of strings to hex signatures:

Database interface id:

Example: "4byte-directory"

Example schema for Volumes that are defined by block heights:

Volume interface id:

Example: "blocks-001300000-001305432"

Example schema for Volumes that are defined by an incremental counter of new entries:

Volume interface id:

Example: "091233"

Example schema for Chapters that are defined by the first two hex characters of addresses:

Chapter interface id:

Example: "addresses_starting_0x3f"

Example schema for Chapters that are defined by the first hex character of a signature:

Chapter interface id:

Example: "d"

Flat structure

All files are uniquely identified by the Volume and (if used) Chapter. As such, the database is able to be represented as a list of elements, one per CID.

[volume_1_chapter_1, volume_1_chapter_2, ..., volume_2_chapter_1, volume_2_chapter_2,  ...]

The Manifest MUST contain all the unique elements with their CIDs. The JSON format for these data is an implementation detail, but MUST be defined in the linked document under the manifest "schema" field.

Implementations MAY represent and store the actual data any way including flat files nested directories or key-value databases.

However, the manifest MUST NOT nest CIDs in a way that prevents a user from immediately reading the individual file CIDs directly from the manifest.


The Volume cadence provides a mechanism for immutable CIDs. Publishers prepare new data but do not release it as a Volume until strict criteria are met. This discrete release model allows new data to be shared and incorporated in peer to peer networks without disrupting CIDs for existing data.

The Chapter definition provides a mechanism for database partitioning. Users obtain a functional shard of the database for personal gain. This provides an opportunity for that person to seamlessly share the data without incurring the full burden of the whole database.

In existing systems where data is published with content identifiers (CIDs) such as the Interplanetary File System (IPFS), the publisher may update records with a naming system such as then InterPlanetary Name System (IPNS) or the Ethereum Name System (ENS). This becomes brittle if the main provider ceases their operation. The manifest is a solution that allows different publishers to convene and broadcast in the same place (forum, peer to peer network or smart contract).

The database format provides a path to convert a traditional (client-server architecture) database into a distributed database. This allows benevolent actors who currently run database services to continue publishing in a way that allows other individuals participate. User software can act as to run software that:

  • Consumer (fetch existing data for personal use and then start hosting it by default)
  • Published (create new data and publish manifest for others to acquire)

The rationale for this architecture is predicated on the idea that many users are happy to help out, and will consent to reasonable software defaults. For example, a client may start serving data to peers automatically consuming a small disk and bandwidth footprint. In aggregate, this would create a functional and robust network.

Reference Implementation

The following are compliant reference implementations:


The UnchainedIndex comprises an database that records the transaction ids (block and index) for all addresses that appear during transaction execution.

  • Volumes (known as "chunks") are published every 2_000_000 address appearances.
  • Each Volume has a single Chapter. Users obtain bloom filters to determine if the Chapters/"chunks" are of interest for their address.

This corresponds to one ~25MB indivisible Chapter published every ~12 hours.

A snippet of a particular published manifest has the following form, with the required fields as follows:

  • "version" field: The version of the software used to create this instance of the database.
  • "schemas" field: An IPFS CID for the specification of the UnchainedIndex
  • Chapter are listed, each with their definition ("range" field) and CID ("indexHash" field).
  "version": "[email protected]",
  "chain": "mainnet",
  "schemas": "QmUou7zX2g2tY58LP1A2GyP5RF9nbJsoxKTp299ah3svgb",
  "config": {
    "appsPerChunk": 2000000,
    "snapToGrid": 100000,
    "firstSnap": 2300000,
    "unripeDist": 28
  "chunks": [
      "range": "000000000-000000000",
      "bloomHash": "QmYhuaJu9bHAGpSsuaQug7bjnLcoE6B5PCZsg4XZGVFbKy",
      "bloomSize": 131114,
      "indexHash": "QmaKUsfH5AXqPJgjGAQFZWRheF1jtc5PqGi8cYrwmMCXdu",
      "indexSize": 320192
      "range": "000000001-000590502",
      "bloomHash": "QmZxFR7NmeUvyLoynX4cpN2DFKukbaFq78jmBAyGLeUkYD",
      "bloomSize": 131114,
      "indexHash": "Qmehw7ebshWsBQV4ZZLaEqETkttguRAonoQKMqVeumP9Fy",
      "indexSize": 16821060

The CID of this manifest is broadcast by storing it in the smart contract that implements ERC-generic-attributable-manifest-broadcaster, deployed on mainnet at 0x0c316b7042b419d07d343f2f4f5bd54ff731183d:


The address-appearance-index comprises a database that records the transaction ids (block and index) for all addresses that appear during transaction execution.

  • Volumes are defined every 100_000 blocks.
  • Chapters are defined as containing data for addresses that all share common first two hex characters.

This corresponds to one ~500mb Volume published every ~2 weeks, comprising 256 ~2MB Chapters that may be individually obtained.

Example manifest file demonstration. Files are nested but all CIDs are available:

  "version": "0.0.1",
  "schemas": "Qm1234...wxyz",
  "volumes": [
      "volume_id": 0,
      "chapters": [
          "chapter_id": "0x00"
          "cid": "Qm1234...wxyz"
          "chapter_id": "0x01"
          "cid": "Qm1234...wxyz"
          "chapter_id": "0xff"
          "cid": "Qm1234...wxyz"
      "volume_id": 100_000,
      "chapters": [
          "chapter_id": "0x00"
          "cid": "Qm1234...wxyz"
          "chapter_id": "0x01"
          "cid": "Qm1234...wxyz"
          "chapter_id": "0xff"
          "cid": "Qm1234...wxyz"

Parameter Choices

Design space

The definition of a Chapter determines how much the database will be split. If chosen well, the database will naturally have a high replication number R amongst peers despite having a low disk footprint for each peer.

- 100 users 1000 users 10000 users
0.01% of data R0.01 R0.1 R1
0.1% of data R0.1 R1 R10
1% of data R1 R10 R100
10% of data R10 R100 R1000

Table 1: Replication factor R, where R2 indicates that every piece of data in the database has two copies. Any R<1 indicates that the data is not sufficiently represented in the network. A high R makes the data more available and resistant to loss.

It must be noted that a user only contributes to the R value if they are actively participating in peer-to-peer sharing.

A consideration for some databases is that single user may want multiple Chapters. Below is the effect on percentage of database obtained by the Chapter definition and `Chapter count per user.

- 1 Chapter per user 10 Chapters per user 100 Chapters per user
16^1 = 16 Chapters (0x0-0xf) 6.3% downloaded 63% 630%
16^2 = 256 Chapters (0x00-0xff) 0.39% 3.9% 39%
16^3 = 4096 Chapters (0x000-0xfff) 0.024% 0.24% 2.4%
16^4 = 65,536 Chapters (0x0000-0xffff) 0.0015% 0.015% 0.15%

Table 2: Percentage of the entire database that a single user obtains when they get every Chapter relevant to them. Chapters are defined by a different number of leading hexadecimal characters (resulting in the number of Chapters being a function of hexadecimal orders of magnitude), but other definitions could be used.

Example parameter selection

By starting with the known parameters for a particular database, the number of Chapters can be deduced.

For example, consider a database of indexed addresseses that a wallet user will acquire part of. Chapters are defined by the addresses they contain.

Supppose the following:

  • An estimated 1000 users
  • A target replication factor of R10

Using the Table 1, this results in a user needing to obtain a minimum of 1% of the data to effectively support the network.

If a user has on average ~10 wallet addresses (10 Chapters per user), then Table 2 results in a choice of 3.9% per user, equating to 256 Chapters. Hence Chapters should be defined as having addresses that have the first two hex characters in common (0x00-0xff).

Security Considerations

Independent parties may publish different data or data that is incorrect, out of date or inaccurate. It is the responsibility of the user to find a trustworthy publisher.

The verion and schema sections of the data provide a means for users to navigate breaking changes to the structure and content of the data.


Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.


Time Ordered Distributable Database







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