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Percy visual testing for Java Appium.


npm install @percy/cli:

$ npm install --save-dev @percy/cli

Note: Minimum required version for @percy/cli is 1.15.0 for this package to work correctly.

Add percy-appium-app to your project dependencies. If you're using Maven:


If you're using a different build system, see for details for your specific system.

Note: This package is tested on Java versions 8, 11, 12, 13, 17 as part of unit tests. It should ideally work on all Java 8+ versions.


This is an example test using the percy.screenshot function.

// import ...
import io.percy.appium.AppPercy;

public class Example {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws MalformedURLException, InterruptedException {
    DesiredCapabilities caps = new DesiredCapabilities();
    // Add caps here

    AndroidDriver<AndroidElement> driver = new AndroidDriver<AndroidElement>(
      new URL(""), caps);

    AppPercy percy = new AppPercy(driver);
    percy.screenshot("First Screenshot");

Running the test above normally will result in the following log:

[percy] Percy is not running, disabling screenshots

When running with percy app:exec, and your project's PERCY_TOKEN, a new Percy build will be created and screenshots will be uploaded to your project.

$ export PERCY_TOKEN=[your-project-token]
$ percy exec -- [java test command]
[percy] Percy has started!
[percy] Created build #1:[your-project]
[percy] Screenshot taken "Java example"
[percy] Stopping percy...
[percy] Finalized build #1:[your-project]
[percy] Done!


The screenshot method arguments:

  ScreenshotOptions options = new ScreenshotOptions();
  // Set options here
  percy.screenshot(name, fullScreen, options)
  • name (required) - The screenshot name; must be unique to each screenshot
  • Additional screenshot options (overrides any project options):
    • fullScreen - (optional) It indicates if the app is a full screen
    • options - (optional) configure screenshot using below setter:
Setter Method Description
setDeviceName(String deviceNameParam) Device name on which screenshot is taken
setStatusBarHeight(Integer statusBarHeightParam) Height of status bar for the device
setNavBarHeight(Integer navBarHeightParam) Height of navigation bar for the device
setOrientation(String orientationParam) Orientation of the application
setFullPage(Boolean fullPageParam) [Alpha] Only supported on App Automate driver sessions [ needs @percy/cli 1.20.2+ ]
setScreenLengths(Integer screenLengthsParam) [Alpha] Max screen lengths for fullPage [ needs @percy/cli 1.20.2+ ]
setTopScrollviewOffset(Integer topScrollviewOffsetParam) [Alpha] Offset from top of scrollview [ needs @percy/cli 1.20.2+ ]
setBottomScrollviewOffset(Integer bottomScrollviewOffsetParam) [Alpha] Offset from bottom of scrollview [ needs @percy/cli 1.20.2+ ]
setFullScreen(Boolean fullScreenParam) Indicate whether app is full screen; boolean
setScrollableXpath(String scrollableXpath) [Alpha] Scrollable element xpath for fullpage [ needs @percy/cli 1.20.2+ ]
setScrollableId(String scrollableId) [Alpha] Scrollable element accessibility id for fullpage [ needs @percy/cli 1.20.2+ ]
setIgnoreRegionXpaths(List ignoreRegionXpaths) Elements xpaths that user want to ignore in visual diff [ needs @percy/cli 1.23.0+ ]
setIgnoreRegionAccessibilityIds(List ignoreRegionAccessibilityIds) Elements accessibility_ids that user want to ignore in visual diff [ needs @percy/cli 1.23.0+ ]
setIgnoreRegionAppiumElements(List ignoreRegionAppiumElements) Appium elements that user want to ignore in visual diff [ needs @percy/cli 1.23.0+ ]
setCustomIgnoreRegions(List customIgnoreRegions) Custom locations that user want to ignore in visual diff [ needs @percy/cli 1.23.0+ ]
- Description: IgnoreRegion class represents a rectangular area on a screen that needs to be ignored for visual diff.
var ignoreRegion = new IgnoreRegion();
ignoreRegion.setTop() = top;
ignoreRegion.setBottom = bottom;
ignoreRegion.setLeft = left;
ignoreRegion.setRight = right;
setAndroidScrollAreaPercentage This is percentage area of the screen that we are scrolling. It will be in between 0 and 80;
setScrollSpeed This is the pixel per second that we are going to scroll. It will be between 0 and 2000

Running with Hybrid Apps

For a hybrid app, we need to switch to native context before taking screenshot.

  • Add a helper method similar to following for say flutter based hybrid app:
public void percyScreenshotFlutter(AppPercy appPercy, AppiumDriver driver, String name, ScreenshotOptions options) {
    // switch to native context
    appPercy.screenshot(name, options);
    // switch back to flutter context
  • Call percyScreenshotFlutter helper function when you want to take screenshot.
percyScreenshotFlutter(appPercy, driver, name, options);


For other hybrid apps the driver.context("FLUTTER"); would change to context that it uses like say WEBVIEW etc.

Migrating Config

If you have a previous Percy configuration file, migrate it to the newest version with the config:migrate command:

$ percy config:migrate

Running Percy on Automate

percyScreenshot(driver, name, options) [ needs @percy/cli 1.27.0-beta.0+ ];

This is an example test using the percy.Screenshot method.

// import ...
import io.percy.appium.PercyOnAutomate;

public class Example {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws MalformedURLException, InterruptedException {
    DesiredCapabilities caps = new DesiredCapabilities();
    // Add caps here

    WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(URL), caps);

    PercyOnAutomate percy = new PercyOnAutomate(driver);
    percy.screenshot("First Screenshot");
  • driver (required) - A appium driver instance
  • name (required) - The screenshot name; must be unique to each screenshot
  • options (optional) - There are various options supported by percy_screenshot to server further functionality.
    • sync - Boolean value by default it falls back to false, Gives the processed result around screenshot [From CLI v1.28.0-beta.0+]
    • freezeAnimatedImage - Boolean value by default it falls back to false, you can pass true and percy will freeze image based animations.
    • freezeImageBySelectors - List of selectors. Images will be freezed which are passed using selectors. For this to work freezeAnimatedImage must be set to true.
    • freezeImageByXpaths - List of xpaths. Images will be freezed which are passed using xpaths. For this to work freezeAnimatedImage must be set to true.
    • percyCSS - Custom CSS to be added to DOM before the screenshot being taken. Note: This gets removed once the screenshot is taken.
    • ignoreRegionXpaths - List of xpaths. elements in the DOM can be ignored using xpath
    • ignoreRegionSelectors - List of selectors. elements in the DOM can be ignored using selectors.
    • ignoreRegionSeleniumElements - List of selenium web-element. elements can be ignored using selenium_elements.
    • customIgnoreRegions - List of custom objects. elements can be ignored using custom boundaries
      • Refer to example -
        •   List<HashMap> customRegion = new ArrayList<>();
            HashMap<String, Integer> region1 = new HashMap<>();
            region1.put("top", 10);
            region1.put("bottom", 110);
            region1.put("right", 10);
            region1.put("left", 120);
            options.put("custom_ignore_regions", customRegion);
      • Parameters:
        • top (int): Top coordinate of the ignore region.
        • bottom (int): Bottom coordinate of the ignore region.
        • left (int): Left coordinate of the ignore region.
        • right (int): Right coordinate of the ignore region.
    • considerRegionXpaths - List of xpaths. elements in the DOM can be considered for diffing and will be ignored by Intelli Ignore using xpaths.
    • considerRegionSelectors - List of selectors. elements in the DOM can be considered for diffing and will be ignored by Intelli Ignore using selectors.
    • considerRegionSeleniumElements - List of selenium web-element. elements can be considered for diffing and will be ignored by Intelli Ignore using selenium_elements.
    • customConsiderRegions - List of custom objects. elements can be considered for diffing and will be ignored by Intelli Ignore using custom boundaries
      • Refer to example -
        •   List<HashMap> customRegion = new ArrayList<>();
            HashMap<String, Integer> region2 = new HashMap<>();
            region2.put("top", 10);
            region2.put("bottom", 110);
            region2.put("right", 10);
            region2.put("left", 120);
            options.put("custom_consider_regions", customRegion);
        • Parameters:
          • top (int): Top coordinate of the consider region.
          • bottom (int): Bottom coordinate of the consider region.
          • left (int): Left coordinate of the consider region.
          • right (int): Right coordinate of the consider region.

Creating Percy on automate build

Note: Automate Percy Token starts with auto keyword. The command can be triggered using exec keyword.

$ export PERCY_TOKEN=[your-project-token]
$ percy exec -- [python test command]
[percy] Percy has started!
[percy] [Python example] : Starting automate screenshot ...
[percy] Screenshot taken "Python example"
[percy] Stopping percy...
[percy] Finalized build #1:[your-project]
[percy] Done!

Refer to docs here: Percy on Automate