Unofficial iOS client for linkding, github for linkding, selfhosted bookmarking service.
This is my first end-to-end opensource project written in React Native using Expo. Please take some time to download and review it! I decided to open source it for transparency, as well as, for users to be able to track the development process.
If you find a bug or have improvement feel free to submit issues, pull-requests or use the support email in the app to send me an email.
- Codebase for iOS written in React Native using expo.
- Add, edit, archive and delete bookmarks
- View and search your bookmarks
- View and search your archived bookmarks
- Supports share sheet extension to share URLs from other apps into LinkBuddy
- Open and view links in in-app web browser- Supports Safari Reader View via in-app web browser- Supports dark mode and light mode themes
- iPad compatible (just a blown up iPhone UI for now)
- This app doesn't store or track any personal user information. Please feel free to read the Privacy Policy
- src
- assets - static files
- components - common React Native components
- contexts - zustand context store
- screens - navigation screens
- styles - color styling for dark/light mode
- services - API services for linkding
- Expo
- Expo eas-cli for building and submission
- Zustand for state management
- React Native Elements for styling
- React Navigation
- React Native Gesture Handler for handling touch input
- Doesn't show bookmarks or an error message when the user is offline.
- Doesn't work with tailscale ip or tailscale long dns, however, tailscale short dns works fine.
- This app only works with the available endpoints from linkding.