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Settings Encryption

pgalko edited this page Apr 25, 2022 · 1 revision

App settings in the .ini file and Encryption

The app uses work_dir/config/encrypted_settings.ini to store all global app settings. This file is generated from work_dir/config/settings.ini upon app's first execution. The only difference between encrypted_settings.ini and settings.ini is that some sections of the plaintext settings.ini get encrypted when encrypted_settings.ini is generated.

What gets encrypted:

  • [app]: secret_key, smtp_password
  • [postgresql]: password, ro_password
  • [dropbox]: app_secret, app_key
  • [oura]: client_id, client_secret
  • [strava]: client_id, client_secret
  • [anticaptcha]: api_key

By default the original plaintext settings.ini is automatically deleted when the application starts for the first time. If you want to preserve the plaintext .ini file beyond the first execution for testing, you can disable the automatic deletion of the plaintext .ini file by commenting out lines 55,56 in if using Flask web server, or lines 57,58 in web_app_loader_apache.pyif using Apache .

54   #Delete the plaintext .ini file. Can be commented out for testing (Not recommended for production).
55   print('Deleting plaintext .ini file...')
56   os.unlink(plaintext_ini_file)

The script that does the encryption is called automatically when the app ( or is started for the first time, or it can be executed prior, by running it manually. It will need to be executed with the same password argument as will be used later for the app. If it needs to be re-run (eg passphrase change etc) and the settings.ini has been deleted, simply rename encrypted_settings.ini back to settings.ini, replace all encrypted sections with the plain text, and restart the application or run manually providing the correct passphrase. Alternatively, if you only need/want to encrypt individual strings of characters and paste them in to the .ini file, or just test the process you can do so by executing with the string that you want to encrypt and the encryption passphrase as the arguments.

Sample settings.ini (un-encrypted) file. Bold sections are required, everything else is optional:

secret_key = 24563jjd55639ndgdg568dngtsmnt4
send_emails = true
smtp_user = [email protected]
smtp_password = dsgt5569nsfnhsg
smtp_default_sender = [email protected]
admin_email = [email protected]
smtp_server =
smtp_server_port = 465

host = localhost
database = postgres
user = postgres
password = postgres
sample_db_host = localhost
sample_db_port = 
sample_db = sample_db
ro_user = public_ro
ro_password = public_ro
logs_dir = /usr/src/athletedataapp/work_dir/logs/
pid_file_dir = /usr/src/athletedataapp/work_dir/temp/              
download_dir = /usr/src/athletedataapp/work_dir/data                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
temp_file_path = /usr/src/athletedataapp/work_dir/temp/.temp.txt

interval = 43200

salt_size = 16
number_of_iterations = 2000
aes_multiple = 16

integrated_with_dropbox = true
app_key = 554jnfk679f
app_secret = 54jmdh69dn0
redirect_uri =

oura_client_id = 4HNF6DMJ8S5
oura_client_secret = 6EDJHND7KSWNYR509RJNRHN
oura_auth_url =
oura_token_url =

strava_client_id = 12345
strava_client_secret = dgn5683hjbnfhgtdnb57892nbgd6nnd
strava_auth_url =
strava_token_url =
strava_redirect_uri =

api_key = 3678fhbdggy58hnw5

superset = true
url =

pgweb = true
url_smpl =
url_usr =

preserve_files = false

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