Author: Peter Karacsonyi
Lightweight Azure SDK for REST and GRAPH API as a Python pip module
There are two main functions to call GET requests on the 2 APIs: call_rest() and call_graph() respectively to list resources or get information about one specific resource.
Just find a resource you would like to get
REST API reference:
Graph API reference:
- authentication with msal, http token caching, persistent token cache (one file per type rest/graph)
- pagination (functions give all results back at once)
- error handling: functions return None and logs error to stdout in case of resource could not be queried
- automatic retries (3)
- logging the full api call with setting verbosity == 'VERBOSE'
pip install msal
pip install ujson
pip install azw -I --trusted-host --extra-index-url https://__token__:<your personal acccess token here>
you need ARM_CLIENT_ID, ARM_CLIENT_SECRET, ARM_TENANT_ID set as env variables to authenticate to Azure
import azw
apps = azw.call_graph(resource='applications', filter="startswith(displayName,'s')")
import azw
user = azw.call_graph(resource='users/<objectId>')
import azw
subs = azw.call_rest(resource = 'subscriptions', api_version='2020-01-01')
subscriptions_Filtered = dict()
for s in subs:
((('landingzone') in s.get('displayName')) or (('platform') in s.get('displayName')) or (('etwas') in s.get('displayName'))) and
s.get('state') == 'Enabled'
item = {s.get('id') : s.get('displayName')}
del s
azw.jwrite(subs, 'subscriptions.json')
this example is looping through the subscriptions gathered above link:
roleAssignments = list()
for s in subscriptions_Filtered.keys():
roleAssignments += azw.call_rest(
scope = s,
del s
roleAssignments_Filtered = dict()
for r in roleAssignments:
r.get('properties').get('principalType') == 'User' and
r.get('properties').get('principalId') != '<principalId>' # filter
key = f"{r.get('properties').get('principalId')}"
roleAssignments_Filtered.update({key: r})
del r
def call_rest(resource: str, scope: str = None, api_version : str = '2020-10-01', verbosity : str = 'INFO', ignore_errors: bool = True):
the function calls azure arm API
:param resource: 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignmentScheduleInstances'
:param scope: '/subscriptions/<subscriptionId>'
:param api_version: '2020-10-01' (default)
:param ignore_errors: 'True' do not exit on failure (default)
:return json data
for scoped requests the url format is{scope}/providers/{resource}?api-version={api_version}
for not scoped{resource}?api-version={api_version}
def call_graph(resource: str, api_version : str = 'v1.0', verbosity : str = 'INFO', filter: str = None, ignore_errors: bool = True):
:param resource: 'users/principalId' or 'applications'
:param filter "startswith(displayName,'s')" url encoding is automatic
:param ignore_errors: 'True' do not exit on failure (default)
:return list or json data depending on the type of resource
# Print formatted json to stdout
def jprint(input):
# Dump dictonary to string with formatting
def jdump(input):
return ujson.dumps(input, indent=4)
# Writes out a dict to json file
def jwrite(input, filename: str = None):
if not filename:
filename = 'dump.json'
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
ujson.dump(input, f, indent=4)
pip install build
pip install twine
go to the folder where the pyproject.toml resides and hit
python -m build
if getting HTTP 400, name already taken, that's because a version cannot be overwritten so need to bump the version in the .toml file, rebuild and remove the earlier version from dist dir
python3 -m twine upload --repository gitlab dist/*